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Donating To CMP Gaming


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Donations To CMP Gaming

With this gaming community becoming the home to over 2,000 players from all over the world, it would be appreciated if members could help towards the ongoing running costs for the community. We have listed these costs below.

Service - - Payments To Be Made - - Number Of Times To Pay Per Year - - Yearly Cost - - Total Sum
Web Hosting  80 Annually  80 € 781
Game Server 46.42 Monthly € 557,04  
Domain 10,00 Annually € 10,00 - Per Month
Forum License  40,00 Bi-Annual € 80,00 € 65
Forum Theme 20,00 Annually € 20,00  
Discord Plugin € 10,00 Bi-Annual € 20,00  
Awards Plugin € 7,00 Bi-Annual € 14,00  

Can You Help?

As you can see, the costs are not very high, just €70,99 a month will cover our current expenses. Can you help? Even a small monthly donation of a few Euro's a month, or a single one-time donation will help.

We have set up two ways to donate to CMP:

  1. Donate a single one-time payment and pay what you want. All amounts are welcome!
  2. Set up a monthly donation through Paypal. Choose from the dropdown menu to donate as little as €5 a month and you can unsubscribe to this at any time.


Donate Now

You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page.


Thank You For Your Donations

On behalf of the Committee, we thank you for your help in keeping this community running.

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Our Current Donations Total For 2024 Is - € 546 of € 781,00
(Note that Paypal take a small cut of all donations)

Thank you to the following CMP Members for donating to the community!
(If you do not see your name below and you have donated through Paypal,
please PM @Quicksilver or @kummitus with the email address you used on Paypal and the amount)


@Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
- € 20 Donation
- € 20 Donation
@Dani3l -
€ 10 Monthly Donation
Unknown -
€ 10 Donation
Unknown -
€ 5 Donation
@Johonas -
€ 50 Donation
@Dani3l -
€ 9,21 Donation
@Tomi56 - € 10 Donation
@AL-SAHAD - € 30 Donation

@krakki - € 10 Donation
@Yehiel - € 11.79 Donation
@The_Green_Bunny - € 30 Donation
@Papillon - € 100 Donation
Anonymous - € 50 Donation
- € 5 Donation
@Greeksoldier76 - € 5 Donation
Unknown - € 25 Donation
@SgtAlex - € 50 Donation
Unknown - € 20 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation

@Spindrifter49 - € 10 Monthly Donation




Our Donations Total For 2023 Was € 714,40
(Note that Paypal take a small cut of all donations)

Thank you to the following CMP Members for donating to the community!
(If you do not see your name below and you have donated through Paypal,
please PM @Quicksilver or @kummitus with the email address you used on Paypal and the amount)


@Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
- € 15 Donation
- € 20 Donation
- € 5 Monthly Donation
- € 5 Monthly Donation
- € 100 Donation
@sergioten - € 20 Donation
Unknown - € 20 Donation
@Pr0z4c - € 50 Donation
@AL-SAHAD - € 35 Donation
@Tomi56 - € 10 Donation
@The_Green_Bunny - € 50 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation

@Johonas - € 50 Donation
@TomTom39 - € 10 Donation
Unknown - € 19,40 Donation
@SgtAlex - € 30 Donation
@Dani3l - € 10 Donation
@eXHaLe - € 20 Donation
@Pepinio - € 5 Donation
@RayderPSG - € 20 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation
@ZZZkam1kadzeZZZ - € 75 Donation





Our Donations Total For 2022 Was - € 776,96
(Note that Paypal take a small cut of all donations)

Thank you to the following CMP Members for donating to the community!
(If you do not see your name below and you have donated through Paypal,
please PM @Quicksilver or @kummitus with the email address you used on Paypal and the amount)

@Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Heia Safari! - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Incognito - € 20 Donation
@dumbbPunk - € 5 Donation
@ShadowNick - € 10 Donation
@AL-SAHAD - € 30 Donation
@Pepinio - € 22,22 Donation
@0utlaw - € 100 Donation
@Anguita36 - € 10 Donation
@eXHaLe - € 55.55 Donation
- € 5 Monthly Donation
- € 5 Monthly Donation
@SgtAlex - € 20 Donation

@0utlaw - € 100 Donation
@Johonas - € 55 Donation
@Blaze - € 24,19 Donation
@RayderPSG - € 25 Donation
@BelleAndSebastian - € 100 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation
@ZZZkam1kadzeZZZ - € 50 Donation
@turbomursu - € 5 Donation



