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Posted (edited)

Best: -My very first life in first round, Tipped over the tank but  stayed around to kill a p4 with c4, two rally points and almost killed the KT with an gebalte.

Best2: -So many Gebalte evasions! The very Last minute of the last battle I saved @mcpollo tank by hijacking it while he was reparing and killed the guy throwing a gebalte, then drove te tank away from the gebalte.


Funniest: - I killed KT the south of Wirt with 3 shots at point blank range with the 90mm! Last shot I basically ran around circles to give him a last look of his enema in progress.

Most hated player: - @Hetzenhauer DON'T TELL ME TO CHARGE A KT I'M LOOKING FOR WIHTOUT BOTHERING TO SPOT IT FOR ME!  Also railway lines...fuck those...could have had the KT if it wasnt for that. 

Most loved/liked player: - @Spindrifter49 For looking out for poor widdle tanks!

Best Battle Photo -

This man saved the stug from humiliation by being killed by one guy in an axis infested Wirt.

Other: -






Edited by Tore
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Posted (edited)

Best: - Tank hunting round with Composition B when i got 4 enemy tanks, rush with angry farmer kit, some killstreaks, and sneaky revenge on mg42 campers

Worst: - losing in such awful style, hit registration mess which mess my scores and gameplay badly, glitches and bugs on map

Funniest: - rush with angry famer kit on jerries and getting widly kill as well as rush for camper with bayonet and killing him after few seconds of the most weird duel of turning around in circles 

Most hated player: - 🤫

Most loved/liked player: - @BaskaBommi aka Baśka for proper squad leading and even more proper set of religious swerings and not so religious as well making playing more enjoyable

Best Battle Photo - GET OFF MY LAND!

Other: - No more teamkilling for jeep in main!

Edited by Cpt.Poland
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Posted (edited)

Best: -  Driving the jeep with Basaka up to the Ridge and him going "well hopefully we don't flip over and die." As we slide down the entire slope towards a stack of trees.

Worst: - Getting Tked over a jeep because a misunderstanding on my part spawning at the wrong point with multiple jeeps being available. But it happens 🤷‍♂️

Funniest: Definitely rushing crossroads on the Jackson's with Tore, while using the .50 cal on the back of it

Most hated player: -  Idk there wasn't any nemesis' just the Panther flicking his HE rounds at me randomly.

Most loved/liked player: - Working with Tutyvs while I squad leading. Lost my temper second round and thankfully he was understanding.

Best Battle Photo -spacer.png Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.


Damn look at that fine @$$

Other: -  I didn't record as much as I usually do but this was all I got besides me dying all of the first battle.


Edited by ShadowNick
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Best: My squad. We did some excellent defensive plays and made the enemy pay for every one of their attacks.

Best: Kick ass action and close rounds all night long, was really stressfull towards the end.

Best: I had good rounds and nice kills. Decimated 4-5 infantry in a short amount of time like 3 times.

Best: Lumbermill defence on round 4. We actually fight over for quite some time and annoyed Spainards there. They even sent another squad to clear it out. :buttred:

Worst: Missed my shots while guys were running and shooting with high accuracy against me.

Funniest: @0utlaw made some point blank shots on me on the first round and I couldn't stop laughing. I actually headbutted his arty shells twice. It was so accurate I cannot even get mad at him. :lol:

Funniest: @Hasan09 shouting "I need help" and then kills the guy attacking him by himself. This happened 5-6 times. :smokingjoint:

Funniest: I tried to do a @Sir_Kowskoskey style attack with a full APC. I actually suspected we were about to get Kowskd. I said "lets go for a few more meters" then KABOOM. I could've shouted "OUT!!" and everyone would be fine but that was destined to happen. I mocked Kowsky so much Karma finally found me. :jumpgreen:

Funniest: Kowsky tried to destroy our jeep at the start by driving into us.(It was probably his bad driving but anyway.) :tappingfoot:

Most hated player: People who spawncamps flag spawns. Get a life.

