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Thank You To Our 2019 Donators!


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As we are now in the starting months for 2020 and are beginning to see donations arrive for the new year,
we want to say a huge thank you to the donators of 2019 who helped us to get very close to our budget target!

A Huge Thank You To

@Johonas- @RayderPSG - @Incognito - @GeoPat - @GABBOTTO

 @The_Spine - @Firecrafter - @Spindrifter49 - @Belzebuth - @Pepinio

@jan_kurator - @Papillon - @Heia Safari! - @Mekong - @camperchadway

@Harmonikater - @eXHaLe - @L.L.HERRAIZ - @0utlaw - @AL-SAHAD

@TomTom39 - @Pr0z4c - @Blaze

There were a few "anonymous" donations where it was hard to track the member who donated. A big thank you to those members as well.

Because of the people above, we raised € 806,44!


As always we need donations to keep on coming in so we can keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord and most importantly our game server running.

If you want to keep on playing in events like the FH2 campaigns, meeting up to chat and game with friends on Teamspeak
then we need your help and support by donating to keep CMP running. It doesn't have to be a lot, even € 5 would be a great help.



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