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Everything posted by Papillon

  1. Even in Germany, the state still has a very very keen eye on any left wing activity, especially here in Hamburg where I live. which is hilarious, because the worst they do is torching vehicles, which I totally don't endorse. But compared to the violence our growing right wing militants are spewing forth, it's a joke. The state is ever blind on the right eye.
  2. Mayyyybe just maybe, that is often a problem certain ppl have with nudism. Peel away the layers and wall you build around yourself, tear off the mask and fake picture you try to build of yourself, and be honest with yourself just for a jew minutes..
  3. You would not recognize irony if it rode on a blazing meteorite above you eh? Germany, neo-Marxist? So to your research: https://www.thelocal.de/20170406/german-parents-go-to-eu-court-after-police-seized-kids-in-homeschool-raid Well, other than in the US it is the law in Germany to send your kid to a school, homeschooling is not a legitimate alternative. You break the law, you get punished. They are using the tools our system gives them, and we will see what the EUGH decides. --> No persecution. It's this the law, and it's going it's way. Now where is the connection between compulsory schooling and nudism being an accepted freetime activity? Is nudism something children learn in school? I did not. Please explain. Until thenl. --> Trolling. Trying to make up connections where there are none. Hitler Youth was a quasi compulsory organization. There is nothing like this now. --> Trolling. Making hilarious comparisons for the sake of a poor argument. You should have mentioned that Alfie Evans was a 2 year old with a terminal, non reversible neurodegenerative disorder that had destroyed his brain, and his parents were desperate to try other therapies, while the NHS considered keeping him artificially alive was inhumane and cruel. Life support was terminated on Apr. 23rd. Lifesitenews is a conservative, pro-life outlet with a radical Catholic reactionary stance, so naturally it is biased. Sources please. The number of crimes in Germany has been reduced by 10 % from last year, which is the highest reduction since 1993: https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article175679108/Polizei-Statistik-Kriminalitaet-geht-in-Deutschland-so-stark-zurueck-wie-seit-1993-nicht.html 300.680 suspects were migrants or refugees, which is -40 %. --> Again, trolling As funny as this is for a time, let me say that I am a fan of the tolerance paradox.
  4. I really want to learn about the state-sponsored persecutions of Christians and Conservatives, I just might participate
  5. Buddydog, that is PUREST bullshit. Give me examples, show your research. You can say about ANYTHING in Germany (except denying the Holocaust, but the rightwingers are busy dismantling this). Our rightwing parties are really saying the most disgusting stuff all the time, and noone imprisons anyone for it. This is the usual routing of rightwingers, to play the poor victim by saying outrageous things and then being miffed when they are told that what they say is BS. It disgusts me that the likes of Bannon and Grenell are trying to further advance this stupid shit. Land of the free, where you are being branded as a traitor if you do not do as your president likes you to do?
  6. Ich freu mich schon auf den Brainfuck wenn wir Tornio spielen. DE vs FI, und FI sind dann Allied
  7. Papillon


  8. freaking stupid dumbass Bitcoin mining is crapping up on the prices....useless speculative ripoff crap is what all those crypto currencies are.
  9. My guess is that with a better GFX (1060 upwards) and another 8 GB RAM you have a chance to play in proper quality. You are right, it's really a challenging game. I have a i7 3770 (or smth), a 1060 and 16 GB RAM and have like 45 fps.
  10. Papillon

    Server CMP FH2

    Yeah, we heard you We were not like prepared to host a serious public server, thus we did not think about this in earnest. We are evaluating possiblities, so stay tuned. In the meantime I hope 762 does recover at some point.
  11. godverdomme.... https://fh2.cmp-gaming.com/cmp_file_share/cmp_t3_test_13052018.zip
  12. Here is the link: https://fh2.cmp-gaming.com/cmp_file_share/cmp_t3_test_13052018.zip make a backup of the fh2/levels/cmp_minimod folder beforehand if you play public on 762, cause this will be overwritten with an incompatible newer version for this test. Extract to bf2/mods.
  13. wo hats dich denn hin verschlagen?
  14. Wir suchen noch einen CO für die Finnen! Keiner??
  15. until
    The next FH2 campaign is just around the corner, and we have progressed quite good on the mapping front. We would like to do a test of some of the maps and invite everyone to participate. We will take a peek at the following maps: Silver Fox (done by @Matsku on basis of a port of the BF2142 map done by @hitm4k3r ) Aniskala (done by @GeoPat on basis of the map Operation Avalanche) Herrlisheim (done by @Papillon on basis of the existing Herrlisheim map from Helix) Karelian Isthmus (a port of Arad to the Continuation War theatre by @Pr0z4c) Further maps that are in the making but not ready yet are Invasion of Tornio (done by @Watchtower on basis of a donated map from @KeiMummy), Ilomantsi (done by @SgtAlex, also donated by KeiMummy ) and Sinimaed (done by @Airshark79, also donated by KeiMummy ) Here are the files for map testing: https://fh2.cmp-gaming.com/cmp_file_share/cmp_campaign3_betatest.zip Download and exract to your bf2/mods. IMPORTANT! Make a backup of the cmp_minimod folder found in Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\fh2\levels beforehand, because that will be overwritten and you cannot play on 762 #1 with the new files. Just copy back in after map testing is over. Until then. Regards, @Papillon
  16. was hast du denn auf 762 verbrochen?
  17. In the next weeks, we have no fixed date due to the upcoming FH2 patch, which we need to wait for to fix our stuff.
  18. Guten Morgen zusammen, die neue Kampagne steht in den Startlöchern, wir such noch nach COs, NCO, und einem HQ auf Allied-Seite. Gibt es hier Interessenten? Wir werden hauptsächlich FI vs RU spielen, auch ein paar DE vs RU.
  19. sehr gut :-) BTW, wir suchen nach COs und HQ für die nächste Kampagne, hauptsächlich FI vs RU. Wie schauts aus?
  20. Just gathering some feedback. I look at some of the BF2 and BF2142 maps and we already port some but I think we could more. My ideas would be Cerbere Landing --> Battle of Shumshu, JP vs RU 1945. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Shumshu Port Bavaria --> Alpenfestung Shuhia_Taiba --> Battle of Amba Alagi, IT vs GB 1941. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Amba_Alagi_(1941) What are your thoughts on this? Any other map ideas?
  21. where is @Grabfunzel btw?? You quit PUBG?
  22. not bad :-) Yesterday, I landed all alone in the SW town, what's its name again... Zone was right a the border of the town so I was like "Yeah! Loot all alone and everything". I was SURE I saw a boat when dropping so I said, "No problem, you take the boat when the zone closes". I loot myself good stuff, new zone is on the island. I start looking for the boat....it's not there. dohhhhh Alt + F4....
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