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Best: GG axis! wp allies Worst: somehow not enjoying this last battle, spawncamps and bunnyhops... and usual arguings. Worst2: campaign over Funniest: the knifing kills Most loved/liked player: everyone making it possible Best Battle Photo Last Battle - seems i got my "kill an enemy officer with knife " medal in the money time Other: Many thanks everyone for making this possible: Admins, technical staff and mappers for obvious reasons @Quicksilver @RAnDOOm @Papillon @kummitus @SgtAlex @Blander Balance vehicles and assets committee for doing a great job, once of the best so far @Pr0z4c @caeno @Tore and specially @Hawk for his hard work following everything related with it during the campaign. Both HQ's involved. I honestly have to say that, for being 2 new HQ's, I'm impressed by the high level shown by both of them. Many thanks @CptBocquier @Otto @turbomursu hope to be under all of you 3 orders in the future. It was a pleasure @Otto @turbomursu ! All of the officers, thanks a bunch for doing one of the hardest job which means being officer on a fh2 campaign , getting down in the mud. Thanks for doing your best to offer the players the greatest of the experiences here @Sir_Kowskoskey @Erwin @Pr0z4c @beavis_aka_ostwind @Zabstone @Ronid @matyszg @TomTom39 special mentions in enemy side to @beavis_aka_ostwind for making the russians again a fearsome team, and to @Ronid @TomTom39 and the other PL staff for getting their 1st time and keep building a great PL communitty. My team fellas @Tutvys @alorbe @BaskaBommi @aquintus @Haraldt @Blander @Nightwing All of the players who came every friday or who tried their best to participate. Without you, having maps, admins, officers and hq's wouldn't make sense. Many thanks to every single new player trying FH2 campaign for 1st time, hope you guys keep tuned about CMP to join next events and campaigns! @SANANe_TR @Cap.Otto @Enrik @Seway @FadusTM @Heersoldaten @erpupus @Jager @ChooChoo_Go_Kill @BigMoleUSMC @Kalashnekov @cristhianxd @ZOCIO @LanXcL @Luis 1944 @TuncaCeleste @Danielikus @Cyper @king_tigernator @SPARX382 @Lt.Sturmbaguette31 points
27 points
The 13th FH2 Campaign: Operation Avalanche Has Ended From all of the Committee, Admins and Moderators we want to thank everyone who took part in our thirteenth FH2 campaign. Even though FH2 is an old game (but thankfully still receiving updates due to a small and dedicated team), it has been great to see our battle sever fillled with players looking to enjoy a more organised version of the game they still play on the public servers. We hope that CMP will be able to continue hosting and supporting FH2 campaigns for many more years into the future - and yes, we do have plans for campaigns reaching all the way into 2025! Some interesting statistics from the campaign: In total there were nearly 62,000 kills over the course of the 12 battles (including team kills). The top three military hardware on the battlefield were artillery (both teams), and the Panzer IV H sitting in second place between Allied and Axis artillery. There were a total of 1,060 kills made with bayonets, knives, entrenchment tools and spades. 828 players were unlucky enough to step on an anti-personnel mine. Get all the stats from Campaign 13 here You can also view the scoreboard for Campaign 13 here Before we thank those who have been involved in helping to bring this campaign together and helping to keep everything running throughout the past 14 weeks or so, I wanted to bring up a few talking points that occasionally arise during campaigns, but are usually ignored or forgotten about: "This player is definitely using wall hacks / aim-bots / voodoo magic to cheat in the game!" The admins hear this alot. And, as we all know, this is an old game with plenty of vulnerabilities that people will try to exploit. But, what we don't want in our community are CMP members who will openly accuse others of cheating, without evidence, just because they get killed when fighting a certain player. That is not what this community is about. There is every chance that you're just not as good as the other player and you need to deal with that. We won't tolerate public accusations of cheating, and you could find yourself kicked and banned from battles, Discord and the forums, and if needs be, the CMP community. However, that isn't to say they we don't take reports of cheating seriously. In the 13th campaign we received reports of players who were "definitely, 100%, without a doubt cheating" and for these players, the admins requested that they record and post their battle videos online for us to review. In some cases, players who were accused of cheating were already actively recording their own ganes and posting them online on a weekly basis! As you may be able to tell from the lack of notices from us, we didn't see any of those reported for cheating, actually cheating, when we reviewed their battle footage (although voodoo magic is a little harder to check). In those instances, we consider them closed cases. If you do feel that someone could be cheating in-game, do not post something in chat, on Discord, or the forums! Just PM one of the Committee members or an Admin and tell them of your concerns and it will be looked into. "Arrgghh! My SL / CO / HQ sucks! Why didn't they attack / defend x flag instead?!" We all love to think we are the greatest armchair generals, and as the admins sit in the Teamspeak channels, or read the various posts on Discord and the forums, we hear plenty of players who think they know of better tactics to win battles and ways in which their CO's are failing to lead, or their HQ is failing to do their job. But, most of these people never take on any roles of responsibility such as leading a squad, or volunteering for HQ roles. They simply complain after every battle if there is a loss for their team. I feel that now is the time for those people to put up, or shut up. We have a new campaign starting in September (dates to be confirmed), that will take place in Normandy and last for the usual 12 battles. We are now looking for Squad Leaders, Commanding Officers and people to lead as HQ for both Allied and Axis. This can be in an international regiment, or one of the language regiments for either side. For all those players that complain of poor tactics and lack of good leadership, now is your time to shine! Simply post a reply below this message and state that you'd like to part of the leadership in the next campaign, and what role you'd like to take. If you decide you don't want to get involved in leadership roles in future campaigns, then please keep your thoughts to yourself on "how the battles should be fought". We are giving you a chance to prove that your tactics are sound, but if you won't step up then you have no right to complain about those who volunteer to lead at any level. And Now For A Big Thank You To Everyone Who Made This Campaign Possible Our HQ's, CO's And SL's Thank you to all those that helped to lead armies and squads in this campaign. CptBocquier - Pr0z4c - Blander - SgtAlex RayderPSG - Erwin - Kerst- Haraldt - Watchtower - Beariale Nightwing - dumbbPunk - pozzo - GeoPat - Vlasov - Hawk - Swedish Green - Alan King Magnet_Butt - Meadow - Sancho Panzer - Otto - TOBU94 - Diegothic Without you volunteering to help lead, we would not have been able to run this campaign! Mapping and Mapping Support Papillon and Geopat There is a very small number of people who have volunteered their personal free time to work on the maps that are played in our campaigns. They have families, jobs and lives to lead that restricts how much time they can put into getting maps ready for campaigns. Time and again, Papillon and GeoPat step up to help in getting the maps ready in time for training and battle during the campaigns (amongst other mappers who have helped in previous campaigns as well). And again, for this campaign they have done all they can to get the maps ready to play. A huge thank you to them for everything they've done! Without the mappers we would not be having these wonderfully created custom campaigns, and instead you'd be playing the public maps and hoping they worked in a more organised setting. We need more people willing to take the time to learn to map, and will help in creating new maps, or refreshing existing maps. If you're interested, please also post below and we'll send you some links to resources on how to get started. Game Servers and Teamspeak kummitus Always working behind the scenes to keep the servers and Teamspeak running, and to keep things streamlined for the mappers as they edit and build the maps for release to the players. Without kummitus at the helm of working on the technical challenges of running the campaigns, Teamspeak, the forums and Discord, we would not have many of the features that help to bring a campaign together. Many thanks to him for all he does! Forums, Graphics, Social Media and Community Support RAnDOOm Sir_Kowskoskey Hawk RayderPSG Erwin RAnDOOm does a lot of the background work to get the campaigns ready, by helping to set up the forums, campaign interface, medals, ads, social media promotions, help officers and HQ get access to the forum areas. When we set the campaign live and open for everyone to register, you can guarantee that RAnDOOm has done a large proportion of the work to make all of this ready in time. Without him, we would surely struggle to get the campaign running in the short timeframes we have to have two campaigns per year! Sir_Kowskoskey, RayderPSG and Hawk are always hard at work speaking with the various language regiments and players to try and "gently" persuade them to sign up for leading roles in regiments, and to check on potential player numbers and preferences of side for each campaign. Their help in making sure that we have HQ and officers to lead in each campaign, and that for the most part everything runs smoothly, is greatly appreciated! Hawk and Erwin are the reason you see the wonderful campaign ads (Hawk's adverts for our campaigns are always masterpieces!) and Erwin does a great job of researching and creating the atmospheric map loading images you see on each of the campaign map (usually with an interesting quote from someone during WW2). They really help to put some shine and finishing touches to the campaigns and maps! Map Balancing and Feedback Hawk RayderPSG A perhaps thankless task, because there are always plenty that complain about the weapons balance on campaign maps, but Hawk and RayderPSG do an amazing job of testing and researching the weapons, vehicles and planes used on the maps to do their best to keep everything as balanced as it can be. Behind the scenes there is a lot of discussion about what should be placed on a map, and both Hawk and RayderPSG focus on balance without bringing in any personal bias if they happen to also be playing in, or leading a squad. A huge thank you to them for trying to make each battle equal and fair for both teams! AND FINALLY A MASSIVE THANK YOU TO YOU, THE PLAYERS WHO JOINED OUR CAMPAIGN! We are so pleased that many of you have come to find CMP as a home where you can enjoy gaming with likeminded people. We hope that we can continue to grow this community, expand the games we play, and encourage others to take the lead on new games that we can come together and play. If any of you have a game you are passionate about and think it fits with our community, then PM a Committee member, or an admin and tell us about it! We may be able to help support you in setting up a group within CMP. Donating To CMP Without donations to help cover the costs for servers and software we cannot continue to create and host FH2 campaigns, support new games when possible; as well as run the forums, Teamspeak and Discord channels. We are midway through 2023 and we need members to step up and donate whatever they can afford to help cover the monthly community costs - even a few Euros will help. You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page.26 points
It's here! The long waited and highly acclaimed Pacific theatre is back for another CMP Campaign. Over 12 battles you'll be able to play battle tested classics mixed together with brand new maps that have never been played before. If you've missed the Pacific theatre, grab this opportunity, and enjoy great content only available in CMP's custom FH2 campaigns. Get your gaming gear ready for the hot jungles, muddy terrain and shark infested waters of the Philippines, Guadalcanal, Roi-Namur, Henderson, Peleliu, Kwajalein and other beautifully designed maps. Experience brutal battles, organised amphibious attacks, total carnage, outstanding gameplay and the best Forgotten Hope 2 Teamwork there is. What are you waiting for? Click the sign-up button, choose your regiment and join this amazing campaign! In This FH2 Campaign You Will Experience: FH2 non-stop action to its limits, close rounds, amphibious attacks, efficient organised defences and the exhilaration of being victorious. 12 battles in the Pacific with custom content and maps you won't play anywhere else. Train and prepare yourself for every battle with your regiment on our training server. Fight in battles with up to 100 players. Earn promotions and brand new medals for your achievements. Communicate directly with your squad using Teamspeak and apply well planned strategy and tactics not seen on any public servers. Form new friendships with like-minded people from all over the world. Taking part is completely free and everybody is welcome!21 points
Installer is now available through FH2 Launcher Supported Windows Versions Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows 7 with latest updates installed Older versions are not supported and manual links should be used. - Manual Download Links for Minimod & Maps for the Community Mappack can be found at the bottom of the article here. - Manual Download Links for the Tournament Maps will be provided each week in the Battle Announcement Thread. Warning as of August 2020: Do not tick the checkboxes "Check for [...] Updates on launch" as it could potentially cause an Unhandled System.NullReference exception error upon starting the FH2 Launcher. Solution: Re-run the FH2LauncherSetup in order to reset the FH2 Launcher. Bug will be fixed with the next FH2 update. The Old Way Download The Installer 1. Hit the download button 2. Extract anywhere 3. Double-click to run 4. Hit next 5. Choose parts to install (little reduntant, as you require both anyways, but for futureproofing us) 6. Point the installer at your Battlefield 2/Forgotten Hope 2 Standalone directory (Check if the path is correct, do not click through the installer mindlessly) 7. Let the installer do its magic 8. You're done, Congratulations!20 points
Best: - the support I received from many players and the good vibes. Worst: -Not being focused, I played battle 6 automatically. Funniest: - @Wasteland_Hero In the first round he went after me. And it was fun even though I was sleepy but it made me stay focused. Most hated player: -me Most loved/liked player: - Well to start I want to thank for your support to: @RayderPSG, @BaskaBommi, @knokworst, @Hawk, @RAnDOOm, @Sir_Kowskoskey, @Zabstone, @pozzo, @-Bombarik-, @matyszg and all polish for give me support. @gtgt40, @Misterposter552, @Panzershrek, @Achtungsnow, @DarthTemoc, @Nightwing, @Smashmachine, @wanchekid, @Blander, @Legionario2, @Facunino And the others who gave me their condolences... Thanks for the support and the love.... Other: -Well, I hope the next battle will return to my level, have fun and continue for a long time in this community...19 points
