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FH2 Campaign #4: Battle 10 Guam - Best/Worst/Funniest

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Best: 75+ players. Good numbers

Best:2: Holding middle flag against all odds and winning the round

Best:3: Playing with @Incognito Squad. Laughs all the way. Funny times.

Worst: One of my rounds....

Funniest: One of my rounds....

Most hated player: My self

Most loved/liked player: Everyone

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

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Best: - good fight, i joined later for the last 3 rounds.

Worst: - losing another battle

Funniest: - Fighting in the control tower at airfield, holding of an entire squad for 5min. they send 6 guys to kill me and failed 3 times.
@luacha2000using a katana and easily disguises himself as a Japanese soldier, and running with our squad towards the flag. I found you out though :D

@Erwinand his ''green stuff''

Last but not least, @AL-SAHADkilling @Sir_Kowskoskeyand immediately shouting ''Kowsky i killed kowsky!!!'' double teabags for you my friend!

Most hated player: - nobody

Most loved/liked player: - everybody, except the allies :D

Best Battle Photo - I believe i can fly!!!



Edited by Pr0z4c
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Best: - CABBIES ! got best squad everyround, so big gg for all of you ! @thunder493 and @Ombustman for great AT play and being on the leaderboard. We did some great assaults and some good defences.

Worst: - Knee mortar : i don't have anything against, but what the us got against ? guys we have to check the kits (nades for example) if we want to do symetrical teams.

Funniest: - Teabagging @Capt.Mike while killing @OpaHoppenstedt with a BAR. Also on last round made  @Pr0z4c bleed out in his jeep with the bunker mg at tenjo, he nearly died at airfield. At start @Sir_Kowskoskey said that the guy killed prozac the most and teabagging him the most would get a medal. so i teabagged you from 200 meters away. but @Ombustman won this one i think.

Most hated player: - @AL-SAHAD as usual you kill us too much

Most loved/liked player: -@thunder493 & @Sir_Kowskoskey, and all the Cabbies. some good arty to by @knokworst & @Sparhez

Best Battle Photo - French AT Team hunting his prey !screen718.thumb.png.59af1e7c733315c0c78cc9d064625825.png

Other: - @Ombustman liking trans, secretary of kows fired him soon after that misspell.

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-Numbers! It's just so awesome to have multiple full squads battling it out on different maps. The feeling when you realise that the enemy is attacking from 2 or more directions and those squads are organized with an objective... even when losing it just gives you a great feeling of teamplay. :D I hope we can keep it up!

-A really nice map with pretty even figthing going around the map. 

-All my loving to all the finns... I mean all my bullets - All my future bullets to you guys. :D


-Nothing comes to mind.


-A couple of stupid suicides running down the cliffs.

-Full apc kill in one round start.

-Knee mortar - it just feels so "inadequate", but still got the job done.

-While attacking some flags, I was cursing out loud when I found out which enemy squad was defending it :D

Most loved/liked player: 

-Erwin! Just an awesome job on so many occasions :D

Other: -

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Best extremely nice battle. Have to say yesterday changed my oppinion of this map

Worst:  @caeno wonder grenade at round start

Funniest:  tricking @Quicksilver to bag @Hawk

Funniest2: getting killed by @AL-SAHAD and screaming to the lads to save my corps. Ofcourse @Pr0z4c was also lurking around for some tea

Funniest 3: Making the "wise" decission to not destroy the enemy rp at airfield and go bag @Erwin

Funniest4: that random chitchat at the cabbies channel. Even the french players are opening up! 

Funniest4: i die north of bay sneaking up "Make a rally!" @thunder493(?) and @CptBocquier(?) Starts move towards each other.. all of a sudden i hear @Ombustman cry " No what are you doing". @Humledrik has just placed an offensive rp next to our main south of tenjo... " I heard place a rally" :D

Most hated player: @HaLoAL you and you mines and barragnida. I started to get Paranoid! :D

Most loved/liked player:  @Humledrik you had the feeling of a sensei when arrived and after the even @Ombustman behaved. (Honestly saw you twice in the battle but still) :D

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

Edited by Sir_Kowskoskey
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Best: Killing a lot of tanks. I mean A LOT. In 3rd round, at the end with like 30 tickets left I managed to destroy 3 with single life.

Best: I'm proud of our regiment and my squad. We've done really well throughout the night and accomplished some wonders. Fun level increases when you play with people like them. ☺️

Best: Managing to pass Mt.Tenjo while Allies were killing everything that were trying to pass the beach. Arrived at airfield and captured it as well. :stickwhack:

Best: Airfield defence on round either 2 or 3. We manage to block everything from Mt.Tenjo by using the tactic "Deep Jungle Incursion" Pissed off some players even and they came after me with a Bazooka. HAHA!

