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Best: -  Playing

Worst: - British paper tanks (i forgot how much i hated crusader mk1s), grant 75mm and for some weird reason needing 3 shots to the side to kill panzer 3s, allied side performance being subpar, some people diving and instantly shooting with at rifle(and managing to hit)

Funniest: - Let's shoot each other at the same time 😆


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Best: - Win a match and rolling with my squad that i stick with from the first campaign i play till now @Pr0z4c @AL-SAHAD

Worst: - The map is too large, drive the tank to flag zone take 1 to 2 min and you only received 57mm :D in the face

Worst 2 : Some newbie still do not know how to setup the RP so we got mess up that round. We have chance to counter attack but they do not know :( how to.

Funniest: 🤔  Someone just ate and fart and that sound is perfect when we are discuss the tactics 

Most hated player: - @HeresMyRifle You buddy :D , your stupid M3 Lee

Most loved/liked player: -My 155 Regiement, you guys did great

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

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Best  decent africa map


Funniest:  best 3-4 min period in 288th history. Starts by me jumping in @turbomursu jeep. Turbo informs me that he has a cunning plan..  after a few seconds i tell him im mildly impressed him navigating towards the unguarded bridge between capuzzo and dabir. Aparenlty nervous of the compliments his driving turns a bit shaky. My last words where "dont miss the bridge.... Oh you missed it" whilst dropping from it in the air. 


Well it takea a lot more to demoralize my boys. On gos turbo to find another jeep. He gets stuck in the ravine. Nope... Never surrender he runa out and finds a brit jeep. Turns around to pick me up only to meet a burst of bullets from @Pr0z4c killing him instantly. 

Thoughed that enough of this shenaningance. I grap the jeep and pack it with wolf, turbo and moses. Drove for a 100 meters only to mewt our drigger happy friend @AdmiralBGs tank. Booooooom

Most hated player: -

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo -


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Best: Playing some rounds again

Worst: My abysmal piloting performance. Whatever I did, I killed myself trying to bomb someone 🤔🤔🤔

Funniest: DTBG shooting me out of the AEC Bofors from behind, then they went and kill the 2nd AEC on the same road with the stolen AEC. But I naded him out of it later during the valiant Recapture of Capuzzo :fingerscrossed:

Most hated player: @HaLoAL...you little.....I really...you...ARGH. and @Heia Safari!. Whereever I went to with a tank, there you are behind me in a Pz3...... And ofc @Pr0z4c for my inability to bomb your puny tank south of Frontline

Most loved/liked player: @Harmonikater for showing me how to fly 🙂

Other: I must say the rocks I placed spiced the map up in a very positive way *shouldpatting*

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Papillon said:

Other: I must say the rocks I placed spiced the map up in a very positive way *shouldpatting*

I have to agree with you. Had some hard infantry fights there. With all the noise in the TS, it was sometimes hard to hear opponents sneaking up on you, and was badly surprised a few times.

Had there with the Crusader a short seek and hide with a Panzer IV, tried to bypass him and hit his weak spot, but he was faster.

Edited by Belzebuth
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Best: - Fun map, i liked those rocks!

Worst: - that one round i died 19 times and had only 6 kills,  and @kundericofor kamikaze bombing my pzIII. making sure i died at least once that round. (damn that was a good round)

Funniest: - jeeping around with @WOLFXLbeep beep!

Most hated player: - 

Most loved/liked player: - all who joined the 155 regiment, i hope the new players wil stick around!

Best Battle Photo -

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Best: Numbers. Even despite several guys missed battle, both teams had good numbers. I hope Allies will have more guys next battles!

Best 2: Heavy battles around Capuzzo against @RayderPSGand his squad. He got me several times, but I made my way to flank them, destroying their RP and allow my mates to recap the flag. Well played!

Best 3: I didn´t finished all rounds as the worst player in Allied division. I´m proud of myself for that 🤗

Worst: Probably too many planes for my taste.

Funniest: @Papillonflying and crashing everywhere. The only very first time he was able to kill one enemy with plane, he teamkilled me 😂

Most hated player: 🐫

Most loved/liked player: @Spindrifter49 squad for the warm welcome when playing with them. Thanks!

Best Battle Photo

See @Fumacaand @Blander? @Darkpotatoand me can do same! But there is a difference: I had no sniper rifle!!!

Other: Let´s keep the fun! and welcome to all new players!

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Posted (edited)

Best: - It was a fun evening. At the beginning, when i saw that this campaign was about africa, i was a bit worried. And i think for the moment you made a very nice job, except last week map it was always fun to play. 
Best: - Sniping ennemi plane pilote with mg 

Worst: -

Funniest: - @CptBocquier was on his way to put a rp for a snak attack on the east flag. I told him to wait me. So we left old bunker by the east, we saw plenty of tank or jeep but didn't shoot as we were probably in the red zone. And suddently we came on a road, and just in front of us there was an enemi AA truck moving to the front. He didn't hear us, we followed him for somethink like 15s xD And then killed him and stole the truck, and met another aa truck some second after and shot it. How to wreck the ennemi AA power in 20s 

Edit: forget to mention that after we attacked a flag with the truck. When we arrived in the flagzone, there were of course ennemis (frenchies are not always sneaky), and the easy way to killl them we had was running over them with their truckxD 

Most hated player: -

Most loved/liked player: - All the frenchies

Best Battle Photo -



Pray for my balls , it's painful 😭

Other: -

Edited by Druidix
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Posted (edited)

Best: - Winning 5 rounds so the DAK is back in the game ! I was complaining on Ts on the beginning of the 1st round since frenchies were late. I bring the flaktruck to A1, wait a bit then after 100 tickets 2 frenchies join. We then made a sneaky assault on Oasis that totally changed the 1st round, it was really epic. The 288 French Taute squad was nearly perfect during the whole battle. Also thanks to @caeno, @Heia Safari! and @RayderPSG for the recon and the strat, it really helped everyone/

Worst: - Nothin' !