@Quicksilver should be a writer! ty for the post. Wishing everyone the best for these special days, Merry Christmas and a good start of the year hopefully! I profit of this post to do a thankful recap to everyone involved in the last FH2 campaign: -Thank you to both HQs for your effort and volunteering during the whole campaign! @dumbbPunk @FiveStars @TomTom39 @Beariale you stepped up when the community needed it the most and it's highly appreciated. @Erwin gets special mention, because of his refreshing and extra job trying to give the Axis team a bigger push in the late campaign , something we indeed felt ! -Thank you to every single CO and SL, where again, we had a lot of new faces and they didn't disappoint! SL'ing is one of the most demanding jobs and you made a step forward to bring the fun for your lads. It's once again tremendously appreciated @knokworst @sparky---777 @pozzo @Bzdziuchanson @yugba @TOBU94 @BelleAndSebastian @L.L.HERRAIZ @mcpollo @BaskaBommi @turbomursu @Swedishgreen @DonbasCossack @The_Green_Bunny @GeoPat @estate8143 @Haraldt @aquintus @Kerst @Vlasov -Thank you to the admin team, who had waaaay more work than we'd desire. Remember that they also deserve to have fun with us all,and still choose to spend half of their time during battles ( + the one outside of them) to try make a better experience for everyone. @Sir_Kowskoskey @Hawk @Quicksilver @RAnDOOm @kummitus @Papillon -Thank you to our regular players who keep choosing us tournament after tournament, to the oldies who eventually come back, and to the new players who joined us ! @AlperenN @Anters @FalseCicada @XxOsamaxX @Kimani1 @killtheradio @ReQunet @greg90 @Stewe @Senor_tactico2 @Major MeeM @theonfyre @shinguru @lemminglemon @monsterhunter @LordOfOlives @OutGunned @LFI @Kaktys @PANTELY @operenok Last but not least, thank you to the mappers and the guys who pushed for new stuff to see light during this campaign, it really spiced up things! @Papillon @GeoPat @Watchtower I may miss someone, but i love you all!18 points
Now that the campaign is over, as always, i'd like to do a thankful message to everyone! Thank you to both HQ's for volunteering! It was a pleasure to play with and against you @Erwin @Ronid @Zabstone @Otto Thank you to every single officer or SL making it into this campaign! @Beariale @Heersoldaten @TomTom39 @Haraldt @aquintus @Blander @Watchtower @wanchekid @Nightwing @L.L.HERRAIZ @mcpollo @BaskaBommi @turbomursu @Kerst @Vlasov @ZZZkam1kadzeZZZ @CptBocquier @HansWerner Thank you to every player who joined us and specially all of those new ones we hope to see again in the future! @Kartoxxxa_BLR @Leonidich @Jason76 @cherkes @demonRUSFED @lelik156 @Nikita13_535 @AlperenN @BloodAndGore @Czepiec123 @Manheim @Vonmunk @Lefa1 @Gettiz @muchachos19 @Lopder @RicardoCFC1995 @DavidRambo123 @Bastimoo @gerry050 @LaMiaRoma @Bertolt Hoover @EL_Miguel @P0PPA @RedSand2011 @ShadowGamer12161 @dkDavid A huge thank you to the admin and planning team @Quicksilver @Papillon @Sir_Kowskoskey @RAnDOOm @kummitus My special recognition goes this time without a doubt to the mappers team: @Watchtower @Papillon @GeoPat @Pr0z4c i enjoyed a lot every single map you provided this campaign and the atmosphere was just great on them , many new ones with new content too which imo generally played very, very well. Great job, congrats! See you in the next one!18 points
From all of the Committee, Admins and Moderators we want to wish every member of the CMP community a wonderful holiday. This year we have seen our member count rise to over 1,500 and we hope that these new members have found the CMP community to be warm, friendly and welcoming. We want to thank you all for participating in our campaigns and events and supporting members and the community in general. A big thank you goes to those members that go above and beyond for the community in helping with FH2 campaigns, running various groups and the almost daily tasks that are needed to keep the community running including: Papillon kummitus Erwin Sir_Kowskoskey RAnDOOm Hawk RayderPSG Wualy Harmonikater Stubbfan Geopat Watchtower Pr0z4c Blander theanh There are undoubtedly many others in the community that aren't on this list and we thank them all for their help. A huge thank you to those that have donated throughout 2019 and continue to donate monthly to keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord channels and game server up and running. Without your generous donations we would not be able to continue the expansion of the CMP community and to look forward to supporting more games and events during 2020. You can see the list of donators and information on how you can donate by going here. CMP 2019 Recap Over the past 12 months we have: Hosted our North Africa and Italian FH2 campaigns featuring British and Canadian forces against German and Italian forces. Well done to the Axis forces for coming out on top in both campaigns! Maybe next time Allied! We want to thank the HQ's, Officers and Squad Leaders for taking the time to lead and help players in the campaign, attending trainings, meetings and battles. Without you, this campaign would not have been possible! Participated in a number of competitive Post Scriptum scrimmages playing alongside [RIP] and [7AD] as infantry and logistics squads, with the CMP sections usually scoring the highest in kills at each of these events - great job everyone! Opened new groups for: CS:GO Hell Let Loose Project Cars 2 Come and join them if you play these games! Set up public servers for FH2 including a server dedicated to players in Asia Hosted community events for Star Citizen. Christmas Holiday Break So, with our 6th FH2 now over, we'll be taking a long break over Christmas and the New Year, but do not worry! We are already planning the next FH2 campaign to start sometime in March 2020! This time we will be heading to the Allied invasion on the Western front of Europe as we battle through Normandy! Keep checking the forums and CMP emails to find out when the new campaign will start and to get signed up! We welcome all new players to join us in upcoming FH2 campaigns, and if you have played in at least one of our campaigns and would like to volunteer for a role as a Squad Leader, Regimental Commanding Officer or even as HQ then please let one of the @Quicksilver or @RayderPSG know by Private Message in the forums. CMP In 2020 We are looking to increase support for existing gaming groups and the number of games we support over the next year: Continuing our FH2 campaigns; More Dirt Rally events (join us for our current Dirt Rally event!); More Project Cars 2 events; As Star Citizen increases in scope and activities we will be hosting more events - come and join us at ANTCORP!; To continue arranging scrims with other communities and clans playing Post Scriptum; We'll be keeping an eye on Hell Let Loose to see if they decide to support self hosted servers. Are there other multiplayer and co-operative games you are interested in that you think the CMP community would enjoy too? If you do, then please post here and also vote in our poll! Donating To CMP In 2019 we continued our donations drive to help keep the forums, Discord, Teamspeak and game servers running for our members, allowing them to meet, talk and play together in their own groups or as part of larger teams for events such as our FH2 campaigns. Without your donations, we cannot continue to run CMP, those are the simple facts. We were very close to meeting our target goal for 2019 and fortunately we can still keep everything running with the reserves we have now. In 2020 we will again need members to step up and donate whatever they can afford to help cover the monthly community costs - even a few Euros will help. This will allow us to continue to create and host FH2 campaigns, support new games when possible; as well as run the forums, Teamspeak and Discord channels. You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page. We look forward to seeing you all in 2020!18 points
From all of the Committee, Admins and Moderators we want to wish every member of the CMP community a wonderful holiday. This year we have seen our member count rise to over 1,000 and we hope that these new members have found the CMP community to be warm, friendly and welcoming. We want to thank you all for participating in our campaigns and events and supporting members and the community in general. A big thank you goes to those members that go above and beyond for the community in helping with FH2 campaigns, running various groups and the almost daily tasks that are needed to keep the community running including: Papillon kummitus Erwin Sir_Kowskoskey RAnDOOm Hawk Harmonikater Stubbfan Geopat Watchtower Pr0z4c SgtAlex Blander RayderPSG Smashmachine HaLoAL There are undoubtedly many others in the community that aren't on this list and we thank them all for their help. A huge thank you to those that have donated throughout 2018 and continue to donate monthly to keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord channels and game server up and running. Without your generous donations we would not be able to continue the expansion of the CMP community and to look forward to supporting more games and events during 2019. You can see the list of donators and information on how you can donate by going here. CMP 2018 Recap Over the past 12 months we have: Hosted our first Continuation War FH2 campaign featuring Finnish and Russian forces, and are currently in the middle of our Pacific FH2 Campaign with American and British versus Japanese troops fighting in the dense jungles and volcanic islands for victory; Hosted multiple Arma III campaigns including Vlad's Wolves and Broken Arrow; Opened new groups for: BF1942 and BF1918 mods Dirt Rally Foxhole Post Scriptum PUBG War Thunder Come and join them if you play these games! Set up public servers for FH2 and Post Scriptum; Hosted events for BF2 Pirates, GRID: Autosport and Star Citizen along with other games. Christmas Holiday Break For The FH2 Campaign We are nearly two thirds of the way through the current FH2 campaign, but as we reach the holidays we are intending to take a break (a truce?) to allow the admins, mappers, CO's and HQ's to take a rest and let everyone focus on being with friends and family. Our last battle for 2018 will be Irrawaddy River on Friday 21st December, before having a break and then coming back for the battle at Guam on Friday 4th January. There will be training as usual on Thursday 3rd January. CMP In 2019 We are looking to increase support for existing gaming groups and the number of games we support over the next year: More Arma III campaigns; More FH2 campaigns; More Dirt Rally events; As Star Citizen increases in scope and activities we will be hosting more events - come and join us at ANTCORP!; To look at arranging scrims with other communities and clans playing Post Scriptum; With the beta launch of Hell Let Loose for Q2 of 2019 we will be looking to begin testing the game and it's potential for creating future campaigns using it. Are there other multiplayer and co-operative games you are interested in that you think the CMP community would enjoy too? If you do, then please post here and also vote in our poll! Donating To CMP Throughout our first year, the costs for running the community were shouldered by only a few members of CMP, notably Papillon and kummitus. In 2018 we started our donations drive to ask for CMP members to help with our monthly costs and we very nearly reached our target for this year. In 2019 we will also need members to step up and donate whatever they can afford to help cover the monthly community costs - even a few Euros will help. This will allow us to continue to create and host FH2 campaigns, support new games such as Post Scriptum and Hell Let Loose on the game server; as well as run the forums, Teamspeak and Discord channels. You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page. We look forward to seeing you all in 2019!18 points
From all of the Committee, Admins and Moderators we want to wish every member of the CMP community a wonderful holiday. Yes, 2020 has been a strange, confusing and frightening time with the Covid-19 pandemic, but through it all, it has been great to see the support and camaraderie between CMP members, helping each other through a difficult period. This truly is a great community of video game players! With the various lock-downs in so many countries at various times throughout the year, it seems understandable that gamers found some comfort in playing classics such as Forgotten Hope 2 - not to mention it being free to play in some capacity - and it has been amazing to see our FH2 campaigns reach the stage where we had so many players, we had to implement waiting rooms, while playing on a 100-player server! We hope to see this huge player-base continue to join us in 2021! Without a doubt there is a core group of CMP members without whom, we would not have any FH2 tournaments to play. They work hard, and in their free time (this is all voluntary work after all!), to bring our FH2 community two custom campaigns a year spanning 28-weeks in total, and they deserve a heartfelt thank you. Without the dedication from those listed below, there would be no FH2 campaigns: Website, Game Servers, Discord, Teamspeak and All Things Technical kummitus Mapping and Mapping Support Papillon Blander SgtAlex Harmonikater Stubbfan Geopat Forums, Graphics, Social Media and Community Support RAnDOOm Sir_Kowskoskey Hawk RayderPSG Ronid Map Balancing and Feedback Hawk RayderPSG Pr0z4c caeno Tore There are undoubtedly many others in the community that aren't on this list and we thank them all for their help. Donations A massive thank you to those that have donated throughout 2020 and continue to donate monthly or one-off amounts to keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord channels and game server up and running. With the help of the CMP members listed below, we managed to reach and exceed our yearly target for this year! € 1 055,95 Raised! Thank you to: jan_kurator Heia Safari! GABBOTTO Pr0z4c Firecrafter Belzebuth Incognito RayderPSG AL-SAHAD Pepinio Layon CptBocquier Spieler4 Haraldt 0utlaw Johonas Awisko BaskaBommi Ronid TomTom39 LeatherneckSgt GeoPat FELDPREDIGER_HANS beavis_aka_ostwind Spindrifter49 ShadowNick SPARX382 Without the generous donations from these community members, we would not be able to continue the expansion of the CMP community and to look forward to supporting more games and events during 2021. If you donated to CMP, but are not on the list above, PM @Quicksilver and receive your 2020 Donators Medal! If you'd like to donate, you can see how, by going here. CMP 2020 Recap Over the past 12 months we have: Hosted both our Normandy and Battle of the Bulge FH2 campaigns featuring US forces against German forces. Well done to the Axis forces for coming out on top in