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FH2 Campaign #4: Battle 11 Battle Isle - Best/Worst/Funniest

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Best: - Allied determination to keep it up for 6 loses to get back with one final victory. GG for that. Sportmanship of nearly everyone tonight GG for all. Bravo pour les français qui ont tenu bon !

Worst: - Meat grinder, also was not in my day the first rounds. Got a little stressed being a SL so my aim and my rp were horrible

Funniest: - Finding @AL-SAHAD with some lucky random nades, nearly capping mountain alone on last round. Teabagging Prozac , Sturmy & Al-sahad made my night. Also finding my enfield empty on a 1 v 1, japanese soldier draws his katana, i get my SHOVEL and we killed each other in an epic duel.

Most hated player: - No one except @Hjaldrgud with his bloody type99 ! You did well !

Most loved/liked player: - @Ombustman doing some crazy stuffs and Kows for coming back ;) and leading us !

Best Battle Photo -

Other: - Got some nice shots with that enfield and some good actions with the thompson, managing to capping village 2 multiple times with. I think that trying to balance the us kits - japanese kits is a non-sense.

Edited by CptBocquier
wanting to find who duel with me !
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Bestfinal rounds, close quarter meat grinder

Worst: typeHjaldrgud99 @Hjaldrgud i will stab you one day and bag you in the process!

Funniest: @Belzebuth panicing when im running at him with my knife out. The two random rifle men in zanana secondfloor. The lads playing duck hunt with me sidestepping like anstep dancer. Took a while for them to get me but i took one with me.  That random sword guy nirth of our main, running a full grid after me and finally killing me. The whole time i was wondering what that swooosh sound was :D

Most hated player: @Hjaldrgud i shall not forget

Most loved/liked player: @Erwin for capturing my final bullets.

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

Edited by Sir_Kowskoskey
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-Was squadleading after a really long time and enjoying it! Not sure did anyone else enjoy it though...

-Really intense battle! Even though I prefer bigger maps with more combined arms action - the smaller infantry maps are so full of action that you don't have time to miss planes or bigger maps. :D

-Numbers and a nice relaxed athmosphere while having a really tough battle. 


-Ran out of wine mid-battle.


-There were a lot of little things in chat that I kept laughing at throughout the whole battle. 

-Laying down s-mines and then running into them myself... Also ran into @crapinabox127 s-mine while looking at the map - I just had to run around while looking at the map :D


-2 battles left and it's really even in scores. This has been a great campaing! :)

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Best: -Camping with type99 to bang many of American XD on the hill  LOL

         -I once again played with @Pr0z4c my old cap xD

Worst: -Did we lose the battle ?

Funniest: - @Pr0z4c @WOLFXL and I rushed to the trench flags to sneak them from behind. When we got to the place we jumped down, just as I typed !R, @caeno set Rally Point 3 seconds ago :) . I have poker face for while LOL

Most hated player: - Bar user

Most loved/liked player: - My lovely 93rd squad 2 

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

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14 hours ago, CptBocquier said:

Most hated player: - No one except @Hjaldrgud with his bloody type99 ! You did well !


14 hours ago, Sir_Kowskoskey said:

Worst: typeHjaldrgud99 @Hjaldrgud i will stab you one day and bag you in the process!

Most hated player: @Hjaldrgud i shall not forget

Haha 😂 I take it as a compliment


Best: Sitting down and playing FH2 cooperatively while drinking some beers after being shot down by a girl earlier in the day

Best 2: Great map!

Best 3: Intense battles. Village 2 felt like that railway station in Stalingrad that changed hands 14 times in six hours.

Best 4: Having a great day with the Type 99

Worst: My teamkills. Last round I killed one of ours while we had seven tickets left and allies had 13 or something.

Worst 2: Never being able to get to or find @Sir_Kowskoskey's body so I could teabag him

Funniest: Trying to keep @WOLFXL alive at Village 2. There was always one with Composition B I did not see, or a Stuart shot his second shot before I could finish my repair.

Most hated player: @Ombustman and his BAR. I got cut down many times. 

Most loved/liked player: @Erwin I like his leading style, tactics and how he's obsessed with trying to destroy tanks.

Most loved/liked player 2: @Sir_Kowskoskey

Other: The katana needs a massive slashes per minute upgrade. It is paradoxically the worst close quarter weapon you can have because it slashes once every five second.

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Best: 93rd being the best squad on Axis side. For the whole 7 rounds! Awesome.

Best: Hunting tanks.

Best: Stalingrad train statio... Ehem Zanana which changed hands like a million times. In all that mess couldn't even find time to bag @Sir_Kowskoskey

Worst: Hunting tanks. Japanese soldier throws the turtle mine like he is a 90 year old. Stuart ends up on the other side of the map by then.

Funniest: @GABBOTTO - the enemy agent who killed more Japanese with grenades than Allied. :D

Funniest: tenor.gif  Getting behind enemy lines to hunt enemy RP.

Most hated player: @Ombustman BAR'ına sokayım. I really hated your BAR. :stickwhack:

Most loved/liked player: All of 93rd against everyone attacking middle flags::axechase:

Other: Our secret tactic:




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Best: - Fh2 campaign evening! Good numbers, almost 40 for both teams! 

Worst: - losing hard after a while. Had to arrive! 

Worst2: TK's 

Funniest: - Ap mines. The crazy car attempts and their failures for both teams.

Most hated player: - maybe @Pepinio this time, man you were everywhere and sneaking

Most loved/liked player: - Somehow I think @Pr0z4c for his continuous attacks and banzai kuroganes. Also @Erwin because everytime I saw him he was running trying to blow out a tank xD 

Best Battle Photo -
https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1573-best-battle-photo-medal/ I think this was prozac but I m not sure

name "Dude arrives, gets stucked in the trenches with the car, jumps out and get killed by his own car due to well known bug"   Btw, his body kept vibrating and doing little jumps haahahah


Other: - GG axis! 

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Best: - You have challenged us well. Great I found your big attack on the western beach. Your tanks gave me gray hair. We won. 

Worst: - Tanks, It was annoying when the opponent was close to the edge of the hill and you shot him countless times and the enemy did not take any damage.

Funniest: - To kill @Matsku for example.  It was always a great pleasure for me to kill him. My cry in Teamspeak for the comrades maybe not ...:D

Most hated player: - The usual guys, see my statistics Victims of …   ;)

Most loved/liked player: - This time, all Soldiers on the Ground.

Best Battle Photo -screen171.thumb.jpg.c9c1655f3f61f997cb4c37bb80de62c2.jpg                                Backstroke instruction for Beginners (This photo comes from the training and not from the battle )

Other: - Thanks to all who organize the evenings for us.

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On 1/20/2019 at 3:23 PM, RayderPSG said:


Best Battle Photo -
https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1573-best-battle-photo-medal/ I think this was prozac but I m not sure

name "Dude arrives, gets stucked in the trenches with the car, jumps out and get killed by his own car due to well known bug"   Btw, his body kept vibrating and doing little jumps haahahah


Other: - GG axis! 

It can be me maybe 🤔

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