Best: Saving a round by capturing Airfield in one of the later rounds. It was very exciting. Well done my guys!

Funniest: We had a rallypoint at Airfield. I spawned and started to move towards the flag. @Sir_Kowskoskey kills me and I thought "Damn rally is gone" he decides to bag me instead of destroying it and my guys killed him and bagged him afterwards.

Funniest: @SturmFlim He is on me all the time, watching my movements carefully. One time I was dead and the Bay flag was under attack, he told Johonas to reinforce but he was away and that would've required a lot of time to reach. So I spawned there to help out, actually made the attacking tank flee the scene too. Sturm started a rant at me for not following orders and all that stuff I calmly replied "My guys is at the flag you've requested, it's just me." Then goes on "Then make a rally" :jumpgreen:BTW I made my way back to the Ordot without dying and killed an APC and a TANK on my way back. :partydance:               

Funniest: Remember the APC I killed above? ^ That was Kowskoskey and Ombustman, they bumped into me in the middle of nowehere and I took the occasion to bag their APC and avenge the bagging I got from Kows. :smokingsombrero:

Most loved/liked player: All of 93rd but he helds a special place in my heart:  @Pr0z4c

Most hated player: Matsku and his peashooter battalion.

Other: It was a fun battle, had so much fun attacking and defending. I manage to sneak around A LOT which made things interesting.

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Best: victory on tight map. Nice that our plan b worked on third round and we manage to win one attack round.

suiciding froma flag to flag and seeing the same enemies also on those flags. Japs is fast to move.

Worst: My personal game was terrible because i had to concentrate to move all squads and watch how they are fighting and where is which enemy squads and which enemy squad is making suicide and all of that. I don't know why, but this map was very hectic what comes to those things.

Most hated player -I felt that Pepinio killed me often

Most loved/liked playerKnokworst on our arty was great.

Best Battle Photo -

Edited by Matsku
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Best: -Killing a lot of people with tank and the last round i play, i used 57mm at gun to flank them on the hill :p 

Worst: -Our faction is bad at defend  and i dont know:/ why, we have a great start but we r getting worst right know

Funniest: -

Most hated player: -@Sir_Kowskoskey

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -USA AT kit have to neft if this campaign focus on balance.

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12 hours ago, CptBocquier said:

Knee mortar : i don't have anything against, but what the us got against ? guys we have to check the kits (nades for example) if we want to do symetrical teams.


14 minutes ago, camperchadway said:

USA AT kit have to neft if this campaign focus on balance.

Please, stop posting balancing issues in here. That kind of info is not appropriate in this thread and most important, it s info that just gets lost. If you have any problem regarding balancing translate it to your Co/HQ so the planning crew, admins and mappers can know about. If you don't get attention, insist or poke me on PM if even wanted. 

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Best: -Intense, fairly even-matched rounds that could have been very close. Taking out 2 jeeps with the half track MG at airfield. A map that worked well with s-mines.

Worst: -Trying to destroy enemy RPs with a bolt-action rifle and no grenades. My old man reflexes. Missing my good monitor as it's away for repair.

Funniest: -Killing both Randooms with the same s-mine. The "you said place an RP and I did but I thought it was a stupid place". TKing 2 players when a grenade aimed at Matsku on first floor of control tower went outside by mistake.

Most hated player: -Enemy tanks

Most loved/liked player: -My squad

Other: -Choke points really made this map a lot of fun. Still miss being able to use my spotter skills but one of the more fun battles this campaign.

Edited by Humledrik
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Best: FH2 night at its best! Funny map, good numbers overall. 

Best2: Little squad doing the job, newbies playing in both sides! 

Best3: again no crashes, no one seeming to have map issues.

Best4: admins @Quicksilver @RAnDOOm doing job , you nasty bunnyhoppers! NExt time i ll ask myself about kicking you! 

Worst: tk's on my side. you blind guuuuys! 

Funniest: S'mines, S mines everywhere. 

Most hated player: maybe @Pr0z4c s squad for destroying my peace moment in my flag. 

Most loved player:  @Pr0z4c squad for giving me action. 

other: HD action with @wanchekid @Anguita36. We put a RP on tenjo, sneaky attack, germans got fast the RP and my guys, But I'm alive. Go hide until I can put again a SL rp. Sat it up, went to trenches, "guys, watch out, there could be S mines, go prone" Saw 1, we could've  blown up (fck they're small!!) , so we 3 go completely pron and get the flag, and the round. 

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12 hours ago, RayderPSG said:


Please, stop posting balancing issues in here. That kind of info is not appropriate in this thread and most important, it s info that just gets lost. If you have any problem regarding balancing translate it to your Co/HQ so the planning crew, admins and mappers can know about. If you don't get attention, insist or poke me on PM if even wanted. 

you're right @RayderPSG, i'm just bored of people complaining and i started doing the same, sorry for that

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