both campaigns! Maybe next time Allied! We want to thank the HQ's, Officers and Squad Leaders for taking the time to lead and help players in the campaign, attending trainings, meetings and battles. Without you, this campaign would not have been possible! We've continued to increase the number of players in our other community games such as: CS:GO Hell Let Loose Post Scriptum Star Citizen Come and join them if you play these games! We saw the expansion of the Polish community within CMP, and welcomed the opportunity to create a dedicated Polish regiment for our 8th FH2 Campaign. It's great to have you here and we look forward your numbers increasing in the coming years. Along with our Spanish speaking, Russian speaking, German speaking and French speaking players, you can see how diverse the CMP community really is! Christmas Holiday Break With the 8th FH2 campaign now over, we'll be taking a long break over Christmas and the New Year, but plans for the next FH2 campaign are already underway! We expect the next FH2 campaign to start sometime in March 2021. For our next campaign, we'll be winding back the clock to 1939 and the Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union! Keep checking the forums and CMP emails to find out when the new campaign will start and to get signed up! We welcome all new players to join us in upcoming FH2 campaigns, and if you have played in at least one of our campaigns and would like to volunteer for a role as a Squad Leader, Regimental Commanding Officer or even as HQ then please let one of the @Quicksilver or @RayderPSG know by Private Message in the forums. CMP In 2021 We are looking to increase support for existing gaming groups and the number of games we support over the next year: Continuing our FH2 campaigns; More Dirt Rally events; A new Assetto Corsa event; As Star Citizen increases in scope and activities we will be hosting more events - come and join us at ANTCORP!; To continue arranging scrims with other communities and clans playing Post Scriptum along with investigations into the recently released SDK; Supporting the expanding community of Hell Let Loose players in the CMP community. Are there other multiplayer and co-operative games you are interested in that you think the CMP community would enjoy too? If you do, then please post here and also vote in our poll! Donating To CMP In 2020 our donators absolutely smashed it out of the park, and we surpassed our goal for the year by over 200 Euros! While this means we can continue to create and host FH2 campaigns, support new games when possible; as well as run the forums, Teamspeak and Discord channels, in 2021 we will again need members to step up and donate whatever they can afford to help cover the monthly community costs - even a few Euros will help. You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page.17 points
16 points
CMP's Fifth Anniversary And FH2 Upcoming Campaign Today, CMP Gaming (Collaborative Multi-Player Gaming) reaches it's fifth anniversary - a great milestone for the community that started out as a group looking to begin anew with a more open-minded and welcoming community of videogame players. Like every online organisation, we have seen people join from all over the world, and from all walks of life. For those that embraced the equality we offer to all members in this community, we welcomed them with open arms and provided a home where they could socialise and games with like-minded individuals. For those who chose to bully and harrass, they were quickly shown the way out - we have no tolerance for this within CMP. CMP has hosted special events, racing championships, regular gaming meetups, and 10 Forgotten Hope 2 campaigns involving over a hundred players from all over the world, supporting multiple languages and helping to create friendships and comraderie that has crossed international and cultural borders. And so, as the world watches the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the ongoing war, it is important for us all to remember that while we may not all share the same opinions on world politics and other real-world events, gaming is our way to free ourselves from the stresses of the outside world, and the people that you played videogames with last week, or three months ago; are still the same people that you play with now. Please, treat your fellow community members with the same respect and kindness that you would hope others would grant to you. Also, please keep in mind our community rules when posting any content - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/301-forums-teamspeak-discord-and-public-server-rules-please-read/ FH2 Campaigns With the recent world events, we decided to delay our planned FH2 campaign in the Pacific until later in the year. With so much happening at the time, and a lot of heated discussions, it seemed right to pause the campaign play, at least for a short time. But, while the next large FH2 campaign will be delayed until Autumn 2022 at the earliest, we realised that many of the community members still wish to participate in some sort of organised FH2 event. This is why we have taken the decision to create a mini-campaign which will start towards the end of April / beginning of May. A HUGE WARNING FOR PLAYING IN OUR CAMPAIGNS AND EVENTS Discussions about the Ukraine-Russian war, politics and world events in the forums, on Discord (outside of #definitely-not-politics-or-news), in Teamspeak and in any game will not be tolerated. Anyone breaking this rule will be instantly banned from current and future FH2 campaigns along with any other events, and may also be removed from the CMP community. This group is about videogaming and inclusivity for all. Campaign Details The aim is to have a short campaign, using US or UK vs German forces: The campaign will comprise of eight maps taken from the In Memoriam Event played in October 2021; We will still have the same command structure - HQ > CO's > NCO's > Infantry; We will still play under the same campaign rules and regulations as any normal campaign; But, what we need right now are volunteers for HQ members, Commanding Officers of regiments, NCO and Squad Leaders to help CO's in leading regiments and squads - without these people in place, we cannot begin to start the campaign. Have you considered trying out for any sort of leadership role, but were afraid it would be too much pressure? This mini-campaign is a great way to test out if you have what it takes to lead in a full campaign. Why not give it a try and see if a HQ, CO or NCO is right for you? PM @Sir_Kowskoskey, @RayderPSG or @Quicksilver if you are interested in taking a larger role in the campaigns and we'll help to get you set up! Without these roles filled for both teams, we cannot start the campaign, so please step forward and volunteer if you can! We'll be posting more details about this mini-campaign in the next few weeks, so, keep a lookout in the General Announcements section on the forums, or on our Discord channel!16 points
We are currently working on creating the next FH2 campaign for the CMP community, so keep checking the General Announcements for more information in September. If you are interested in being a squad leader in the next campaign under the leadership of an experienced Captain then please PM Quicksilver. Your job will be to lead a smaller squad of players from a regiment, or to take over from your Captain should they need to take a break, or they are away for a battle. There will be multiple squad leaders needed for each regiment. We encourage players who have a little experience with CMP campaigns as well as long term veterans to have a go! We'd love to see new leaders rising up in the community!16 points
Latest Minimod Update: 20.05.2022 | Latest Maps Update: 0.1.5 (24.09.2020) | Latest SP Support Update: 0.0.14 (20.05.2022) The Rising Sun The Imperial Japanese Army The Japanese Imperial Army, while armed with relatively modern weapons, had only recently emerged from a medieval, feudal past. The Army of the 1931-45 period was a strange combination; a well-armed and well-trained modern force, yet imbued with the ancient traditions of a people who had only recently emerged from centuries of self-imposed isolation from the modern world. Already immersed in a de facto war in China, Japan largely ignored its many shortcomings and embarked on a war of conquest against more industrially capable nations. It would establish its place in the world by carving out the 'Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (Dai Toa Kyoei-Ken).' This Japanese-led project aimed to enhance Japan’s economic and material wealth so that it would not be dependent upon supplies from the West. After January 1940, the United States combined a strategy of increasing aid to China while gradually moving towards an embargo on the trade of all militarily useful items with Japan. The Japanese realized the urgent need for oil (over 90% of which was supplied by the United States, Britain and the Netherlands). The solution was to send the Navy south, to seize the oilfields in the Dutch East Indies and nearby British colonies. While the admirals were dubious about their long-term ability to confront the American and British navies, they hoped that a knockout blow to destroy the American fleet at Pearl Harbor would bring the enemy to the negotiating table for a favorable outcome. (click on the image to enlarge) The uniform of the Japanese Imperial Army had developed over a period of about 30 years before finally settling on the Type 98. The color of the uniform was officially a kahki drill, but due to various factors it varied greatly in shade from light sand kahki to dark jungle green. The Japanese NCO holds the rank of Gunsō (Sergeant) and wears a Sen-bou (cloth field cap) while the Nitōhei (Private) soldiers wear the standard issue Japanese Type 92 helmet, often called tetsukabuto ("steel helmet") by the troops. The standard Japanese rifle since the Russo-Japanese War was the five-shot bolt action 6.5mm Arisaka Type 38 that was combined with the Meiji Type 30 bayonet. Many NCOs also carried the Type 98 sword (shin-gunto) on their side. The useful 50mm Type 89 grenade launcher/ light mortar - erroneously called the 'knee-mortar' by the Allies because of its curved base plate - was produced in large numbers and was standard issue down to the section level. These compact weapons could not be fired from the thigh, but instead by bracing the base plate against the ground or a sturdy surface from which it could launch HE, smoke and fragmentation grenades. (click on the image to enlarge) The uniforms worn by the Special Naval Landing Forces (SNLF) from the early 1930s were made of a 'sea-green'-colored cotton material. These forces were small detachments of Naval personel who were employed in landings during the Russo-Japanese War and the Boxer Rebellion. Soon their training and equipment were improved upon drastically, and their forces were given a variety of other operations. They are shown wearing the field cap and helmet with an added neck flap (Bou-tare), hooked to the bottom for sun protection. A decision to change the standard round from the 6.5mm semi-rimmed to a more useful 7.7mm rimless cartridge lead to the introduction of the Type 99 rifle in 1939. These new rifles would be standard issue for the remainder of the war, but were never able to fully replace the Type 38 rifles that came before them. Subsequently, the new cartriage also necessitated the development of the Type 99 Light Machine Gun, complete with a conical flash suppressor, quick-change barrel and 30 round box magazine. Japan was surprisingly late in introducing the sub-machine gun to its armed forces. It's most produced SMG was the Type 100 which came with the distinctive 30-round curved box magazine and a lug to mount a bayonet. As the war continued, the demand for submachine guns increased greatly and larger scale production of the Type 100 started. To increase speed and reduce cost of manufacture, a number of changes were made to simplify the Type 100. This led to the later 1944 model, known in the west as the "Type 100/44." This version had a number of changes, but most noticably was an increased rate of fire to 800 rounds per minute. The Struggle of the Marines Wake Island and Midway 1941-42 Confronting the might of the Imperial Japanese Navy in the early phases of the Pacific War were the soldiers of the Marine Defense Battalions. These battalions were charged with the coastal defense of various naval bases in the Pacific prior to the start of the war. The battalions often had several coastal gun batteries, anti-aircraft batteries, a detection battery (searchlights and radar), and machine gun units that were meant to operate as an independant force that could hold out in the defense of an island before more reinforcements arrived. (click on the image to enlarge) Prior to World War II, the Marines had service uniforms with summer and winter versions. The Summer Service uniform was a light khaki color that was not designed for combat use. Despite this, it was in fact worn to battle early in World War II at Pearl Harbor, Wake Island, the Philippines, Guam and Midway. In 1941, USMC and Army personnel still wore the M1917 helmet, or “Brodie helmet,” used during World War I. In addition to their helmets, the Marines were still equipped with much of the same weapons from WW1. The 1903 vintage Springfield bolt action rifle was the standard rifle of the US Army and Marine Corps at the outbreak of war. It was never fully replaced in the Marine Corps units as was planned. The 1918 Vintage Browning Automatic Rifle would continue to be the standard Light Machine Gun throughout Korea and into Vietnam while the M1928A1 Thompson submachine gun was still the most used SMG in the US at this time despite its costly production. Wake Island by Watchtower The Battle of Wake Island began simultaneously as the attack on Pearl Harbor naval/air bases and ended on 23 December 1941. Later to be known as the Alamo of the Pacific - It was fought on and around the atoll formed by Wake Island and its minor islets of Peale and Wilkes Islands with Marines playing a prominent role on both sides. Early on the morning of 11 December, the garrison, with the support of four remaining Wildcats, repelled the first Japanese landing attempt. The second Japanese invasion force came on 23 December, composed mostly of the ships from the first attempt and 1,500 Japanese Marines. After a full night and morning of fighting, the Wake garrison and civilians surrendered to the Japanese by mid-afternoon. It was occupied until 4 September 1945, when the remaining Japanese garrison surrendered to a detachment of US Marines after the formal surrender of Japan. Midway 1942 by Pr0z4c and Stubbfan Midway is a 6.2 square kilometer atoll located in the North Pacific, about a third of the way from Hawaii to Japan. The Japanese fleet attacked the island in June of 1942, in order to eliminate a forward US base, and in the hopes of luring part of the U.S. fleet into a position where it could be engaged on favorable terms and destroyed. Instead, the Japanese fleet was heavily damaged, losing four carriers, while sinking only one U.S. carrier. The battle of Midway has been called the turning point in the Pacific war, and afterwards, the Japanese fleet remained on the strategic defensive for the remainder of the conflict. The First Hell in the Pacific Tulagi 1942 (click on the image to enlarge) The strategic defeats suffered in the Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway checked Japan’s advance in the Pacific. The engagements, which cost the Japanese over 400 carrier and landbased aircraft and five aircraft carriers, forced Tokyo to assume a defensive posture. The Americans planned to parry the enemy’s plan by capturing Tulagi and Guadalcanal and setting up their own airfield in the Solomons to support an advance toward New Britain and New Guinea. For Operation Watchtower (the attacks on Tulagi and Guadalcanal) the Marines were outfitted with the newly issued M1 Helmet and 1941 pattern utility uniform that would iconize them for the rest of the war. