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ЯÖÏÖR last won the day on June 7

ЯÖÏÖR had the most liked content!


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  1. Best: - Finally Luftwaffe in action again) Happy to be in air again)) Worst: - Vision for aviation on this map(( Low Clouds and fog - bad for air, but good for ground forces) Funniest: - I crashed in @pozzo's Grayhound. I think he was already destroyed by my guns and then I crashed in wreck, but maybe he was not fully destroyed. Because of low clouds I was have only 1 sec for recognize target and attack it, and then need fast pull up before crash in ground Most hated player: - no one Most loved/liked player: - Special respect for @CptBocquier for good job on AA! He killed me many times. Allied General, give him AA Defense medal please! Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/5600-best-battle-photo-medal/ @cristhianxd flying over our airfield! Other: - I think this Grayhound driver very happy, because @CptBocquier saved his live with AA from my attack on FW-190))
  2. Best: - Intensive battle with good balance and action! Worst: - My low 20 FPS, because I rec video, and because of that I can not normally playing and shooting( Funniest: - many epic and funny moments. Twice @Zabstone and @qtaCHRIs boom!ed by my AT mines on road to Village. What vehicle are you using? Also moment with @gerul on AT gun (look at screens) Also cool moment at Flak 18 with @Pr0z4c on Hellcat. And many other moments... Most hated player: - No one... Most loved/liked player: - Everyone... Best Battle Photo - I think there must be screen with explosive @Dansolo Sherman https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/5600-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Some of epic screens
  3. @johnnymzq God of Arty) He killed me many times with arty in previous Camps when I was in plane, and not important on which side I was)))) Yeah, same! Nice dogfights with all of you! @Mr.ThunderMan @cristhianxd @AlperenN @FadusTM Most hated player: All AA-gunners and peoples, who shooting to my planes)))
  4. Thanks to everyone who all this years still doing their hard job in CMP for us, simple players. Many people didn't have enough time for help in preparing of maps and Campaigns, and all this job on shoulders of little group of peoples, who give their free time for all of us and for our enjoying each friday. Great job our friends! Thanx for all admins, moderators, mappers, and for all peoples, which keep this community is alive for all of us! Respect and our love for all of you!
  5. Sorry, I have overlooked something

    1. eXHaLe


      God, how embarrassing for me, but I'm used to it :cake:

    2. eXHaLe
  6. Join to the @RayderPSG words! Thanks my friends for good Campaign, emotions, and funny time with all of you in virtual battlefields!
  7. Best: Intensive battle! Worst: Visibility! Sometimes simply can not see enemy in bushes Funniest: After battle we do katana fights and epic photos)
  8. Best: Again the last round determined the winner! Most loved/liked player: All Players! GG All! Other: Video of creating VicPic after battle! Find yourself at 6 min )
  9. Best: Flying again! I love it! Worst: Enemy AA( Funniest: Many moments Best Battle Photo Emergency landing! https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3954-best-battle-photo-medal Other: Some moments of attacks on infantry. @Misterposter552 @Roxwork @wanchekid @sergioten All this moments in video. If you was attacked or killed by me on plane in last round, probably you can find youself in this video))
  10. That is Me)))) Nice Photo! Best: Again was in air, like in good past times! I like it! Funniest: Crashed 2 times into each other with @FadusTM Most loved/liked player: @FadusTM and @cristhianxd for good opponents in dogfights! Thanks mates!
  11. Funniest: - ZIG-Man from training Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3455-best-battle-photo-medal/ And more pics with downed planes from training and battle:
  12. Funniest: - After battle pictures with Axis and knife fight club) Best Battle Photo - God of War! https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3455-best-battle-photo-medal/
  13. Hello mates! Some interesting think for all, who like WW2 vehicles, planes, guns and history. I already added many photos and videos my Museum Trip to Moscow in 2018. All photos by the link in Google Photo (https://photos.app.goo.gl/TqazsVMBbEgJhBmg9) Many photos of vehicles of World War 2, planes, weapons! TIGER, Panther, JagdPanther, King Tiger, JagdTiger, SturmTiger and many others! !!! Atention !!! VIDEO in album somewhere between photos, check it. TIGER around, INSIDE of Sherman, and around many german tanks. Also on roof of Mi-26 helicopter. Also modern vehicles, classic oldtimer cars, old guns. There are also many photos from museums of Cosmonautics, spacecraft, rockets, satellites. All this museums inside and close to Moscow, Russia.
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