Our Donations Total For 2021 Was - € 963,21
(Note that Paypal take a small cut of all donations)

Thank you to the following CMP Members for donating to the community!
(If you do not see your name below and you have donated through Paypal,
please PM @Quicksilver or @kummitus with the email address you used on Paypal and the amount)

@Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
@GeoPat - € 10 Monthly Donation
@Incognito - € 20 Donation
- € 5 Monthly Donation
PlayFH2 - € 41 Donation
@Pepinio - € 20,21 Donation
@eXHaLe - € 50 Donation
@Awisko - € 10 Donation
@0utlaw - € 100 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation
@Otto - € 20 Donation
@Johonas - € 50 Donation
@AL-SAHAD - € 30 Donation
@ShadowNick - € 10 Donation
@SPARX382 - € 17 Donation
@Sandre - € 15 Donation
@The_Green_Bunny - € 20 Donation
@Otto - € 10 Donation

@0utlaw - € 100 Donation
@RayderPSG - € 30 Donation

Unknown - € 10 Donation
@MrSagdyev - € 15 Donation
@Heia Safari! - € 5 Monthly Donation
@eXHaLe - € 30 Donation
- € 10 Donation
Unknown - € 25 Donation
Unknown - € 5 Donation
@The_Green_Bunny - € 20 Donation

@Sir_Kowskoskey - € 20 Donation



Our Donations Total For 2020 Was - € 1,075,95
(Note that Paypal take a small cut of all donations)

Thank you to the following CMP Members for donating to the community!
(If you do not see your name below and you have donated through Paypal,
please PM @Quicksilver or @kummitus with the email address you used on Paypal and the amount)

@jan_kurator - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Heia Safari!
- € 5 Monthly Donation
@GABBOTTO - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Pr0z4c - € 50 Donation
@Firecrafter - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Belzebuth - € 50 Donation
@Incognito - € 20 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation
@RayderPSG - € 35 Donation
@AL-SAHAD - € 20 Donation
@Pepinio - € 20,20 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation
@Layon - € 5 Donation
@CptBocquier - € 30 Donation
@Spieler4 - € 100 Donation
@Haraldt - € 30 Donation
@0utlaw - € 100 Donation
@Johonas - € 60 Donation
@Awisko - € 10 Donation
@BaskaBommi - € 15 Donation

@Ronid  - € 35 Donation
@TomTom39 - € 19,44 Donation
Unknown - € 1,11 Donation
@LeatherneckSgt - € 80 Donation
Unknown - € 5 Donation
- € 5 Monthly Donation
- € 10 Donation
@beavis_aka_ostwind - € 20.20 Donation
@Spindrifter49 - € 5 Monthly Donation
@ShadowNick - € 10 Donation
@SPARX382 - € 10 Donation
@krakki - € 10 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation




Our Donations Total For 2019 Was - € 806,44
(Note that Paypal take a small cut of all donations)

Thank you to the following CMP Members for donating to the community!
(If you do not see your name below and you have donated through Paypal,
please PM @Quicksilver or @kummitus with the email address you used on Paypal and the amount)

@Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Johonas - € 20 Donation
@RayderPSG - € 30 Donation
@Incognito - € 20 Donation
@GeoPat - € 5 Monthly Donation
@GABBOTTO - € 5 Monthly Donation
@The_Spine - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Firecrafter - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Spindrifter49 - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Belzebuth - € 50 Donation
- € 11 Donation
@jan_kurator - € 15 Donation
@Papillon - € 62 Donation
Unknown - € 1 Donation
- € 11 Donation
@Heia Safari! - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Mekong - € 5 Monthly Donation
@camperchadway - € 4 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation
@Harmonikater - € 30 Donation
- € 40 Donation
@L.L.HERRAIZ - € 20 Donation
@0utlaw - € 100 Donation
@AL-SAHAD - € 15 Donation
Unknown - € 2,24 Donation
@TomTom39 - € 10 Donation
@Pr0z4c - € 10 Donation

Unknown - € 10 Donation
@Blaze - € 20 Donation
@eXHaLe - € 20,20 Donation





Our Donations Total For 2018 Was € 720,00
(Note that Paypal take a small cut of all donations)

Thank you to the following CMP Members for donating to the community!
(If you do not see your name below and you have donated through Paypal,
please PM @Quicksilver or @kummitus with the email address you used on Paypal and the amount)