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the US was suddenly in desperate need of thousands of modern automatic weapons. The Thompson submachine gun was a weapon that epitomized reliability and exquisite machining, and as such, was costly and required many man hours to produce. Because of this, the more easily manufactured Reising was quickly adopted by the US Navy and Marines as a limited-standard weapon. The two primary versions of the weapon were the Model 50 and the folding stock Model 55. Tulagi by Stubbfan and Pr0z4c The Battle of Tulagi was a land battle in the Pacific theatre of war. The battle was fought between the forces of the Imperial Japanese Navy and the United States Marines. The battle took place during the inital Allied landings in the Guadalcanal campaign. In contrast to the intense fighting on Tulagi, the landings on Guadalcanal were essentially unopposed.The Japanese forces where determined to defend Tulagi to the end. "A Little Gibraltar" Tarawa 1943 (click on the image to enlarge) In order to set up forward air bases capable of supporting operations across the mid-Pacific, the U.S. planned to take the Gilbert Islands. The American invasion force to the Gilberts was the largest yet assembled for a single operation in the Pacific, and the Battle of Tarawa was the first American offensive in the critical central Pacific region. It was also the first time in the Pacific War that the United States had faced serious Japanese opposition to an amphibious landing. The uniform worn by the soldiers on Tarawa was the then brand-new initial production version of the reversible 1942 pattern camouflage utilities. The uniform was reversible, with a dominantly green and brown “jungle” printed camouflage pattern on one side, and a dominantly brown and tan “beachhead” pattern on the other. The helmet camouflage cover was issued in a similar reversible pattern. At this point in the war, the Marines were gradually being issued with the new standard caliber .30 M1 rifle, the iconic "Garand." However, many Marines still retained the Springfield bolt action as they landed on the beaches. Tarawa by Pr0z4c The Battle for Tarawa was a battle in the Pacific. The battle took place on the Tarawa Atoll in the Gilbert Islands. Nearly 6.400 Japanese and Americans died in the fighting, mostly on and around the small island of Betio, in the extreme southwest of Tarawa Atoll. The Battle of Tarawa was the first American Offensive in the critical central Pacific region. It was also the first time in the war that the United States faced serious Japanese opposition to an amphibious landing. It was boasted by its defenders that a million Americans couldn't take Tarawa in 100 years. The next 76 hours was to be the crucible for such a struggle The Problem with the Friendly Fire Kwajalein 1944 The US Army dedicated about 25% of its strength to the pacific, about 22 divisions and associated air forces. The remaining 75% was focused on the European and Mediterranean theaters, but the Army was by no means an after thought in the Pacific Theater. Operation Flintlock conducted in the Kwajalein Atoll was one of the lesser known battles in the Pacific but it was nonetheless complex, with battles fought on seven main islands scattered over a large area, and made more complex by the by-passed Japanese garrisons that had to be reconnoitered and cleared. The Southern island of Kwajalein was attacked by the 7th Infantry Division of the US Army who had seen action earlier in the Pacific, though the conditions were quite the opposite. They had previously fought in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands, on the island of Kiska. During that Operation there were noted friendly fire incidents and therefor later on you see the use of colored panels worn by troops. (click on the image to enlarge) The ID panel finds itself being used en masse for this attack along with the camouflage painted helmet, the shell of which is painted a bright yellow and green with hand woven camouflage nets. Kwajalein by Watchtower The Battle of Kwajalein took place from 31 January-3 February 1944, on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Employing the hard-learned lessons of the Battle of Tarawa, the US launched a successful twin assault on the main islands of Kwajalein in the south and Roi-Namur in the north. The Japanese defenders put up stiff resistance, although outnumbered and under-prepared. For the US, the battle represented both the next step in its island-hopping march to Japan and a significant morale victory because it was the first time the Americans had penetrated the "outer ring" of the Japanese Pacific sphere. For the Japanese, the battle represented the failure of the beach-line defense. With The Old Breed Peleliu 1944 (click on the image to enlarge) The 1st Mar. Div. had fought on Guadalcanal, America’s first amphibious landing in World War II, from August to December 1942. The “Old Breed” then secured a lodgment on Cape Gloucester, New Britain, fighting there from December 1943 to February 1944. These men were in less than ideal condition having endured one of the wettest campaigns of the war. Most were suffering from weight loss and fungus infections, but would recover by the time of the Peleliu attack. The Marines on Peleliu were seasoned veternas of the Pacific Campaign who had grown to perfect their craft of rooting out the Japanese from island after stoney island. In September of 1944, the Marines are outfitted with their full compliment of M1 Garands, M1 Carbines and the latest iteration of the M1A1 Thompson SMG. Peleliu by Watchtower The Battle of Peleliu or Operation Stalemate II was fought between September 15th to November 27th 1944. U.S. Marines of the First Marine Division, and later soldiers of the U.S. Army's 81st Infantry Division, fought to capture an airstrip on the small coral island part of a larger offensive campaign known as Operation Forager. The Commander of 1st Marine Division predicted the island would be secured within 4 days, however, Japan had developed new island defense tactics, well-crafted fortifications and caves that allowed stiff resistance, extending the battle through more than two months. The Great Raid Cabanatuan 1945 After the surrender of tens of thousands of American troops during the Battle of Bataan, many were sent to the Cabanatuan prison camp after the Bataan Death March. The Japanese shifted most of the prisoners to other areas, leaving just over 500 American and other Allied POWs and civilians in the prison. Facing brutal conditions including disease, torture, and malnourishment, the prisoners feared they would be executed by their captors before the arrival of General Douglas MacArthur and his American forces returning to Luzon. In late January 1945, a plan was developed by Sixth Army leaders and Filipino guerrillas to send a small force to rescue the prisoners. A group of over 100 Rangers and Scouts and 200 guerrillas traveled 30 miles (48 km) behind Japanese lines to reach the camp. (click on the image to enlarge) The US Army Rangers who participated in the POW rescue traveled with the minimum of kit and equipment. The Rangers wore a typical fatigue uniform with white identification strips, M1944 combatboots, and a field cap. Raid on Cabanatuan by Geopat On the night of January 30, 1945, US Army Rangers, Alamo Scouts, and Filipino guerrillas liberated more than 500 Allied prisoners from the POW camp near Cabanatuan City, in the Philippines. Road to Burma Irrawaddy River 1945 The 14th Army that re-entered Burma at the end of 1944 was completely different in strength and spirit from the shattered force that had retreated back to India in 1942. The Indian Army provided the bulk of the 14th Army's battalions. Of the five divisions that crossed the Chindwin to advance on Mandalay and Meiktila, only one, the 2nd Division, was wholly British. The four other divisions were all Indian Infantry Divisions. Among it, the featured 17th Indian Infantry Division. Armed with the antiquated No. 1 Mk III Enfield and the Mk I Bren guns, the Indians were well led, their soldiers experienced and confident. (click on the image to enlarge) (click on the image to enlarge) In nearly all cases, each of the three brigades making up an Indian Division included one British battalion, thus three per division. After Khaki Drill stocks were used up, Indian-made jungle-green uniforms were issued in 1943, consisting of Aertex battle dress shirt, trousers and bush jacket, and was generally worn by all the British and Commonwealth armies until 1945. British soldiers serving in the jungles of Burma also often wore the slouch hat or bush hat. Lessons learned from the Burma campaign showed that some equipment was particularly important in the jungle. India Command undertook further research into infantry rifles in order to make them smaller and lighter for easier handling in the jungle. The result was the precursor to the No. 5 jungle Carbine, which was officially adopted by the War Office in September 1944. The No. 5 Mark I was 5in shorter and 2lbs lighter. The kukri or khukuri is a knife, originating from the Indian subcontinent, associated with the Nepali speaking Gurkhas of Nepal and India. It is a characteristic weapon of the Indian Army, and of all Gurkha regiments throughout the world, so much so that some English-speakers refer to the weapon as a "Gurkha blade" or "Gurkha knife". Irrawaddy River by Papillon After the 7th Indian Infantry Division had captured Pakokku, on 14 February, the Allied forces crossed the Irrawaddy River at Nyaung U, north of ancient Burmese capital of Pagan. The 7th Division's crossing was made on a wide front. Both the main attack at Nyaung U and a secondary crossing at Pagan (the former capital, and the site of many Buddhist temples) were initially disastrous. Pagan and Nyaungu were defended by two battalions of the Indian National Army's 4th Guerrilla Regiment, with one held in reserve. The 7th Indian Division suffered heavy losses as their assault boats broke down under machine-gun fire which swept the river. Eventually, support from tanks of the Gordon Highlanders firing across the river and massed artillery forced the defenders at Nyaungu to surrender. Das letzte Aufgebot Berlin 1945 In late 1944, facing the invasion of the Fatherland by the allied forces on the western and eastern front, the nazi leadership issued a general draft of all german men the age between 16 and 60 that still were at the homefront, fullfilling duties or specialized labour, didn't have to serve at the war front already and were fit to bear arms. These standards and requirements gradually were lowered as the final weeks of the Reich came closer. Already, the regular army drafted the german teenagers born in the years 1927 and 1928. In March 1945, even those born in 1929 were drafted for anti-air duty in the military, leaving those remaining Hitler-Youth boys to be drafted for the paramilitary Volkssturm often to be younger than 16. The Volkssturm militia was meant to serve as auxiliary force, only to be deployed within The Reich territory, overtaking tasks to free up units of the regular army for them to focus on the front. These tasks included trenchwork, escorting of war refugees, relocation of industrial productions, security & guarding, rear defense - and ultimately in 1945, inevitably facing combat with regular forces of the enemy on home soil. Each Volkssturm unit never exceeded battalion-size and were deployed along with Wehrmacht and SS-units. Their casualties were heavy: 117.000 members of the Volkssturm died in the final four months of the war, only to prolong the suffering and the inevitable defeat. (click on the image to enlarge) The Volkssturm was poorly and insufficiently equipped with only parts in uniform. Many men had to resort to civillian clothing, marking themselves with a Volkssturm armband to at least somehow show their affiliation to the Volkssturm and their dubious status as combatant. Crude last-ditch weapons such as the Volkssturmgewehr VG 45 or the Volkskarabiner, captured foreign rifles, hunting rifles and pistols from private stocks were used, aswell as large masses of the easy-to-produce-and-use Panzerfaust. In times of scarcity, the Truppenfahrrad (troop bicycle) was a simple, yet effective mean of transport for the Volkssturm and was frequently used. Berlin by Blander A garrison consisting of some 200,000 german soldiers (depleted and disorganised Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS divisions, along with poorly trained Volkssturm and Hitler Youth members) remained in Berlin, along with some 2,000,000 civilians. In a meeting in Moscow, the plan was laid down to march on Germany's capital in April of 1945 in an attempt to beat the Western Allies to the prize. The offensive was launched in the morning hours of April 16th with a stellar barrage of artillery followed by air attacks, tanks and men. Competition between the two Soviet generals (Marshals Georgi Zhukov and Ivan Koniev) drove them through the German defenses led by General Helmuth Weidling though fighting was bitter and earned in blood. Downloads How to Install Variant I: Use The FH2 Community Updater Since Forgotten Hope 2 Version 2.56, the Community Updater is now an integrated option to install as third-party tool. Step 1: Start the official FH2 Launcher and click on Options Step 2: In the "Gameplay"-tab, install the Community Map Pack Updater (1), then run it (2) and optionally, let the launcher check for updates upon starting (3). (Warning as of August 2020: Do not tick this checkbox as it could potentially cause an Unhandled System.NullReference exception error upon starting the FH2 Launcher. Solution: Re-run the FH2LauncherSetup in order to reset the FH2 Launcher. Bug will be fixed with the next FH2 update.) Congratulations, you are now good to go and able to play on the FH2 servers running the Community Map Pack! OR Variant II: Alternative Manual Download Alternative Manual File Download CMP FH2 Mappack Pacific I+Berlin Minimod Download (3.0 GB) - Download Here CMP FH2 Mappack Pacific I+Berlin Maps Download (561 MB) - Download Here (Optional) CMP FH2 Mappack Pacific I+Berlin Single Player Support by IvanWazowsky (1.8 GB) - Download Here The mappack files will come in a zipped file. Just copy this file into Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\ folder. If you use the standalone, copy it into Program Files (x86)\ForgottenHope2\mods\ folder. Choose 'Extract Here' and let it install the files. Let it overwrite any files if you have older mappack files installed. The Team And their Functions Special Thanks To All Developers and Community Members involved Stubbfan Papillon kummitus Harmonikater Watchtower GeoPat Blander Pr0z4c theanh Matt_Baker Pointblank 2cool2fool jan_kurator SgtAlex Quicksilver RAnDOOm Hawk RayderPSG IvanWazowsky Project Lead, Modeling, Mapping, Coding, Chief Cook Project Lead, Modeling, Mapping, Coding Coding, Server & GIT Administration, Community Support Modeling, Animation, Coding Modeling, Mapping Modeling, Mapping Modeling, Mapping Mapping Modeling Modeling, Media Modeling Animation Coding, Sound-Design, Bug-Fixing Coding, Bug-Fixing FH2 Admin, Organisation, Media, Community Support FH2 Admin, Organisation, Social Media, Community Support FH2 Admin, Organisation, Chief Media Social Media, Community Support Single Player/Coop Support15 points
