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Everything posted by Ensign_Steel

  1. Ensign_Steel

    Arma III

    Dang that looks interesting. I gotta get my shit together and join up.
  2. Did you install the Intel HD graphics drivers before you installed the nVidia drivers? It's a long shot, but I've solved issues like these on some Dell machines just by doing that.
  3. Gotta join the Axis again, then.
  4. Recently, I've been smoking pot and listening to this. It's awesome when you're high.
  5. Hope is lost for the BF series, because they follow what the marketing department and statistics say customers want in a game. There is still hope in the indie game development community, though. They usually don't look at statistics and instead ask the players what they actually want.
  6. Allahu Akbaaaar!! - Anyone blowing up a tank.
  7. Gotta start using "OOOHHH wicked sick!"
  8. If that's what I think it is, dude you gots ta be kidding's me REALLY!?
  9. Any hints on the theatre? (pls not africa or italy ;_;)
  10. I like Sins of a Solar Empire. Been playing it since its initial release.
  11. And now the game starts pissing me off like mad again. I guess it's time for another 1,5 year break.
  12. User: Ensign_Steel Level: 17 Preferred Nation: Japan, Britain, Italy, Germany, USA Preferred Mode: Arcade, planes (because they dun fucked up joystick controls, so I have to play like a fucking casual pleb. -.-)
  13. VirtualBox is good for the purpose.
  14. I sure like this, I tell you whut.
  15. Well... Cracks are sometimes suspicious. I had a "free" copy of NFSU2, which actually tried to turn my system into a part of a botnet. I'd suggest testing it out on another system on a virtual machine first if you're suspicious. Then again, I've seen virus and malware scanners detect cracks and CD key generators as 'harmful' at an ever increasing rate, so you might be right about the false positives.
  16. Ensign_Steel

    Arma III

  17. Ensign_Steel

    Arma III

    I installed Arma III out of curiosity on my work computer that's running Linux and has shittier hardware than my system at home. It ran surprisingly well and the game seems cool! I'm definitely in, doesn't matter what kind of campaign you guys are gonna play.
  18. I guess this was a bit more popular in that dead community Forgotten Honor
  19. I have a dual screen setup. I just have TS open on my other screen while I play.
  20. Most likely? I mean, I'm currently running 2x GTX 760 cards in SLI 1x SSD 4x HDDs 16gb Kingston HyperX 1600mhz RAM Quad core AMD Phenom X4 Black Edition (can't be arsed to check the model...) A ton of fans and cold cathode illumination My PSU is a Corsair HX 620W (Modular)and I have no power issues with my current setup, so I'd imagine yours is OK. Enjoy your upgrade!
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