Funniest: - The sneaky ride with @Druidix. I told the guys to wait on old bunker, i take a abandoned jeep, he toooooook way too much time to jump in, then we go to Capuzzo....behind an enemy AEC Bofors... As we were in red zone we didn't shoot, we wait a bit until the brit jumps on the Bofors. @Druidix shot him down, then we make a 5th column ride, killing another AA truck then successfully capturing Capuzzo ! Also the round were @Druidix @La-Hire @thunder493 @SputnikFighter and me were doing AA stuff on old bunker. @Druidix headshot a pilot, @SputnikFighter got some hits with the pak on the beaufighter, @thunder493 shot like three planes with the 88 (with AT plastron) without using the fuse shell, @La-Hire doing la-hire stuff and me with the flakveirling. And last but not least, @Sir_Kowskoskey with his turkish midget talk xD

Most hated player: - No one.

Most loved/liked player: - The Luftwaffe was great, the air support really helped us ! Of course @Druidix @La-Hire @thunder493 @SputnikFighter and our glorious tank support @Heia Safari!

Best Battle Photo - Oh watch out watch out !! 

Other: - This campaign is really nice ❤️

Edited by CptBocquier
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Posted (edited)

Best: Numbers

Worst: Sluggish AA and Air resistance. It's good for me on the one hand, and bad for the whole division and for me on the other.

Funniest: Round is live, but Anime is life (c)

Best Battle Photo - Perfect balance

Other: -

On 6/15/2019 at 12:29 PM, Papillon said:

Most hated player: @HaLoAL...you little.....I really...you...ARGH.

Thank you for the compliment, but all the claims to my HQ. It's from them that I got the offer to play as pilot in this time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Edited by HaLoAL
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6 hours ago, Tore said:

Oh great, I'm absent in one battle and @HaLoAL thinks he's the cock of the walk.

Thx for the compliment, too, but my level is easy to reach, you know? It's not a simulator, so the ceiling's pretty low here.

Btw, you're great at playing as attack air, but as fighter you're still making more mistakes than sometimes. Hmm... Yeah, I told you that before.

Although, I have a logical question for you. Are you sure you've read everything I've written or noticed just what you think is most important to you? Because, on the other hand, I wasn't happy about this sluggish resistance, because quite often my fighter was useless. That Is Not Interesting for me

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Best: - good map. liked it and remind me of the good old times

Best2: numbers ON THE BEGINNING... 

Best3: my little squad @Heia Safari! @kirbyris-cafe @Anguita36 doing damage even if we were only 3 on the ground. Great job, great having anguita finally on teamspeak with mic.

Best4: @AdmiralBG and his guys doing a perfect job with vehicles in ground and air

Worst: - numbers ON THE FINAL ROUNDS

Funniest:  @Erwin yelling " don't kill me I m going for the flag watch out" @AdmiralBG instantly kills him xD  

Funniest2: facing @Wualy , getting him, he getting me with s mines. 

Funniest3: @AL-SAHAD for being my favourite tortellini in his birthday 

Most hated player: - no one

Most loved/liked player: - @Wualy and @Hawk for the faces to face. @Sir_Kowskoskey @turbomursu for good cordination between them and HQ in CC  @Erwin @Pr0z4c  for efficiency with couple of guys and @AdmiralBG @HaLoAL for letting HQ decide about some assets . @CptBocquier for making them steak tar tar 

special mention to @camperchadway for the effort on sleeping hours 

Best Battle Photo -


"I'm sorry @Belzebuth !" 

Other: - thanks admins for sticking with the work. Sorry for being a bit slow no one wanted to switch 😅 sorry allied HQ also 

-So nice having new players, welcome @PoorLaszlo @Kolyamedve @szabu925 your first time was more than good! 

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Posted (edited)

Best: -288 squads. We just rock!

Worst: -leaving early due to balance the teams

Funniest: -Apart from the Jeep episode this one was funny too. I'm setting the RP near frontline bunker. Geballte in my hand and press Y instead of T. My mate sets up the RP and I drop the explosive. I yell "GEBALLTE!!! RUN AWAY!!" I end up blowing the fresh RP and fuck up that assault completely.

Most hated player: -No one

Most loved/liked player: - @Sir_Kowskoskey. Handsome, adorable hunk of a man. 😍

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -Killed a plane with 6pdr. That was fun too.

Edited by turbomursu
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Best: - Seeing Axis perform properly.

Worst: - Lag

Funniest: - See "worst". Led to some very peculiar duels that were like watching a broken film.

Most hated player: - The guys who beat me in those particular duels.

Most loved/liked player: - Kows for not pressuring me to play squad tactics because of my lag.

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