Best: - No crashes, everything working, full server to end Worst: - Campaign is over! Funniest: - The guys, being teamkilled by my beloved @CptBocquier just a second after speaking with him on CC Most hated player: -no one! Most loved/liked player: - everyone Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/6449-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - As always, would like to thank everyone involved in making the campaign possible, starting by all the grunt players and the new ones who joined us. Expecting and hoping you to join us in the future ones too! @hurgle @tomiboy077 @KingDarius69 @adamJ22 @gago2017 @LeenField @Capain-OC- @Dr0wNeD @sallmi @tom420 @DocX.ger @Rnub @Bob_0403 @Nao_FR @Borjomi @Sonil @Tobruk323 @Wolverine @Dadau @DAF_S @Pax26 @ABANKA @Bebrrr @Major @Fufusman @Ikazeh @PanchitoPe @Jason @Camacho @VladimirManzur @Khatarsyz @Elfrancotirador_28 @Endersline @Coyote45 @Strelok1754 @Pakito849gh Thank you to all the people involved in leading roles! The toughest spot, the one most people fears, the one whose real goal is to make it fun for the rest. Thank you @turbomursu @GeoPat @The_Green_Bunny @sparky---777 @Watchtower @dumbbPunk @DonbasCossack @estate8143 @Haraldt @Pepinio @Blander @TheNoiSe @pozzo @Tutvys @Magnet_Butt @Kerst @Vlasov @lelik156 @Bzdziuchanson @TomTom39 @FPS_POLSKA @yugba Very special thanks to @Papillon @Sir_Kowskoskey in this regard as they made an extra big effort to help axis out Thank you mappers, it was a very beautiful campaign mapping side I have to say. @Papillon @GeoPat @king_tigernator @Watchtower Big thank you to all the admins and planning involved people. Your work is not appreciated enough, and there is a LOT of work behind the curtains. @kummitus @RAnDOOm @Quicksilver @Erwin On a more own team side, thank you to the core of guys involved on training and CC too. Thank you for making it fun @CptBocquier @Pr0z4c @AL-SAHAD @komejant @riskmanagement @Blaze and a long etc, Many thanks to ALL the own language groups and their people in charge who make a huge work mantaining the good vibes and atmosphere among those. Polish, Russian speaking, German speaking, THANK YOU-DZIEKI-СПАСИБО-ДЯКУЮ-DANKE Wishing you all Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate and in which date. I love you all! See you around !15 points
From all of the Committee, Admins and Moderators we want to wish all of the CMP community a wonderful holiday. As we look to leave 2022 behind and speed-run our way through the last few days into 2023, we reflect on a year that has seen anger, fear, financial worries and the darker side of humanity. But, I like to think that the CMP community shines like a beacon of hope for those looking to find a place that is welcoming to all, and offers a caring group who will support each other no matter the geographical, religious, or cultural boundaries. With any multi-national group, there are always minor arguments and banter between individuals, however, what makes CMP one of the best gaming communities out there, is that when someone needs help, advice, or just a person to talk to (and game with!), they can count on community members to step up and be there for them. This year saw CMP launch another two FH2 campaigns using custom maps, including a number never played before - we know there is always excitement when playing in the Pacific theatre and this was magnified by some amazing new maps. It's so great to see these 12-week events bring together so many people from all over the world to forge new bonds of friendship and camaraderie, as they throw everything into playing competitive, but fun battles. And every year there is a core group of CMP members who tirelessly give their all to set up these FH2 tournaments to play. They work long hours, using their free time to bring our FH2 community two custom campaigns each year, and they deserve a heartfelt thank you from us all. Without the dedication from those listed below, there would be no FH2 campaigns for us all to enjoy: Website, Game Servers, Discord, Teamspeak and All Things Technical kummitus Mapping and Mapping Support Papillon Geopat Pr0z4c Watchtower Harmonikater Stubbfan Forums, Graphics, Social Media and Community Support RAnDOOm Sir_Kowskoskey Hawk RayderPSG Ronid Erwin Map Balancing and Feedback Hawk RayderPSG There are undoubtedly many others in the community that aren't on this list and we thank them all for their help. Donations A huge thank you must also go out to those who have donated throughout 2022 and continue to donate monthly, or offer one-off amounts to keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord channels and game server up and running. With the help of the CMP members listed below, we managed to reach just over 70% of our target goal for this year! € 776,96 Raised! Thank you to: Heia Safari! Incognito dumbbPunk ShadowNick AL-SAHAD Pepinio 0utlaw Anguita36 eXHaLe turbomursu SgtAlex Johonas Blaze RayderPSG BelleAndSebastian ZZZkam1kadzeZZZ turbomursu Without the generous donations from these 14 community members out of the 2,000+ registered on the forums, we would not be able to continue with the custom FH2 campaigns, and the expansion of the CMP community to look at supporting more games and events during 2023. If you donated to CMP, but are not on the list above, PM @Quicksilver and receive your 2022 Donators Medal! If you'd like to donate, you can see how, by going here. CMP 2022 Recap Over the past 12 months we have: Hosted both our In Memoriam and Pacific FH2 campaigns. Well done to the Axis forces as they continue their winning streak, but we can definitely say that players on both teams enjoyed the amazing custom and never-seen-before maps in the Pacific campaign! We want to thank the HQ's, Officers and Squad Leaders for taking the time to lead and help players in these campaigns, attending trainings, meetings and battles. Without you, these campaigns would not have been possible! Also, to the players who may be old veterans, or brand new to FH2 and playing in CMP campaigns - Thank You! It's been amazing to see the server hitting max capacity during both campaigns. We hope you will keep coming back for more in the future. Set up a dedicate world server for Valheim so that CMP players can play, build and explore together; Ran a 12-week DiRT Rally 2.0 championship with players racing all over the world in special events on tarmac, gravel, mud and snow. Congratulations to @turbomursu for his 1st place finish! Continued to increase the number of players in our other community games such as: Assetto Corsa CS:GO Hell Let Loose Post Scriptum Star Citizen Come and join them if you play these games! Christmas Holiday Break With the 12th FH2 campaign now over, the campaign planners and mappers will be taking well deserved break over Christmas and the New Year, but plans are already being made for Campaign #13! We expect the next FH2 campaign to start sometime in March 2023. Keep checking the forums and CMP emails to find out when the new campaign will start and to get signed up! We welcome all new players to join us in upcoming FH2 campaigns, and if you have played in at least one of our campaigns and would like to volunteer for a role as a Squad Leader, Regimental Commanding Officer or even as HQ then please let @Quicksilver or @RayderPSG know by Private Message in the forums and we'll see if we can find a place for you. CMP In 2023 We are looking to increase support for existing gaming groups and the number of games we support over the next year: Continuing our FH2 campaigns; More DiRT Rally 2.0 events; A new Assetto Corsa event beginning in the New Year; As Star Citizen increases in scope and activities we will be hosting more events - come and join us at ANTCORP! Continue to host our own world server for Valheim; To continue arranging scrims with other communities and clans playing Post Scriptum; Supporting the expanding community of Hell Let Loose players in the CMP community and arranging events with other communities; Arranging events to play Squad with those who play within CMP. Are there other multiplayer and co-operative games you are interested in that you think the CMP community would enjoy too? If you do, then please post here and also vote in our poll! Donating To CMP In 2022 our donators helped us to get close to our target goal for the year. Without donations to help cover the costs for servers and software we cannot continue to create and host FH2 campaigns, support new games when possible; as well as run the forums, Teamspeak and Discord channels. As we begin a new year we will again need members to step up and donate whatever they can afford to help cover the monthly community costs - even a few Euros will help. You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page.15 points
Best: - being able to play alpenfestung in campaign mod, with more alternatives than i thought. Well done @GeoPat Worst: -both best and worst: it's over. Funniest: - haunebu! lol Most hated player: -no one Most loved/liked player: -Everyone, but special love goes to, as always: (own team has already had a message!) -Enemy HQ @BaskaBommi @knokworst , ty for volunteering for one of the less desired spots. Looking forward to be under your leading in the future! -Enemy CO's ! ty for volunteering for the most exhausting job possible in a fh2 campaign. @CptBocquier @Heia Safari! @Erwin @GeoPat @aquintus @Blaze @Malleus @Kerst -Ty to the admins, every single one of them did a great share of work @RAnDOOm @Hawk @Papillon @kummitus @Quicksilver @Sir_Kowskoskey in different domains. -Ty to all the players which make this possible and help FH2 to still be alive. Glad to see many new players who joined us @SAT @DonbasCossack @SANDX @Capt.Sedaris @Bobbeh @ShadowGamer12161 @THE WEIRD SNAIL @Mattscher @ZaGoR @Mosinka @Sd.Kfz.22 @private_rayan @egoregv @P_Bouras @HolyFathers @Sasahadog1205 @Wiktor1288 @Beariale @FPS_POLSKA @Zekryd @BelleAndSebastian @1nTrU @Marine @HowAboutAStone @Hawkan @Frippe it was also lovely to see oldies back @Comodeus @HansWerner @WIlliamMercer [OSS] etc! Other: - looking forward to the pacific one15 points
Best: - being able to have played another campaign with many friends of different nationalities Worst: -not being able to cook @krakki Funniest: - make tk To my teammates Most hated player: -no one all are good guys. And ducks Most loved/liked player: -All the spotters on my team: @RayderPSG, @wanchekid, @Legionario2, @Nightwing, @Facunino, @Luis 1944, @DarthTemoc, @L.L.HERRAIZ, @sergioten, @postelnik, @qtaCHRIs, @gerul, @TOBU94, @TomTom39, @Otto, @The_Green_Bunny, @pozzo, @AL-SAHAD Other: - Another campaign finished, let's go for many more15 points
15 points
It's finally coming! After several years without the CMP mappack on the public rotation, with extensive testing and a huge overhaul in order to improve the maps, we now have a fixed date for the First Release of the new CMP mappack: This Saturday 13th of June! The CMP mappack will be open for everyone and available from both the CMP updater, which can be obtained through the FH2 Launcher and from the manual links to be posted here on the release day. From now on, CMP will be released as "Rolling Release". This first release, R1, will include the 7 maps below. More maps and updates to existing ones will be released periodically with second release planned soon after. Irrawaddy by @Papillon Tarawa by @Pr0z4c Tulagi by @Stubbfan and @Pr0z4c Midway 1942 by @Pr0z4c and @Stubbfan Wake Island by @Watchtower Berlin by @Blander Raid at Cabanatuan by @GeoPat Get ready to invite your friends and enjoy this great Mappack!15 points
15 points
¡Buenos días gente! La verdad que este topic es una buena noticia. Básicamente lo voy a hacer para "enlistaros" a todos los hispanos, también por nacionalidad, para aclararme un poco más. ¿Por qué? Pues porque por desgracia muchas veces la única forma de haceros enterados de los eventos que se realizan en la web es vía mención con (@) o vía PM, sobre todo para los que no estáis en el grupo de whatsapp. Además, muchos de vosotros, os olvidáis de señalar al registraros vuestra nacionalidad, dificultando la búsqueda de hispanos. En resumen, como pienso mencionaros a todos en los eventos importantes, prefiero tener un sitio fijo y actualizado al que acudir y reunir a todos más fácilmente. Como decía, esto es una buena noticia porque significa que cada vez somos más. Lista Hispana. Argentina: @AbsurdDive @Adriano0o0o0o @Ag8S @alancito @ALBREIN @Alecont @alexander_noriega0 @allien3787 @Argenchino @ArgentinaMania @ARG_Matayo @arielzurdo @Avazord @BanzaimeN @Baranovsky420@baronrojo4 @BigotePolaco @blacktrooper92 @Blander @BlueSoldier20 @CABEZO [Goz-[Mauri94]-[ @Chango_killer @CochoSGO @coco @colores @CorderoZ @corvofef @DavidCruz2020 @DavidG @depretux @Diepla @elcheeky2 @elchristo326 @elgordomoii123 @Eljotajota_27 @ellocode33 @EL_REY_747 @ENEKA00 @Falken78 @F.Sansberro @fabrigrinovero35 @Facunino@Fatigatti_AR @Feedee21 @F.E.G @Fenriz @Franco123 @Fritz @Fury1 @gianzx @GianFH2005 @grecolanding @Guli123 @Heisenberg-arg @Ian @Ibupirac @IsaTron10 @Jager_43 @JARHStarkiller @Jaskiuu @JohnIsASerb @johnnymzq @josh @JuqnDev @[KKCK]Fedetech[Arg] @kirbyris-cafe @Klaz @KumaquiWolf @lautar0 @LEO. @LeoCSP @Lobo solitario @luacha2000 @Luciano_ARG @lukazsit @Luh333 @LuisSs@Dahjeshi @Malvinero @Mane_Goddard @Mantelord @MarceloGallardo@marcelo123m @Mati.Mattman @MatM1996 @Martin.ar @mcpollo @MessiLover69 @Mokusoo @Mrtn1998 @Neros @n1c0 @NahuelXDD02 @NahuelXD01 @nanoca21942s @Nezor21 @Nemerian118 @Nightwing @-PANZER ALCON- @Papita05 @Patan @Patofeliz100 @Pavlov442 @PBT-FRAN @Pichu1199 @Pollenz @Ramiro23 @RASPUTI @Roul @Rushit @Sagwyn @sansan555 @santiago32 @sas_elite 1 @SebastianL @SebastianL92 @Simo Hahya @Solid @Spartan_101 @Spike @STALKER @Starpom @Tachu97 @Talion @tomas050611 @troxta @vaje21 @vicius2012 @Vicleoon @ViejoKKarma @WassapDude94 @WINNERSTONE @xGastonxARG @zYaShImIr0 Belice: Bolivia: @cristhianxd @UwU_Ley @VADE Brasil**: @Guinho @Jeferson @KrazyDogui Chile: @altsuprgamer @Bixixa @Bixixaa @carvajal.cri @chulito12345 @CristobalMelo @Daniel @DIABLO_ZAMURAI @dylanxd @FlahnB @gabriel @Guillessj @inlifex @killer98 @kropstap @LanXcL @MAX.MAXO @Mr.pepe @nemesisk @Neutral_true @Pascuero45 @q(-_-)p @RadicalDestroyerr @ramdomaiser24 @ranger501rex @simiox @Snow @Terrormaik @TKRShadowBlack @tomillo2004 @Tovarish Vjerjod Colombia: @Andres_Gomez @bilmaster @Black_Hawk @BryanUS @Cocchiola @DavidRambo123 @DavidSchulz0399 @ElKazama @El_Ramitos @FH2SOLDIER YK @1nTrU @jaaruizhe @Jason @Jonah @JhonKiller111 @juank @juanse120 @Khatarsyz @Manheim @miguelrrr5 @NicoFenix1 @poloviskk @Portela1942 @Racevil @Rambokill34 @sgtsanti6 @Thesalamanderman @TheSirN @THETHREEISWHACHING @Tommy @veams @VEGA_365 @vengado @xXCeLuLaXx @Zenex Comunidad hispana EE:UU: Costa Rica: Cuba: @AlCapone345 @C3s4rPR9 @Wolverine Ecuador: @Algam @EDGARWAR989 @Darkisthenight @KorTainYT @KORTAINNN @Legionario2 @PKM^ @RauloWW2 @Renko @Sherwin_Em2(*) @steven Bohorquez @titos El Salvador: @TuncaCeleste @VladimirManzur España: @1DVCervantesESP @AbelllGp @Anguita36 @Anra @arbustito @Arsemex @Arturo_145 @Asde900 @Astalor @assasin666 @Avantey @B4R0N @Becafer @BelleAndSebastian @Bertol.ok @Beyers(*) @Cactus @Chad Negro @Chus @Darkpotato @DavidTrollero @DarkTrooper246 @DAVID-SOLDIER @Defender @Dost @Durru @Duttget @Edgar @elvinu @ermahe @FearSystem @Ferdinand_Bach @Gabrii172 @GeJota @GGarrido @goblin_español @Godofredo La Chupa @guildertool @Henrique O Horrivel @isaachn02 @Jester @josedavidxxx @Jotta @jozevillano @Kelevra @klmk @Laiust @Layon @lmlz @L.L.HERRAIZ @Loky86 @Lopder @LopeteguiDiversion @Machacasaurio @MajorMajor @Malakra @ManWithBow @marisco @Matt @Maverick @Mayorhkiin @Miguemae @MysticWizard@OddBall@onebullet95 @OrangeMarmalaid @p3p3 @padre @Pakito849gh @pepe @PKdor @Rataconfusca @RayderPSG @rubimalo @Santini1973 @Schuman @Senor_tactico2 @sergioten @SgtAlex @Sgt.Alexander98 @Sgt.SteinerCross @Shadow457 @Shadow457 Spots @Smashmachine @SolracK Khan @Sorem @Spanish_Tercio @Sparhez @spectrun @SrVallejo @Super @TudensHope @URKA @Verticorda @vitorio9898 @xtoangel @wanchekid @Wualy @Xavhia Guatemala: @DerFer29 @joseuc1 @srjefers Guinea Ecuatorial: Honduras: @Luis 1944 @VELKRO @ZOCIO México: @Adrianimus @Alberto_DLTorre @Albert.K-101 @3DvD3 @Beatnikjude63 @Blackbeard-19F21 @Blagu @Charmzz @CptRolan @Dali96 @DarthTemoc @David5p4rt4n @EddAvilaRuiz @emiliano3314 @ElRayjuega @esparjose @Harel065 @Ibrahim @iAntraxMeXz@ImmortalCrab @johkars @juasjuasmjxd @K37 @kropstap @leonardorobles05 @Logian @ninioartillero @pepparockera @PollitoJrH12945 @PollitoJr1294Frozen @punishedsnake77 @Taiday @Visir_Ahmed Nicaragua: @David5p4rt4n @FrosT_K Panamá: @Ciclops23 @Gold Paraguay: @Borizsov @mikel2.0 @NeedAmmo Perú: @Andre1212 @Berlin @chrystiango @Danielikus @Dela @juandi1942 @PanchitoPe @Revenger Puerto Rico: República Dominicana: @AlphaWolf17 @engelxd2 Venezuela: @Albert.K-101 @alwaisdry @AnYElo1207 @Blanco960 @CactusMcCoy @CactusMcCoy @Camacho @camilonav @Cap.Mactavish @CarlosKoinaki @chacon @Darnico @Derp26 @Dr_sicario @eloyreinaldo @Elfrancotirador_28 @Endersline @franyerson @Gabriel1324 @Gettiz @Ghost.,@GLiTCH_74 @GracefulOutlaw @JuanchoA @koyer@LEGION-XV@leonardopachano123 @lorsan2906 @matos37 @Miguelrrr @MrJero @N1troZ @N3LK @Nzar @PacMan @RicardoCFC1995 @rodrigorod @Roxwork @SNES @Strelok1754 @SpetsBomb @TheGringoLoco @themanxangel2015 @TheNoiSe @XxArrecialxX Uruguay: @18yEjido @Gunyaboss14 @matias1002 @POOL31010 @powerUY=[URU]= @santiago @Ubersoldaten Otros: @muchachos19 @aguamineral9 @aguamineral999 @Srg_Romero @elpro30155 (falta especificar nacionalidad)14 points
From all of the Committee, Admins and Moderators we want to wish all of the CMP community a wonderful holiday and hopes for a fantastic New Year. Yet another year has passed and it will soon be time to pick a rally point and spawn into 2024. And, although we haven't managed to leave some of the troubles and concerns of 2023 behind us, we can always look to 2024 with renewed hope and the resolve that if we want to make the world a better place we have the power within ourselves to bring change - even just the smallest action to help loved ones, friends, or our local community is sometimes all it takes. Within the CMP community we love to see this postivity as well. Friends meeting online to share their love of a particular game or just to chat on Teamspeak, CMP members meeting in real life to eat, drink and talk face-to-face, and through our Discord server where members can ask for help with technical issues, opinions on games, movies, music and much more. I think that I can safely say that for all those who work to keep CMP running, we are proud of how this fledgling community has grown over the years. Our numbers have swelled dramatically, and the numbers are consistently high in our signature FH2 campaigns for which CMP is now well-known for. It goes to show that what we are building here is what a lot of players are looking for - a place to call home. In 2023 we saw two more amazing FH2 campaigns using familiar and favourite custom maps, mixed in with a number of new maps never played before - it seems crazy that we have now closed out Campaign #13 in Italy and Campaign #14 in Normandy after the landings of D-Day. It's been wonderful to see the "old war dog veterans" return to join us again, and also a good number of new players participating in their first campaigns - a huge welcome to them! Of course, we can't ring out the year without mentioning the core group of CMP members who tirelessly give their all to set up these FH2 tournaments to play. They work long hours, using their free time to bring our community two custom FH2 campaigns each year, alongside other community events and features, and they deserve a heartfelt thank you from us all. Without the dedication from those listed below, there would be no CMP community, and no FH2 campaigns for us all to enjoy: Website, Game Servers, Discord, Teamspeak and All Things Technical kummitus Mapping and Mapping Support Papillon Geopat Pr0z4c Watchtower SgtAlex Blander Harmonikater Stubbfan Forums, Graphics, Social Media and Community Support RAnDOOm Sir_Kowskoskey Hawk RayderPSG Erwin Map Balancing and Feedback RayderPSG Hawk There are undoubtedly many others in the community that aren't on this list and we thank them all for their help. Donations A huge thank you must also go out to those who have donated throughout 2023 and continue to donate monthly, or offer one-off amounts to keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord channels and game server up and running. With the help of the CMP members listed below, we managed to reach over 75% of our target goal for this year! € 629,40 Raised! Thank you to: krakki Incognito Spindrifter49 turbomursu 0utlaw sergioten Pr0z4c AL-SAHAD Tomi56 The_Green_Bunny Johonas TomTom39 SgtAlex Dani3l eXHaLe Pepinio RayderPSG Without the generous donations from these 16 community members out of the 2,000+ registered on the forums (just 0.5% of the community!), we would not be able to continue with the custom FH2 campaigns, and the expansion of the CMP community to look at supporting more games and events during 2024. If you donated to CMP, but are not on the list above, PM @Quicksilver and receive your 2023 Donators Medal! If you'd like to donate, you can see how, by going here. CMP 2023 Recap Over the past 12 months we have: Hosted both our Italian and Normany FH2 campaigns. Allied have managed to win back-to-back campaigns this year, as we look towards the next campaign focused around the Battle of the Bulge, it will be exciting to see who will win the late war campaign before we look to start again at the battles around 1939 / 1940 and onwards. We want to thank the HQ's, Officers and Squad Leaders for taking the time to lead and help players in these campaigns, attending trainings, meetings and battles. Without you, these campaigns would not have been possible! Also, to the players who may be old veterans, or brand new to FH2 and playing in CMP campaigns - Thank You! Yet again we've seen the server nearing max capacity during the campaigns. We hope you will keep coming back for more in the future. Ran a 6-week DiRT Rally 2.0 championship with players racing all over the world in special events on tarmac, gravel, mud and snow. Thank you to @turbomursu for organising this! Continued to organise community games such as: Assetto Corsa CS2 Hell Let Loose Squad 44 Star Citizen Come and join them if you play these games! Christmas Holiday Break Now that the 14th FH2 campaign is over, those involved in the long process of planning the campaigns will be taking a well deserved break over Christmas and the New Year. However, that doesn't mean plans are not already in place for Campaign #15! We expect the next FH2 campaign to start sometime in March 2024. Keep checking the forums and CMP emails to find out when the new campaign will start and to get signed up! We welcome all new players to join us in upcoming FH2 campaigns, and if you have played in at least one of our campaigns and would like to volunteer for a role as a Squad Leader, Regimental Commanding Officer or even as HQ then please let @Quicksilver or @RayderPSG know by Private Message in the forums and we'll see if we can find a place for you. CMP In 2024 We are looking to increase support for existing gaming groups and the number of games we support over the next year: Continuing our FH2 campaigns; More DiRT Rally 2.0 events; As Star Citizen increases in scope and activities we will be hosting more events including our first entry into the Daymar Rally! Come and join us at ANTCORP! Continue to host our own world server for Valheim; To continue arranging scrims with other communities and clans playing Squad 44; Supporting the expanding community of Hell Let Loose players in the CMP community and arranging events with other communities; Arranging events to play Squad with those who play within CMP. Are there other multiplayer and co-operative games you are interested in that you think the CMP community would enjoy too? If you do, then please post here and also vote in our poll! Donating To CMP In 2023 our donators helped us to get close to our target goal for the year. Without donations to help cover the costs for servers and software we cannot continue to create and host FH2 campaigns, support new games when possible; as well as run the forums, Teamspeak and Discord channels. As we begin a new year we will again need members to step up and donate whatever they can afford to help cover the monthly community costs - even a few Euros will help. You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page.14 points
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all CMP members!14 points
Great work @Quicksilver and thank you to everyone involved14 points
From all of the Committee, Admins and Moderators we want to wish all of you who have joined the CMP community a wonderful holiday. It's been another year of uncertainty throughout 2021, with more controversies, disasters, and a pandemic that seems as though it will never end. But I'm reminded that so many great friendships have been made in this community through the love of playing video games, and talking about our hobbies, passions and what looks to be sharing ideas for copious amounts of food and drink (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Above all, I think this is what makes the CMP community stronger than most, in that even although we may struggle with aspects of our personal lives, every one of our members know that they can head over to the forums, Discord or TS, to chat, or find a group to play in one of their favourite games and forget about the outside world for a little while. This year has seen CMP reach the milestone of their 10th FH2 campaign using custom maps, including a number never played before, and mixing in a number of very different theatres of war. These campaigns have brought together a very diverse set of players from all over the world, and the comraderie found from playing in competitive battles for months at a time has helped to forge firm friendships for the future. Without a doubt there is a core group of CMP members without whom, we would not have any of these FH2 tournaments to play. They work hard, and in their free time (because this is voluntary work after all!), to bring our FH2 community two custom campaigns a year spanning 28-weeks in total, and they deserve a heartfelt thank you from us all. Without the dedication from those listed below, there would be no FH2 campaigns for us all to enjoy: Website, Game Servers, Discord, Teamspeak and All Things Technical kummitus Mapping and Mapping Support Papillon Geopat Blander SgtAlex Pr0z4c Watchtower Harmonikater Stubbfan Forums, Graphics, Social Media and Community Support RAnDOOm Sir_Kowskoskey Hawk RayderPSG Ronid Erwin Map Balancing and Feedback Hawk RayderPSG Pr0z4c caeno Tore Ayrton There are undoubtedly many others in the community that aren't on this list and we thank them all for their help. Donations A huge thank you must also go out to those who have donated throughout 2021 and continue to donate monthly, or offer one-off amounts to keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord channels and game server up and running. With the help of the CMP members listed below, we managed to reach and exceed our yearly target again for this year! € 913,21 Raised! Thank you to: GeoPat Incognito Spindrifter49 PlayFH2 Pepinio eXHaLe Awisko 0utlaw Johonas AL-SAHAD ShadowNick SPARX382 Sandre The_Green_Bunny Otto 0utlaw RayderPSG MrSagdyev Heia Safari! eXHaLe krakki The_Green_Bunny Without the generous donations from these 20 community members out of the 2,000+ registered on the forums, we would not be able to continue the expansion of the CMP community and to look forward to supporting more games and events during 2022. If you donated to CMP, but are not on the list above, PM @Quicksilver and receive your 2021 Donators Medal! If you'd like to donate, you can see how, by going here. CMP 2021 Recap Over the past 12 months we have: Hosted both our Finnish and North African FH2 campaigns. Well done to the Axis forces for coming out on top in both campaigns, although the end of the North Africa campaign was incredibly close and was only won in the last two rounds of the last battle! We want to thank the HQ's, Officers and Squad Leaders for taking the time to lead and help players in the campaign, attending trainings, meetings and battles. Without you, these campaigns would not have been possible! Allied - 7th Armoured Division HQ and Officers: @Pozzo @GeoPat @Otto @Erwin @Ayrton @Pr0z4c @Awisko @Hawk @aquintus @Sandre @johnnymzq @Pichu1199 @Darkpotato @wanchekid Axis - 185º Divisione Paracadutisti "Folgore" HQ and Officers: @gen.p @Blander @caeno @Ombustman @CptBocquier @alorbe @Malleus @Kerst @Vlasov @matyszg @FranzKruger @gerul We've continued to increase the number of players in our other community games such as: Assetto Corsa CS:GO DiRT Rally 2.0 Hell Let Loose Post Scriptum Star Citizen Come and join them if you play these games! Christmas Holiday Break With the 10th FH2 campaign now over, we'll be taking a long break over Christmas and the New Year, but plans for the next FH2 campaign are already underway! We expect the next FH2 campaign to start sometime in March 2022. For our next campaign, we'll be moving from the searing heat of the desert, to the hot and humid jungles of the Pacific! Keep checking the forums and CMP emails to find out when the new campaign will start and to get signed up! We welcome all new players to join us in upcoming FH2 campaigns, and if you have played in at least one of our campaigns and would like to volunteer for a role as a Squad Leader, Regimental Commanding Officer or even as HQ then please let @Quicksilver or @RayderPSG know by Private Message in the forums and we'll see if we can find a place for you. CMP In 2022 We are looking to increase support for existing gaming groups and the number of games we support over the next year: Continuing our FH2 campaigns; More DiRT Rally 2.0 events, including a new competition which started on the 13th December 2021 and will run over several months! A new Assetto Corsa event; As Star Citizen increases in scope and activities we will be hosting more events - come and join us at ANTCORP! To continue arranging scrims with other communities and clans playing Post Scriptum; Supporting the expanding community of Hell Let Loose players in the CMP community. Are there other multiplayer and co-operative games you are interested in that you think the CMP community would enjoy too? If you do, then please post here and also vote in our poll! Donating To CMP In 2021 our donators helped us to reach our goal, and a little more. While this means we can continue to create and host FH2 campaigns, support new games when possible; as well as run the forums, Teamspeak and Discord channels, in 2022 we will again need members to step up and donate whatever they can afford to help cover the monthly community costs - even a few Euros will help. You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page.14 points
