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Everything posted by Ensign_Steel

  1. Looks great! I'll give this a go whenever I have time for FH2 again.
  2. Dude you dropped the ball. The obvious Africa song is this one.
  3. It's not about likes @Pr0z4c you dang macaroni ear. It's about music.
  4. Thank you fellas! :3
  5. Haha! I like it! Here's my favorite (and huge) Brexit picture:
  6. I could have 'em on my airsoft gear.
  7. Great! Also, one of the BEST ways to learn English is to speak it with others!
  8. Yea, not gonna watch a movie with a piece of shit scene like that and while I think you are free to like what you want, I'd just rather not see animal abuse (simulated or real) here.
  9. Hey, thanks for ruining my fucking day.
  10. Dät intro, man...
  11. Happy New Year! Super job on the reskin!
  12. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you guys. Loving the Christmas theme for the forums! 5/5!
  13. Full Throttle Remastered for free, 24 hrs left on giveaway. https://www.gog.com/game/full_throttle_remastered The game is the OG biker game, a kick-ass point & click adventure with an awesome soundtrack by The Gone Jackals. Here's the theme song.
  14. Best: - Worst: - Funniest: - Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1573-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: If you have nothing nice to say, it's better to say nothing at all.
  15. From the footage I've seen thus far, I'm not impressed and thus not gonna buy it. Not to mention all the bloody virtue signaling around it. I hate identity politics. I'll just get something else instead, like Fart Let Loose or Post Scrotum.
  16. It flies like a brick. It's slow as shit, it's rate of climb is sub-par, it's unresponsive when you stop banking (meaning it continues turning and countering the effect is hard), it loses momentum fast so that you can't escape after a boom & zoom attack and its guns feel highly underpowered and inaccurate. It basically feels like a slightly souped up Stuka and it's thrown against, say, the totally overpowered La-5 as the only option in many, many maps. It's basically useless, so the Axis side is basically crippled and without air support in all maps where it gets forced on the Axis team. It seems beyond clear that the plane was made early in the mods history and then left alone. Nobody seems to give a shit about aircraft balancing in this mod, kind of like air assets are an afterthought.
  17. Still no fix for the horrible flight model of the FW190.
  18. So full immersion and remove all kill messages too?
  19. I'd like it more if there were no kill messages either.
  20. I'll check it out tonight!
  21. Yay for theme and a new campaign! But boooo hissss for the choice of theater.
  22. Been a loyal customer for over a decade! That's where I get all my combat gear for airsoft.
  23. Didn't like Project Reality that much, but for some reason PR:WW2 interests the heck out of me. I'm in!
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