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FH2 Campaign #3: Battle 4 Sammatus - Best/Worst/Funniest

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Best: - Finally a clear victory

Worst: -  Axis get your numbers up

Funniest: -  Chasing Actungs DT carrier with mine and winning the game of chicken

Most hated player: -  Anyone who survived my hail of 71 bullets.

Most loved/liked player: -  Anyone who gave us a T20

Best Battle Photo -


My Glorious Troops!

Other: -  Things are getting more balanced.  Now we just need more numbers.

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Best:  Close combat, just loving it

Worst:  Ammount of spawn killing from both sides. If you notice you are in a spawn point, move away and try to avoid that area as much as possible. Saw some "oldies" doing it also and thats a big shame

Funniest:  Russians flushing me out from a trench  at the eastern flag. I Promise there was a million of them!

Funniest2: I invaded @Pr0z4c's bush. He emptied a clip at me missed and i took one shot and lots of tea being served in one sammatus bush 


Most hated player:  Today everyone!

Most loved/liked player:  My French/Tank guard group!


Edited by Sir_Kowskoskey
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Best: After this battle the campaign is now re-balanced and both teams can win.

Worst: Laggy server ---> chaotic actions

Funniest: Saw people appearing and disappearing ... becase of lags ... 

Most hated player: Finnish HQ seems had one only target ... TB me ! ... Koooooooows!!! stop giving medals for that !!!!

Most loved/liked player: My team ... we had lot of funny moments :)

Other: Sir_Ko you won this round but the TB battle is still open )

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Best: I could only play normally in the last two rounds, because there were no f****** lags. Win...

Worst: ... lags, of course. For all the camps I participated in, for all the maps I was on, I was SOOOOO burned for the first time. Seriously.

And spawn killing... Are you kidding me?

Funniest: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner in the last two rounds, when I finally had no lags and I gave all axis the fun 

Most hated player: LagsLags, Lags, Lags, f****** server lags everytime...

Most loved/liked player: Who teamkilled me, you put out my fire with kerosene. Come on, dudes, I'm NOT axis...

Other: Today I burned xd Як же мене це все заїбало

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Best: Watching capture of the Sammatus by one man.

Worst: Lags, short distances between flags, chaos in first rounds. A bit more Allied players than axis.

Funniest: Running around barn with some russian guy on Lake flag (?) trying to kill him and watching how he is trying to do the same.

Most hated player: 

Most loved/liked player: 676

Best Battle Photo -


Throw smoke everyday!


Other: -

Edited by TomTom39
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Best: - Kowsko speach about keeping calm ect ruined by Quick xD 

Worst: - Too much PPSH all the time + lag, we could do nothing. Also those spawnkills, some prefere stay close to a rally and spawnkilling instead of destroy it 
I've never like Sammatus, yesterday you give me one more reason to hate it 

Funniest: -

Most hated player: - @SturmFlim

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo -

Other: - Need more people ! Where are our glorious 50 vs 50 where people couldn't join cause server was full? 

9 hours ago, AL-SAHAD said:

Most hated player: Finnish HQ seems had one only target ... TB me ! ... Koooooooows!!! stop giving medals for that !!!!

The deal was: the one who tb you and prozac the more wins a medal 
And we have a better one for the all campaign xD 

Edited by Druidix
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Best: - Finally a battle won for the Soviets!!! Crazy chaotic map!  last week was shit, this was fun.

Worst: - too much much lag on the server. shooting with a bolt action rifle was hard.

Funniest: - trying to drive over and kill the squad of @Ombustmanin my DT-carrier on the sammatus flag. Killing only one player and getting killed by the enemy t34, who made a teamkill while killing me :D

teabaggings with @Sir_Kowskoskeyyou got me in that bush due to my horrible lag. but im sure i got you a couple of times aswell :D

Most hated player: -

Most loved/liked player: - 172nd Guards Regiment!

Best Battle Photo


chaotic fight, chaotic victory picture

Edited by Pr0z4c
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Best: -close combats. @fabrigrinovero35 back 

Worst: -too much lags and shitty behaviours. 

Worst2: loosing the complete set without winning a game. Tennis result :banghead:

Worst3: Axis numbers. Embarrasing seeing that we have more signups and that we even close ours because allies were a lot less. Come on dudes... 

Funniest: -

Most hated player: -@michaelau999

Most loved/liked player: -@fabrigrinovero35 always my best guy even if he usually cannot join, and with a recent surgery. @Sir_Kowskoskey always keeping things calmly and positive. 

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

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Best: Same as last week and I am still not telling you.ot

Worst: Lag, size of map didn't suit my play style.

Funniest: At top right flag I took out 3 of our team with a PAK shell when they were capping because I am an idiot. HOWEVER at same flag I hid a sneaky S-mine when I knew Russians would cap it as I was last guy there and took out 3 of them 10 secs after they killed me. The guy who sneaked up on me near machine gun nest and was going to knife me and I turned round just in time. He still got me but at least I wounded him… Then the two times our guys walked over me just as I had planted S-mines.

Most hated player: Al-Sahad for not staying dead long enough to be TBed. And for killing me all the time.

Most loved/liked player:  Yehiel for giving me two of the most satisfying rifle kills I ever had in this game. Rifle kills are rare for me!

Other: Played 2 of my best rounds ever, the other rounds I sucked so badly.

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Best: - Soviet winning, means this campaign is still balanced and will last till the end :D

Worst: - Losing, of course lol


Most hated player: - Me, for not killing a normal T-34 when I had APCR and forgot to use it.

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo - I will hide this corpse here...

Other: -


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9 hours ago, Humledrik said:

Most loved/liked player:  Yehiel for giving me two of the most satisfying rifle kills I ever had in this game. Rifle kills are rare for me!

how that happened? by me missing the previous shots or however simply attracting enemy soldiers?
i remember some situations in (i believe it was) the trenches of defense line west, where my ass got saved by a teammate several times in the very last moment.

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14 hours ago, GeoPat said:

We were talking about camping spawnpoints.  I won't name names.  The guilty know their crimes.

With my full respect, this is same as saying nothing. If you saw one admin doing this, you should report it to any of the Committe members and, if it was one of them (I´m supposing, because I have no idea about who are you talking about) send your report to another one and the situation will be sorted.

Now, back to topic.

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