Most loved/liked player: New players in our company who played like seasoned veterans. I didn't have to reply my orders twice, everybody was well aware of what they were doing. :threesome:


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Posted (edited)

Best: - Got Jeep and Heat Garand from main, traveled entire map to get this Stug @WOLFXL, put 4 grenades in his back in revenge for ambush 5 minutes earlier.screen237.thumb.jpg.10a505e94083958e4b6caead4301f1c7.jpg

Worst: - Was waiting for entire 1st round  ~40 minutes on the edge of the map with M36 killing only 2 kubells @Pr0z4c and @bombarik. it was so boring :/screen232.thumb.jpg.dfc5f4b2da600b2a2f7be3e7ef7e153f.jpg

Funniest: -Sweet Revenge on  @Papillon after he Panzershrecked me behind our lines in city. I Spawned as INF and found him and killed him, tbagged in vendetta :D and stole his Shreck which i later used to Repel enemy attack on city destroying @Diegothic Panther - 2x shots in back.screen234.thumb.jpg.b4c640f4fc8fee07c71b743c808399b0.jpg

Most hated player: -@FadusTM as good performance in KT

Most loved/liked player: - @caeno for care :D in 5th round @Lajtus for whisper jokes.

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -I dont really belive in purpose of the 6th round during this battle.

Edited by Heyna
  • Haha 3

Best :  Killstreak over Stalbar with M1903A1 where I got 7-10 guys within 2 minutes and tank hunting in last round - 4 tanks 

WorstBoredom in first round - had to parkour around in order to stay awake because of no combat on our flag

Funniest That majestic teamkill from @Greeksoldier76 with M1A1 Flamer. Spectacular no-scope burst from 70 meters. He just peaked from behind corner and unleashed burst of flames. Had laugh long after it, deserves medal :P

Most hated/Loved player: None, I hate all equally (jk).



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Best: With the help of @alorbe I attacked a Stug III and 2 Panthers. I was able to take out the StuG and one Panther, but @Boogiewoogiebugleboy did not allow me to take out the 2nd Panther as well.

Worst: loosing. But the fact that the difference was so small makes defeat only half as bad.

Funniest: -

Most hated player: -

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -Sorry @gerul, maybe next Time. :P

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9 hours ago, Erwin said:

unniest: @0utlaw made some point blank shots on me on the first round and I couldn't stop laughing. I actually headbutted his arty shells twice. It was so accurate I cannot even get mad at him. :lol:


Worst: Horrible i was that first round with arty. That map for me was very unfriendly at times due to the high terrain.  😩

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Best:  one of the best fights in the campaigns in the recent years. Beauty

Worst: -

Funniest:  @CptBocquier driving a jeep over @beavis_aka_ostwind(?) Getting shot by his mates as an accidental revenge leaving me under the hail of boogies  tank :D

Most hated player: -

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

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Best: - Hearing @Druidix on Ridge getting killed by the famous spanish Zorro @RayderPSG, see him firing with his garand while i was on top of the hill, called the knife in TS and then get on him as Batman

Worst: - @GGarrido (iirc) learning from his past mistakes and rushing me in the tower on Castle by avoiding my S-mine. Felt so ashamed to get killed so easily ! Well done lad !

Funniest: - That's why i'm always asking @Sir_Kowskoskey to get into my jeep, my jeep is amazing !

15 hours ago, Sir_Kowskoskey said:

Funniest:  @CptBocquier driving a jeep over @beavis_aka_ostwind(?) Getting shot by his mates as an accidental revenge leaving me under the hail of boogies  tank :D

Most hated player: - /

Most loved/liked player: - Everyone

Best Battle Photo - /

Other: - Intense battle, loved it !

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Best:  really even fight, cool stuff! 

Best 2:  numbers once again 

Best3:  the fights agains the Poles and the Russians. It's amazing how the poles are starting to play, russians were really tough on this one congrats to @beavis_aka_ostwind 

Worst: - again suffering a comeback. Awesome game from axis ! 

Funniest:  spaniards sneakies

Most hated player: - no one, but @Sir_Kowskoskey and his lads completed an awesome evening, lost almost all duels against them 

Most loved/liked player:  @CptBocquier always screen223.thumb.png.a51e132a055f4fc90b0d97a9ca5ed2e0.png

Best Battle Photo -

"embrasure man" 




keep the good level up ! 

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Posted (edited)

Best: - Close battle


Funniest: - @Sir_Kowskoskey killing me on the second floor of the Church in the smoke but karma's a bitch so he got tk'd soon after by his fellow men ;)

Most hated player: - @Pr0z4c coming always from some weird angle killing me.

Most loved/liked player: - @Lajtus destroyed quite a few enemy panzers.

Best Battle Photo - 1st "Karma's a bitch" 


"Baska hearing of the close defeat of the Allies"


"Baska after we got ambushed earlier"


Edited by Mr.ThunderMan
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