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FH2 Campaign #11: Battle 3 - Sector 318 - Best/Worst/Funniest

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Best: -

Worst: -

Funniest: -

Most hated player: -

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

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Best: The whole battle was intense and a lot of fun.

Worst: That there was no spawn flags/points in town. It would be a nice reward if a team has taken all 3 flags that you then get a spawnpoint in the city.
               That we didn't have enough players. Allied.

Funniest: - City battles 

Most hated player: everyone who can see through walls. Not related to this battle, in general.

Most loved/liked player: all those who don't turn down the graphics settings but turn them up. Not related to this battle, in general.

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -screen260.thumb.png.044e4557f39a7bb20a2b4a4b4ea29dc5.png

  • like in the pizza oven, hot stones killed me @DarthTemoc
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Best: -Good fellas, good map, good time

Worst: -bofors I suppose :P

Funniest: -Riding on the storm hills

Most hated player: -404

Most loved/liked player: - @johnnymzq for arty, @Th3rioN for NCO

Best Battle Photo - "Tank in sight, sir!", "Release @qtaCHRIs, let 'em taste hell."



Other: - GG!

Edited by postelnik
photo added
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Best: - Play with Hispanics, internationals and Poles  

Best: In the first round the pistol duel with @AdmiralBG   The knife fight with @Sir_Kowskoskey

Worst: - 404

Funniest: - @BaskaBommi The 3 times I ran over ahaha monster and I was thinking of giving you a box of fernet. 😭

Funniest: Being teabagued furiously by @Erwin @MrSagdyev its you sagdy?😅

Don't worry as soon as I get arty again I'll remember you (evil laugh)

Most hated player: -Those who have good graphics and lower them to gain advantage. I'll steal your souls... (If you have a computer that doesn't allow you to play loud like me, I forgive you and give you a beer)😡🍻🍻

Most loved/liked player: -well all the spotters: @postelnik, @Zabstone, @Otto , @AL-SAHAD, @Cpt. HunSzergejHunSzergej, @FranzKruger, @DarthTemoc, @Luis 1944, @Anguita36 if forget someome let me know. ❤️❤️❤️

All the player's who put the best(i think all of us) ❤️❤️❤️

Other: - GG for everyone

Edited by johnnymzq
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Best: -intense battle and even rounds!

- tanking - had fun once in Jumbo and one round with Sherman 75mm was quite epic! However, I must admit that I had lots of luck at some situations and our infantry spotters helped me much!

Worst: -Allies still have problem with numbers...

-flags without spawns and I think 3 flags in the centre are way too much - it really made us difficult to win a map when we were pushed back from the city... I would leave 2 flags there and move the 3rd into one of the corners :)

- couldnt adapt to new parabola of tanks rounds... Sherman 76mm has now ridiculous round drop! And missed so many shots because of that!

Funniest: -1 jeep chasing Kubel through half of the map, the chase ended with my Sherman's round landing on the Kebel :D

Most hated player: - definately @johnnymzq - I don't know how you do this generally, but that was simply amazing when I was running safely through the open field, quite far away from any action and suddenly - "boom" - directly hit by your mortar! Without any warning with missed shot! How dare you?! 😆 

Most loved/liked player: - All the spotters! Well done! Thank you so much! ❤️

Best Battle Photo -

Uh, forgot to make it... I would have had one with my Sherman wreck parked next to wreck of Panzer IV in the city where tanks simply couldnt have long life... ;)

Other: -

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Best: -intense battle , allied team from the round they won to the follwing one. Great effort which made me stress tbh haha

Worst: - We'd all agree with the same thing, right? 

Funniest: -Give this man some goodies @HowAboutAStone




Most hated player: - bunnyhopers even if bunnyhoping can't be more nerfed!

Most loved/liked player: - the team, the good following of what was planned, the guys who instantly accept the challenge of knife battle 

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -

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Late to the party...

Best: Great fighting at Ruins all night! Interesting idea to have no spawns in town. Had a lucky panzerschreck with the last rocket.

Worst: I had problems with hit registration at times (or just bad aim). Also I teamkilled way too much. The map was a brown and grey soup where all uniform colours just blended together

Funniest: How awful a Panzerfaust 30 really is. A clunky mess to aim

Most hated player: Own team for looking too much like Americans :P

Most loved/liked player: @WOLFXL and @Hasan09 for setting down emergency rallies time and time again

Best Battle Photo -Forgot to take one

Other: Shorter video than usual


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