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Everything posted by Ensign_Steel

  1. First thorium reactors, now enzymes eating plastics. You know, humans as a species just might make it, unless all bees go extinct.
  2. Would be cool if this would turn out to be a solution for the problem with microplastics in our waters.
  3. Happy birthday, @HaLoAL!
  4. Aww, thanks guys! :3 Reached the 30th milestone.
  5. Nice stuff. Gotta see if there'll be a livestream or something.
  6. Would be cool to somehow see it crash down.
  7. Coral Sea you say? It was actually one of my favorite maps in good ol' 1942.
  8. Hmm, my company's engine can do graphics like that. I need to pitch a WWII game at some point.
  9. Just goes to show how little we know even though we've come this far as a species. Cool stuff that we nevertheless have some possible explanations. Man, if Hubble has been this useful, I wonder what the several times larger and more precise James Webb Space Telescope will be able to detect! Too bad its launch is delayed until next year, I'm super excited for the first images it'll capture.
  10. Don't worry about grammar, Halo. You speak English really well and you write it even better. I've never had trouble understanding you.
  11. I'm up for some BF2.
  12. I'm dreaming of a new IL2 Sturmovik 1946 campaign, but I doubt there's enough players for it.
  13. Absolutely! I've seen them pull off water landings before.
  14. Well shit. Was really hoping for a 3 out of 3 there.
  15. Watched it live with a friend. The synchronized booster rocket landing was wonderful and I got some really strong Heavy Metal vibes from the whole Tesla in space thing. Did the 3rd rocket land successfully? Never heard any news about it. Here's that Heavy Metal scene I was talking about.
  16. Ensign_Steel


    I've been highly interested in the Nintendo Switch myself, but haven't gotten around to getting one. Not really a console guy, but we really would need one at the office for testing purposes. If we can get our games working on that as well it would mean more potential customers.
  17. I'd call something like Quake 1/2/3 and the original Unreal Tournament an 'old school' FPS.
  18. I wanted to wish all you fellas happy holidays, whatever you might be celebrating! Thanks for making my 2017 a buttload better than it would have otherwise been. In honor of the shortest days of the year, I'll share with you my favorite winter solstice story. Stay safe, stay happy, thank you for 2017!
  19. Now that FH2 is on a break, we're playing on Fridays. Well, excluding this Friday at least, since Christmas is just around the corner.
  20. Tali-Ihantala 1944 (2007). The English title is "1944: The Final Defence" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0378848/
  21. Suomi 100 - Finland 100 Have some music, fellas. First some tunes of war in the form of march music. How many translated German marches can you recognize? Vöyrin Marssi... Some of the lyrics can be a bit controversial, but it's still something we used to sing a lot while drinking. Not music, but some tank combat! Finally the Finlandia hymn. This one is beautiful.
  22. Because I'm a sad, sad waste of space with no joy in my life except for off-color language.
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