Copy and paste below: Best: - very nice fighting overall. To be honest, allied didn't deserve to lose, i don't think they were a worse team at all. Good to have a so intense and tied campaign. Allied were just 9 tickets away from winning it. Worst: - Funniest: - the amount of teabag i received from every single regiment, squad and SL. Ty guys!! i'm sorry for 2 reasons, for @Pozzo and for being so bad! Forgotten Hope 2 2021.12.10 - (online-video-cutter.com).mp4 @mcpollo leave my throat alone! Forgotten Hope 2 2021.12.11 - (online-video-cutter.com).mp4 Removed by Quicksilver - Rule breaking: no flaming sorry for my silly laughing, frenchies have had to put up with it during 12 battles Most hated player: - no one Most loved/liked player: - Everyone, but my special thanks go to everyone involved in making this possible. HQ's from both teams, a big thank you @Pozzo @GeoPat @Otto @gen.p @caeno @Blander. It was a pleasure to play for and against your strategies, thank you for the time invested. The most stressful job for sure IMO, a big thank you to CO's and SL's from both teams!! Thank you for giving your best to try give some fun to the CMP players and the players which choose you as leaders! @Erwin @Ayrton @Pr0z4c @Hawk @aquintus @Sandre @johnnymzq @Pichu1199 @Facunino @Darkpotato @CptBocquier @Ombustman @Enrik @Greeksoldier76 @Malleus @Kerst @Vlasov. Sorry if i forget someone! Thank you to every player for joining us cause without you no one in those leading roles, mapping, and doing admin job would have any motivation to continue to volunteer here. Special thanks to every new player i remember , hope you stay with us! @1amWesthammer @KOFE @CobraCommunist @Flerys @RusHun91 @Rinezz @killerofall @Becafer @palomino @FloLaGachette @Swedishgreen @Superkalasnikov @Testiboule62 @Gjon @42oman @MattSomething @superkiller @mademan A big thank you to the mapping team @Papillon @SgtAlex @Blander @GeoPat @Pr0z4c and the admin team @Sir_Kowskoskey @Quicksilver @RAnDOOm @kummitus to make everything necessary to material reality!! Merci aux fr, je ne me serais pas du tout amusé sans vous. Hereux d'avoir joué pour la première fois une campagne entière avec vous. Gros merci à @CptBocquier toujours debout pour faire le lead et concentré à assurer une bonne ambiance dans le group. Je ne retiendrai que les bons moment, qui ont été du coup la majorité à vos côtés! Merci @Druidix @Heia Safari! @thunder493 @SputnikFighter @Garfield @Testiboule62 @FloLaGachette @MedicalWanderer @VailliantGarcia c'était un plaisir! Gracias a los hispanos participantes de la campaña, pero especialmente a @johnnymzq y @Darkpotato por llevar el peso principal del Regimiento Hispano. Lo habéis mantenido a un nivel muy bueno durante toda la campaña, gran trabajo sinceramente. THANK YOU EVERYONE AND SEE YOU IN THE NEXT ONE! KEEP TUNED! Other: - Forgotten Hope 2 2021.12.10 - (online-video-cutter.com).mp414 points
Best: - great atmosphere and tough fights. Worst: - mg34 everywhere Funniest: - @Beyerswho could not stop laughing Most hated player: - nobody Most loved/liked player: - everybody! thank you for the battle! Best Battle Photo - Papillon the squatting slav. Never fear. Papillon is here. Ready? Let's go! Other: -14 points
Best: - A lovely and sadly the last evening with some of my favorite people. I will miss you guys, but I hope to see you next campaign! Worst: - The complaining from the select few as usual and after campaign (!) talks... Funniest: - Caeno and Turbo pissed drunk in the last round and during the aftermath Most hated player: - No one! Tis the season of jolly fun! Most loved/liked player: - Easy - my boys and everyone else on Allied Team who have pulled themselves together for the last final push of the campaign. Cheers! Best Battle Last Battle Photo - Photo's not mine, but a lot of love from me went into this Other: - Thank You. Every single one of you for such a great campaign, be it with its own ups and downs but with fair fighting spirit and full servers every battle. I want to thank my regiment and everyone else who reads this for an amazing opportunity during these hard times to connect with people, have a chat and have a fun evening. With this in mind, I would like to congratulate everyone with Merry X-mas and wish you a Happy New Year. And, of course, to see you next time in yet another campaign, be it on the same sides or different! Stay strong and safe, especially our new potential HQs for future @caeno and @BaskaBommi. Thank you once again! Happy Holidays everyone!14 points
14 points
14 points
14 points
¡¡¡VICTORIA HISPANA!!! Mas que victoria hispana yo diría victoria hispa-ANAL, porque terrible cojida le pegamos a esos ingleses jojooo Hola putoooooos! que linda campaña que fue esta... parece mentira que hayamos ganado. Cuando todo parecía perdido después de la ronda 10 en Kairouan. Nos habia ido como el ojete en esa partida jojo. Y como la remontamos en Longstop Hill... jo-der, que bien que jugamos ahí en farm. No pasaba nadie, eramos una fortaleza hispana. Recuerdo como en una parte mate 3 tankes con el pak, lo habia llevado a una montañita con unos arboles y arbustos que habia jaja, si seré cabrón.. No me quiero poner sentimental e irme a la ducha a shorar, pero van a ser tan distintos los viernes eh... El jueves a la noche era ir a ver el mapa y recorrerlo, como 1 hora y pico viendo las banderas todo. Después a acostarse temprano para levantarse bien temprano. Abrigarse bien antes de salir porque hacia un frió a esa hora...un frió hacia, todo oscuro estaba, ni había amanecido. Todo para llegar al curro bien tempranito para salir lo mas temprano posible Cuando salía acordarse de llevar el pen driver para guardar el mapa o minimod. En el trabajo mirar el plan que lo sacaban el viernes a la mañana mas o menos y descargar la actualización del mapa. Cuando se hacían las 16 salir caminando a fondo, casi corriendo. Llegar a casa, prender la compu, descomprimir y pegar el mapa, ir entrando a ts y abrir el forgotten y pedir la pass para entrar. Cargar el mapa y finalmente ahí poder jugar jaja Imagino que varios habrán hecho cosas similares o incluso más. Y al ganar se siente que todo eso que hicimos valió la pena jaja. Fue una muy linda campaña Quiero agradecer a todos los hispanos que han jugado esta campaña. Gracias a la suma de cada uno pudimos ganar esta campaña y hacer que todo valga la pena!. En especial al españolito @RayderPSG , que siendo comandante por PRIMERA VEZ hizo un EXCELENTíSIMO trabajo y supo tomar las ordenes correctas, transmitirselas a los jugadores, hacer post, reconocimiento de banderas, hacer los planes de batallas, capturas de pantalla, avisar por wpp, reclutar nuevos miembros, TODO. Se aprecia mucho todo el esfuerzo que has hecho y que bueno que hayamos podido regalarte esta campaña ganada. Por supuesto también agradecer a nuestros capitanes, @Darkpotato,, @GGarrido, @L.L.HERRAIZ por haber liderado las patrullas, que no es tarea nada fácil. Y menos cuando por ahí faltaban jugadores, o no poníamos bien los RPs, o no tomábamos la bandera, o no la defendíamos bien o simplemente no nos salían las cosas. No es tarea fácil. Les agradezco la paciencia que nos tuvieron. Y los recons de potato que eran muy buenos para reconocer el mapa y tenerlos a mano en el celu También un saludo a nuestro queridísimo amigo @Wualy por ser un muy buen administrador. Yo lo vi muchas veces jugar con el bando contrario para que el juego este igualado. O lo vi muchas veces revisando a jugadores o revisando el mapa, todo para que la campaña sea lo mas justa posible. Agradecer la constancia de jugadores como @luacha2000 , @Nightwing, @DarthTemoc, @onebullet95, @Blackbeard-19F21, @Durru, @Anguita36, @Ferdinand_Bach, @eloyreinaldo, @Chakroun, @LEGION-XV. Algunos mas que otros pero bien ahí a todos. El apoyo en tanques de @Smashmachine y @Blander que ayudaban a nuestra squad. También agradecer a los nuevos que se unieron como @kirbyris-cafe , @ermahe y pudieron ayudarnos. Espero verlos en la próxima A los que jugaron re poco pero jugaron como @Ubersoldaten, @Mane_Goddard @MatM1996 Y a los que no jugaron pero se que no pudieron o por tiempo o por trabajo o porque no le daban los horarios @SgtAlex @Sparhez @fabrigrinovero35 PD: si me olvide de alguno no se sienta mal, por ahí no me acordé en ese momento. Así que bueno muchachos, felicidades a todos por haber ganado esta BUENISIMA campaña y los espero en la que viene, a ver si ganamos dos seguidas!... Les dejo unas fotos que me paso marshe: https://mega.nz/#F!xXYjEIbJ!3IKeccuOdAQyFIjdbfPgzg Y las fotos mías: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1DqAz5a-T4uBGF_4opcxYf3zlaixpbd80 Pongo el link porque como que no me deja pegarlas en el post, porque ya tengo muchas fotos subidas y encima son un montón y va a quedar inmenso el post asi que vayan al los 2 links mas vale Saludos cabronazos, Semper Fi!14 points
14 points
Thanks to everyone who all this years still doing their hard job in CMP for us, simple players. Many people didn't have enough time for help in preparing of maps and Campaigns, and all this job on shoulders of little group of peoples, who give their free time for all of us and for our enjoying each friday. Great job our friends! Thanx for all admins, moderators, mappers, and for all peoples, which keep this community is alive for all of us! Respect and our love for all of you!13 points
Best: - 1st half of the campaign, probably the most exciting one i've ever played for those first battles. Best2: A great opponent who asked from axis to do their best if we wanted to win Worst: - a more polarized second half of campaign. You can't have it all Funniest: - spaniards Most hated player: - no one Most loved/liked player: - everyone who made this a thing once again Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3455-best-battle-photo-medal/ my dominican Wall @engelxd2 , the asset axis missed in WWII! Great job with those mines mate Other: - A big thank you to everyone involved in here !! It's amazing to keep going with 100 people full server FH2 campaigns, and we couldn't do it without the effort you all guys put into it! Thanks to the admins @RAnDOOm @Papillon @Quicksilver @Stubbfan @Harmonikater @Hawk @kummitus for their overall work regarding announcements, updates, providing technical support, keeping the game fair, etc To the mappers @GeoPat @Blander @SgtAlex @Papillon , I enjoyed a lot your work! To the enemy officers, HQ and their buddies, it was a tough one really! @Awisko @GeoPat @Otto @AdmiralBG @alorbe @Malleus @TomTom39 @matyszg @TheBlackReaper To my fellas in my side and the spaniards Special one goes to every new player i hadn't seen before this campaign! I hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you in the next one too! @ZZZkam1kadzeZZZ @Iosif Stalin @Niashka104 @NotAlexBaldwin @FELDPREDIGER_HANS @Kasimierz @1KE @Revan5o9 @Voksi @Shi_Ny @El_Ramitos @Legionario2 @Roxwork @Jaykay @Cpt. HunSzergej @ArcherIndigo @BATTERIESrofl @ADI_HUN @Asthody Wish you all a great summer !13 points
@ALBREIN @Alecont @ArgentinaMania @ARG_Matayo @arielzurdo@TuncaCeleste @Terrormaik @Avazord @BanzaimeN @baronrojo4 @blacktrooper92 @Blander @BlueSoldier20 @CABEZO [Goz-[Mauri94]-[ @Chango_killer @CochoSGO @coco @colores @CorderoZ @depretux @Diepla @elcheeky2 @elchristo326 @Eljotajota_27 @ellocode33 @ENEKA00 @fabrigrinovero35 @Facunino@Fatigatti_AR @Feedee21 @Fenriz @Franco123 @Fritz @Fury1 @Guli123 @Heisenberg-arg @Ian @JARHStarkiller @Jaskiuu @JohnIsASerb @johnnymzq @josh @[KKCK]Fedetech[Arg] @kirbyris-cafe @Lobo solitario @luacha2000 @Luh333 @LuisSs@Dahjeshi @Malvinero @Mane_Goddard @Mantelord @MarceloGallardo @Mati.Mattman @MatM1996 @Martin.ar @mcpollo @n1c0 @NahuelXDD02 @NahuelXD01 @Nightwing @-PANZER ALCON- @Patan @Patofeliz100 @PBT-FRAN @Pichu1199 @Pollenz @Ramiro23 @RASPUTI @Roul @Rushit @Sagwyn @SebastianL92 @Solid @Spike @STALKER @Starpom @tomas050611 @Alberto_DLTorre @Albert.K-101 @3DvD3 @Beatnikjude63 @Blackbeard-19F21 @Blagu @Charmzz @CptRolan @DarthTemoc @David5p4rt4n @EddAvilaRuiz @ElRayjuega @esparjose @Harel065 @ImmortalCrab @K37 @leonardorobles05 @Logian @ninioartillero @PollitoJrH12945 @PollitoJr1294Frozen @punishedsnake77 @Taiday @troxta @vaje21 @vicius2012@Andres_Gomez @DavidRambo123 @DavidSchulz0399 @jaaruizhe @Jonah @JhonKiller111@poloviskk @Portela1942 @sgtsanti6 @Gold @Thesalamanderman @AlCapone345 @TheSirN @THETHREEISWHACHING @Tommy @vengado @Zenex @VELKRO @Andre1212 @chrystiango @Dela @juandi1942 @Berlin @KrazyDogui @David5p4rt4n @ViejoKKarma @WassapDude94 @WINNERSTONE @xGastonxARG @zYaShImIr0 @altsuprgamer @chulito12345 @CristobalMelo @Daniel @DIABLO_ZAMURAI @Guillessj @inlifex @killer98 @MAX.MAXO @Mr.pepe @nemesisk @EDGARWAR989 @KorTainYT @Legionario2 @PKM^ @RauloWW2 @Renko @Sherwin_Em2 @Neutral_true @q(-_-)p @RadicalDestroyerr @ranger501rex @simiox @Snow @TKRShadowBlack @AbelllGp @Anguita36 @Anra @arbustito @Arsemex @Astalor @assasin666 @Avantey @B4R0N @Borizsov @NeedAmmo @Beyers(*) @Chad Negro @Chus @Darkpotato @DavidTrollero @DarkTrooper246 @DAVID-SOLDIER @Defender @Durru @Duttget @Edgar @AlphaWolf17 @engelxd2 @elvinu @ermahe @FearSystem @Ferdinand_Bach @Gabrii172 @GeJota @GGarrido @Henrique O Horrivel @josedavidxxx @jozevillano @Kelevra @Laiust @Layon @lmlz @L.L.HERRAIZ @LopeteguiDiversion @Machacasaurio @MajorMajor @Malakra @Matt @Maverick @OddBall@onebullet95 @OrangeMarmalaid @p3p3 @padre @pepe @PKdor @Rataconfusca @RayderPSG @rubimalo @franyerson @Cap.Mactavish @CarlosKoinaki @Derp26 @Dr_sicario @eloyreinaldo @GLiTCH_74 @GracefulOutlaw @LEGION-XV@leonardopachano123 @Miguelrrr @N1troZ @N3LK @SpetsBomb @TheGringoLoco @TheNoiSe @aguamineral9 @aguamineral999 @Srg_Romero @Santini1973 @Schuman @sergioten @SgtAlex @Smashmachine @SolracK