@RayderPSG - € 20 Donation
@truth_hun - € 33.33 Donation

@Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Spieler4 - € 10 Donation
@Abel_Ex - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Gunhead - € 5 Donation
@GeoPat - € 5 Monthly Donation
@AL-SAHAD - € 5 Donation
@Spindrifter49 - € 20 Donation
@eXHaLe - € 30 Donation
@Sir_Kowskoskey - € 30 Donation
@The_Spine - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Yehiel - € 6.67 Donation
@kummitus - € 34 Donation
@GABBOTTO - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Johonas - € 10 Donation
@Spindrifter49 - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Incognito - € 5 Donation
@eXHaLe - € 41 Donation
@DanielNL - € 5 Donation
@Grabfunzel - € 150 Donation
@AL-SAHAD - € 15 Donation
 @Ensign_Steel - € 10 Donation
@L.L.HERRAIZ - € 30 Donation

@Mr.ThunderMan - € 30 Donation
@SgtAlex - € 15 Donation
@eXHaLe - € 50 Donation
@Smashmachine - € 20 Donation
@Pepinio - € 11 Donation
Unknown - € 10 Donation
@Pepinio - € 11 Donation
@Rommel_Walhall - € 10 Donation
@Harmonikater - € 50 Donation
@Pr0z4c - € 64 Donation
@Firecrafter - € 5 Monthly Donation
@Spieler4 - € 20 Donation

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Thank to the members below that have also donate in 2019

The_Spine - € 5 Monthly Donation
Firecrafter - € 5 Monthly Donation
Spindrifter - € 5 Monthly Donation
Belzebuth - € 50 Donation
Pepinio - € 11 Donation
jan_kurator - € 15 Donation
Papillon - € 62 Donation

Proud to be a member of CMP-Gaming


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  • 11 months later...

Thank you to the members below that have donate until now in this new 2020

jan_kurator - € 5 Monthly Donation
Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
Heia Safari! - € 5 Monthly Donation
GABBOTTO - € 5 Monthly Donation
Pr0z4c - € 50 Donation
Firecrafter - € 5 Monthly Donation
Belzebuth - € 50 Donation
Incognito - € 20 Donation
Anon - € 10 Donation
RayderPSG - € 35 Donation
AL-SAHAD - € 20 Donation

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  • 1 year later...

Thank you to the members below that have donate until now in this new 2022

@Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
 @Heia Safari! - € 5 Monthly Donation
 @Incognito - € 20 Donation
 @dumbbPunk- € 5 Donation
 @ShadowNick - € 10 Donation
 @AL-SAHAD - € 30 Donation
 @Pepinio - € 22,22 Donation
 @0utlaw - € 100 Donation
 @Anguita36 - € 10 Donation
 @eXHaLe - € 55,55 Donation

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  • 3 months later...

A huge thank you to those who have donated throughout 2022 and continue to donate monthly, or offer one-off amounts to keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord channels and game server up and running. With the help of the CMP members listed below, we managed to reach just over 70% of our target goal for this year!

€ 611,96 Raised!

Thank you to:

Heia Safari!

Without the generous donations from these 14 community members out of the 2,000+ registered on the forums, we would not be able to continue with the custom FH2 campaigns, and the expansion of the CMP community to look at supporting more games and events during 2023.

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  • 4 months later...

Thank you to the members below that have donated to CMP this year until now on 16 May 2023

Our Current Donations Total For 2023 Is
€ 280,00 of € 781,00 needed

  @Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
@krakki - € 15 Donation
@Incognito - € 20 Donation
@Spindrifter49 - € 5 Monthly Donation
@turbomursu  - € 5 Monthly Donation
@0utlaw - € 100 Donation
@sergioten - € 20 Donation
@Pr0z4c - € 50 Donation
Unknown - € 20 Donation

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  • 5 months later...

Thank you to the members below that have donated to CMP this year until now on 1st November 2023

Our Current Donations Total For 2023 Is
€ 410,00 of € 781,00 needed

  @Quicksilver - € 5 Monthly Donation
@krakki - € 15 Donation
@Incognito - € 20 Donation
@Spindrifter49 - € 5 Monthly Donation
@turbomursu  - € 5 Monthly Donation
@0utlaw - € 100 Donation
@sergioten - € 20 Donation
@Pr0z4c - € 50 Donation
Unknown - € 20 Donation
@AL-SAHAD - € 35 Donation
@Tomi56 - € 10 Donation
@The_Green_Bunny  - € 50 Donation

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  • 3 months later...

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