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Best: - Racing on das autobahn at round start. I am jealous of Americans with their nitro boosed jeeps!

Worst: - Repeatedly running directly face first into Outlaw's artillery 🤒

Funniest: - @Blander: "Admiral, what is the meaning of life?" @AdmiralBG "I don't know... figure it out for yourself, I guess??"

Most hated player: - None! 

Most loved/liked player: - @Gameplayer500. He had a rough time clearing mines... without a metal detector.

Best Battle Photo -




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Best: Intense fighting at Church.

Best: Our company performance. Proud of everyone who played.

Worst: Losing.

Funniest: Some Russian guy was mining North of the Trainstation Bridge while we were on North Mainbase. :scratchheadyellow:

Funniest: Got killed by enemy Sherman 76mm. :scratchheadblue:

Funniest: I was off CC for the first 2 rounds then I see @Sir_Kowskoskey typing on teamchat "OFFICERS SPEAK UP ON CC WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET GUYS?!?!?" :buttsway:

Funniest: 3 times I flanked a tank and 3 times that tank turned at me at the last second. I was about to become one of those famous streamers and was about to break something up. :banghead:

Most hated player: Any MG camper or people who think they're so clever.

Best Battle Photo -




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Posted (edited)

Best: - Violents fights at Church, killed 3 or 4 ennemi with my HJ knife in a row.

Worst: - Artillery killed me when I respawn

Funniest: - none

Most hated player: - none

Most loved/liked player: - @AlanKing @AdmiralBG @WOLFXL

Best Battle Photo - Go to the front.


Edited by WhiteSpirit
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Best: - Great map, great battle.

Worst: - Leaving trainstation to the enemy.

Funniest: - Me and one other guy getting teamkilled by kowskoskey sitting on a 50 cal. Kowskoskey changes to drivers seat, no reaction just hiding.

Most hated player: - Everyone that runs around with one of these: Gewehr 43.

Most loved/liked player: - arty guy

Best Battle Photo -

"Oh really that's great, just perfect" Erwin talking to trainsign pole.


Other: -

erwin driving.png

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Best: - very intense fight with initiatives

Worst: - regiments did not achieve their objectives but we were able to remedy this / many tks from others regiments, the minimap need be used

Funniest: - As a sniper in my church, I favored shooting on the squad leader :D

Most hated player: -

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo - Waiting germans


Other: -

  • Like 3

Best: - Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers  Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers  Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers  Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers  Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers  Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers 

Worst: - Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers  Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers  Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers 

Funniest: -Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers 

Most hated player: Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers 

Most loved/liked player: Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers 

Best Battle Photo -  Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers Bunnyhoppers, Dolphin Divers 

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Best: Nice map.

Worst1: Those damn rail road tracks and sliding tank wrecks blocking my way to safety with the StuG.

Worst2: I think I didn't have the opportunity to teabag anyone.

Funniest1: I got out of the Stug to repair the Tiger, after that someone killed me.

Funniest2: I drove back to the Stug and @Kummitus was standing behind the Stug and I was so lucky to crush him between the StuG and my Opel truck.

Most hated player: Artillery. So...Kowskowsky changed sides.......

Most loved/liked player: Everyone.

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

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Best:  meh... meh... do not know what to write here...

Worst: First time in this campaign the map really frustrated me... Probably some Project Reality fan wants to make FH2 gameplay similar to PR gameplay. No spawnpoints on flags? Seriously?! This is ridiculous that we must find and destroy enemy rally first than rush into a flagzone... Also what was the point of removing town flags and leaving spawnpoints on Trainstation flag which was just next to the town flags, making it really important... And really Panther nad Tiger in Axis team while we didn't have any tank destroyer... missing Hellcat so much in this campaign... it was enough for me to play only 2 rounds in that battle...

Funniest: nothing at all...

Most hated player: not sure if the player... maybe the situation where Panther, Tiger and Panzer IV came to our Chateux flag and we had only Sherman 75 to deal with them... so sad...

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo -

Other: Anyway, Im looking forward to next week battle :)

  • Sad 1

Best: -  Winning

Worst: - Dolphin divers coupled with shitty hit detection being bullet sponges, G41 with 20 second reload, S-mines and fps drops

Funniest: - I was bagging kowskey and then I get killed and get bagged by bocqiuer, admiral kills bocqiuer and bags him before someone kills him too

Most hated player: - People who use S-mines, artillery and dolphin divers

Most loved/liked player: -  Vince

Best Battle Photo -

Other: - Pineapple pizza

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Best: -  Properly using halftracks. French squad. My squad. The constant give-and-take between me and @Watchtower



Worst: - That sneaky I failed to make on hill...

Funniest: - Bagging @Erwin and double bag with @Sir_Kowskoskey @Papillon , both on a jeep (my fetish)



Being bagged by le milk



Most hated player: - no one 

Most loved/liked player: -  everyone

Best Battle Photo -

the unknown soldier...is gonna pay 



Franco-hispanic pic


After battle. @DarthTemoc isn't only the best closecombat guy, but a great artist. 



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Posted (edited)

Best: - That sneak on chateau at the end of the 6th round was perfect.

Worst: - Not enough room for a 12 french squad !

Funniest: - Sent by @Sir_Kowskoskey to try to put a sneak. As i leav River Farm i saw a wild silhouette moving in the bushes. hum. who the hell can be that sneaky bastard...no. It can't be...starting to run after him while the whole squad fires at him. After a 150m run the poor bastard fall dead, killed by @Druidix...and yes. It was you @RayderPSG !! Oooooh what an evil laugh i had on your body !


Most hated player: - Myself and people whining. What the hell guys ? No spawnpoint is not that bad. And complaing about some divers or hoppers won't help us win. Come on !

Most loved/liked player: - @Temp3st02 was amazing, and @_Arras_ for his first game with us. @Sir_Kowskoskey, @0utlaw, @turbomursu & @RayderPSG

Best Battle Photo - Teabagception with @Ombustman, @Sir_Kowskoskey, @AdmiralBG .... and everyone that wasn't in the killfeed


Other: - French picture


Spanish picture


French & Spanish having a drink



Edited by CptBocquier
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Best: -sometimes intense action within the city

Worst: -guard duty at hill

Funniest: -TS chatter

Most hated player: -none

Most loved/liked player: -no one in particular. of course i love allied more than the filthy axis.

Best Battle Photo -


-Look boys, I'm diving!

Other: -a lot of good things happend but we still lost. but it was a close fight actually, so just that little prod needed to push us over the edge

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