Khan @Sorem @Spanish_Tercio @Sparhez @spectrun @18yEjido @Gunyaboss14 @matias1002 @powerUY=[URU]= @santiago @Ubersoldaten @SrVallejo @Super @URKA @Verticorda @vitorio9898 @wanchekid @Wualy @srjefers @Xavhia Los desplegables vuelven a las campañas de FH2 de CMP y permitirán a los jugadores mover armas estáticas y desplegarlas donde consideren. Cualquier jugador debería conocer el procedimiento para hacerlo correctamente, pues puede ser importante, así que vamos allá! Qué es un "desplegable"? Un objeto desplegable es un arma estática como pueden ser las piezas de artillería, los antiaéreps o los cañones estáticos (no así la versión movible), en general, aquellas armas que no se pueden mover de ninguna otra manera de su posición original. Algo que por ejemplo evitará el tiro a ciegas memorizado por los artilleros, incentivando el spotteo. También podremos ver posiciones surrealistas de algunas armas desplegadas... Con la vuelta de los deplegables, creados por @Harmonikater, los jugadores ahora pueden empacar armas estáticas en los camiones de munición, transportarlos hacia nuevas posiciones y desplegarlos allí donde deseen/puedan. Cómo empaco un arma estática desplegable? Empacar un objeto estático es muy fácil. Solo sigue estos pasos. Paso 1: Spawnea como ingeniero, o recoge un kit de ingeniero, o un kit de munición. Después de eso busca un camión de munición. - Tanto los camiones de munición aliados como los del eje tienen cajas de munición en su parte trasera, para ser distinguidos. Paso 2: Conduce el camión de munición al lado del arma estática que vas querer mover. Paso 3: Mientras estás sentado en el camión, escribe en el teamchat o en el fireteam chat !pack o !p Paso 4: Si lo has hecho bien, verás un mensaje que dice "el arma ha sido empacada en el camión de munición" - Si aparcas muy lejos del objeto que quieres empacar, verás un mensaje de "error de empaque" para que intuyas que debes aparcar más cerca. Paso 5: Conduce donde quieras desplegar el objeto/arma, sal del camión de munición y escoge en tu set de armas el "Deploy Marker". - El "deploy marker" (similar a las banderitas que marcan minas) solo podrás encontrarlo en el kit de Ingeniero y en el de Munición. Paso 6: Tira un "deploy marker" cerca del camión, en la posición en la que quieras desplegar el arma. - Puedes poner el deploy marker en un radio de acción alrededor del camión de munición en 3D, lo que significa que puedes ponerlos en zonas más altas que las del propio camión. - Solo podrás poner los markers en superficies planas, o en superficies anguladas de hasta 25 grados. Cualquier superficie más pronunciada hará que el marker caiga. Paso 7: Una vez puesto el marker, vuelve al camión ( a cualquier asiento) y escribe !deploy o !d para desplegar el arma que empacaste en el camión previamente. Si lo haces bien, verás un mensaje que dice " the (nombre del arma) has been deployed from this ammotruck", si lo haces mal dirá "No friendly ammotruck within range" Paso 8: Verás que ahora el arma ya está en su nueva posición. ¿Necesitas moverla de nuevo? ¡Empácala de nuevo y vete a donde quieras! ¡Esto parece fácil! ¿Qué más necesito saber? El trabajo en equipo ayuda a la hora de utilizar bien esta herramienta. Si lo intentas tú solo, solo tendrás un pequeño radio de desplegue desde el camión, donde podrás desplegar el arma. Sin embargo, cuantos más jugadores de tu equipo estén presentes en el camión, el radio y la distancia EN 3D en la que puedas empacar, desplegar y posicionar un deploy marker, AUMENTARÁ. Cuanto más grande sea el número de compañeros presentes, más lejos llegarás a lo largo y a lo ancho para desplegar el arma. Os dejamos un ejemplo abajo. El máximo número de compañeros que pueden ayudar a aumentar el radio de emplazamiento del arma es de CUATRO. Si llegas a este número, te otorgará un espacio aumentado unas 3 veces en comparación a si solo estuvieras tú. Esto significa que con una squad the al menos 4 jugadores, puedes incluso colocar , por ejemplo, un cañón; en los techos o pisos más altos de los edificios. Ejemplos: Algunas cosas a las que prestar atención. Si el el camión de munición es destruido y había un arma empacada en el, el arma spawneará en su posición original. Si el enemigo te roba el camión y había un arma empacada en él, podrán usarla sin ningún tipo de problema. Los dos equipos pueden coger cualquier arma estática, sea de un bando o de otro. El ingeniero que emplace el arma no necesita estar sentado en el camión, siempre y cuando haya un compañero en él. Si una static spawnea una vez la partida ya se ha iniciado ( por ejemplo, cuando tomas una bandera y spawnea un Pak) necesitarás entrar en el arma y salir para poder implementar el proceso descrito. Si intentas empacarla directamente, no podrás. -El grupo hispano saluda a @Quicksilver por su detallada explicación y a @Harmonikater por el magnífico trabajo a la hora de desarrollar y llevar a la práctica la idea. -The Hispanic group appreciates @Quicksilver's detailed explanation and @Harmonikater for his excellent work in developing and implementing the idea.13 points
TT = Total Tickets Remaining | T RVP = Round Bonus Modifier | T TVP = Total Tickets Bonus Modifier RVP = Round Victory Points | TVP = Total Victory Points13 points
Best: - Arriving to the last battle with everything to be decided. Numbers trhoughout the campaign being awesome. bringing it home for the spaniards! Worst: - this is over! Getting the feeling i didn't bag enough...not a bagging champion. Funniest: - Anguita's rage, @Nightwing and @mcpollo leading the spaniards Most hated player: - myself flipping that half-track... Most loved/liked player: - everyone! specially @Nightwing @sergioten and of course @CptBocquier Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ About to visit my PL friends... Other: - franco-hispanic pic -Wanted also to say thank you to everyone involved in the admin and allied team: -@CptBocquier for perfectly leading the frenchies once again and making decent and stable numbers on his squad (and for being our photographer, of course). It's really nice to see the camembert definitely in! @Heia Safari! for leading the tanks, it wasn't nice to meet you while trying to sneak around! - @Ronid @turbomursu and @Sir_Kowskoskey for HQ duties. Loved your early work Ronid! About suomi tandem, Being bagged by you was a real thing. I still have nightmares thinking about Turbo's laugh while he jumps in my face. Thanks kows for stepping up as always in what you think is best for the good of a campaign - @Ronid @TomTom39 @gen.p for the outstanding job you're doing with reviving the PL community! I never saw before a faster growing from a language regiment. You improved a lot on this campaign from what I could see ! keep it up! - @Slepov92 for leading the russians for his I think 1st time! well done mate! - @caeno @Erwin @Spindrifter49 @BaskaBommi for leading the biggest allied regiments, introducing lots of new players! -To all the new active players in allied I hadn't seen before! : @Allealle @Hugo22 @burakthelion @BigBigMonkeyMan @jojosensei @CrazyReese @DONALD TRUMP @_Arras_ @Andrew558 @Guinho @thedude1234 @DepthCharge55 @kubotaisnice @Robin @Doktor @Otto Waltz @FranzKruger @Minnie @Nickie @Akikyo @Menuen @Fellafi @IVAN_88 @Diegothic @The_Green_Bunny @TheBlackReaper @Th3rioN @matyszg @Evgeny583 @theUg @beavis_aka_ostwind without new blood this wouldn't make much sense! hope to see you in the next one too! (maybe there are some oldies here but I didn't see them before, so...) -To all the scorers who accepted to be in the said team! -to the involved admins who worked hard to make this possible ! @kummitus @Quicksilver @Papillon @RAnDOOm @Wualy and of course the mappers @Watchtower @SgtAlex@Blander @GeoPat @Pr0z4c It was a pleasure !13 points
As we are now in the starting months for 2020 and are beginning to see donations arrive for the new year, we want to say a huge thank you to the donators of 2019 who helped us to get very close to our budget target! A Huge Thank You To @Johonas- @RayderPSG - @Incognito - @GeoPat - @GABBOTTO @The_Spine - @Firecrafter - @Spindrifter49 - @Belzebuth - @Pepinio @jan_kurator - @Papillon - @Heia Safari! - @Mekong - @camperchadway @Harmonikater - @eXHaLe - @L.L.HERRAIZ - @0utlaw - @AL-SAHAD @TomTom39 - @Pr0z4c - @Blaze There were a few "anonymous" donations where it was hard to track the member who donated. A big thank you to those members as well. Because of the people above, we raised € 806,44! As always we need donations to keep on coming in so we can keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord and most importantly our game server running. If you want to keep on playing in events like the FH2 campaigns, meeting up to chat and game with friends on Teamspeak then we need your help and support by donating to keep CMP running. It doesn't have to be a lot, even € 5 would be a great help.13 points
Join us Saturday 16th November All Day Long and play 9 maps of the upcoming CMP FH2 Custom Mappack! Several improvements have been made to the maps since the last event! Thank you to @DarthTemoc for the trailer. This event is open to everyone, so invite your friends! ( all maps are in alpha stage and are not 100% ready ) Peleliu by @Watchtower Tarawa by @Pr0z4c Irrawady by @Papillon Tulagi by @Stubbfan and @Pr0z4c Kwajalein by @Watchtower Wake Island by @Watchtower Midway 1942 by @Pr0z4c and @Stubbfan Berlin by @Blander Raid at Cabanatuan by @GeoPat New content list since the last event: Lvt-4 flamethrower added M1 90mm AA gun added Midway - fixes to objective damage + new objectives Midway - general map improvements Peleliu - gameplay tweaks + added Lvta1 and lvt flame Peleliu - Updated flag format Wake Island - general map improvements , performance fixes and custom assets Berlin - improved lightning/textures and enhanced gameplay flow throughout sectors Tarawa - 64 layer changed to 5 (6) flags 1 has no value Tulagi -16 layer changed to 1 cap flag Irrawady - 16 and 32 layers created Kwajalein - added cover, gameplay tweaks and details Further small and big changes to be revealed in future events, stay tuned! You will need to download the maps and the CMP minimod to be able to play Map and CMP minimod download: Use our new Community Installer - Download Here (Read the Tutorial. Post any bugs or issues you might find, this is still a work in progress) Or manually download them CMP FH2 Custom Mappack (Manual Download): Click Here to Download CMP FH2 Custom Mappack Minimod (Manual Download): Click Here to Download Server: CMP Maps Event 16th Nov Teamspeak: CMP - Teamspeak Server: ts.cmp-gaming.com13 points
13 points
TT = Total Tickets Remaining | T RVP = Round Bonus Modifier | T TVP = Total Tickets Bonus Modifier RVP = Round Victory Points | TVP = Total Victory Points13 points
In this campaign you will fight on the Mongolian plains, between the bloody hedgerows of Normandy, in the ruins of cities in France and Belgium, through the fields of Italy and Greece, moving up to the ice cold mountains of Norway and into the dangerous waters and jungles of the Philippines. From frantic fighting on the beaches and forests, ambushes among foxholes, to large scale engagements between infantry, tanks and airplanes. After months of mapping and development we are proud to offer another great FH2 campaign. Be part of the American 3rd Infantry Division , or fight as the German Panzer-Lehr Division in 11 intense battles on great custom maps, a few of them unknown and being exclusively made and edited for this campaign. Get your gaming gear ready for a community-led co-operative campaign on maps including as Khalkhin Gol, Sedan, Zuydcotte, Kalach, Norway, Philippines, and other beautifully designed maps. What are you waiting for? Click on the "JOIN NOW" picture on the bottom, choose your regiment, and be a part of this amazing campaign! In This FH2 Campaign You Will Experience: FH2 non-stop action to its limits, close rounds, sneaky/massive attacks, efficient organized defenses and the exhilaration of being victorious. 11 battles in several theaters around the world, with custom content and maps you won't see anywhere else. Train and prepare yourself for every battle with your regiment on our training server. Fight in battles with up to 100 players. Earn promotions and brand new medals for your achievements. Communicate directly with your squad using Teamspeak and apply well planned strategy and tactics not seen on any public servers. Form new friendships with like-minded people from all over the world. Taking part is completely free and everybody is welcome!12 points
Best: - the best was the camaraderie between all aje, allies, easy, charlie the boys of CC Worst: - for me mi K/D Funniest: - intentionally tk the other gunner @kirbyris-cafe with a howitzer shot. Most hated player: - no one Most loved/liked player: - all those who were always cool Most loved/liked player: - polish squad Most loved/liked player: - @CptBocquier for good vibes te amo bb! Other: -I want to thank to @RayderPSG for giving me the opportunity to be arty for trusting me. To @kirbyris-cafefor letting me use your howitzer and help me improve. to all the cc @Otto, @BaskaBommi, @turbomursu, @caeno, @Tore for understanding my bad pronunciation. a able 2: @Blander @Nightwing @L.L.HERRAIZ @Danielikus @DarthTemoc @Smashmachine @wanchekid by the chemistry and the union achieved I hope that next time we are all together again.12 points
Best: remembering where FH2 was in the first pacific campaign. I know the situation of the world is a huge reason for this but still even before this all statted we where racking +90player battles. This i amaizing and getting lot of names new and old to rejoin and enjoy this Worst: if there would be a way to get those +20players in Funniest: @Pyradus and me going out in flames at bunkers Funniest: the whole episode which ended in @CptBocquier knifebagged and @SputnikFighter double bagged trying to protect le milk from me Funniest: Tha once a battle totally random landmine near Holdy Funniest: Trigger happy admins kicking Mata out of the server for following orders Funniest: Trying to get used to be killed by @DONALD TRUMP and giving orders to @Celine_Dion Funniest: @Celine_Dion asking not to be kicked cause of taking a poo (sorry bud, rotations) join again next week funniest: After the french insident me and the lads sneak up on the eastern flag from the south. We het ambushed by a halftrack occupied by @Johonas. One by one my guys die and we loose our rally. i get johonas and @AL-SAHAD but instantly i know i have made a grave mistake... All of a sudden i start to feel a huge net getting tighter and tighter when the good old boys start closing in.. one knows there is only one ending to this. After @Pr0z4c finally sends that shell flying at me that ends my desperate cries for help i do see some vigurous baggings starting on me by atleast 4-5 allied players. This is why we play the game Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: 130#3 squad was a bunch of ****heads but i still like em Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other:12 points
12 points
12 points
TT = Total Tickets Remaining | T RVP = Round Bonus Modifier | T TVP = Total Tickets Bonus Modifier RVP = Round Victory Points | TVP = Total Victory Points12 points