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Everything posted by Papillon

  1. I added the counting of concrete weapons and vehicles, not only classes. https://fh2.cmp-gaming.com/Stats/OVERALL__stats.html https://fh2.cmp-gaming.com/Stats/ Need to add some sorting
  2. Haha, Master of Te-Ke. I have to write some code for evaluation that stuff. But it will done.
  3. Ein Klassiker wäre Normandy. Italien würde auch gehen. Afrika mag ja keiner, aber trotzdem :-) Na, eigentlich geht ja alles. Leider fehlen uns Frankreich und die frühe Ostfront...
  4. klingt reizvoll. Hast du konkrete Map-Vorschläge? Können auch stock maps sein.
  5. Papillon

    FH2 Dev Blog

    Some news for next campaign. Gela will have a comeback, I give it a visual overhaul:
  6. you guys have too much time. Anyone is into playing Skyrim?
  7. So looking at the stats, which were the most valuable players this campaign? https://fh2.cmp-gaming.com/Stats/OVERALL__stats.html I wanna hand out some meldals :-)
  8. Here are the final stats. https://fh2.cmp-gaming.com/Stats/OVERALL__stats.html https://fh2.cmp-gaming.com/Stats/BATTLE_fht_c19_adak_island_stats.html I will try to come up with a final nicer leaderboard eventually and hand out some medals too :-)
  9. Gentlemen thank you for the participation at the camp, it was big fun. Here are some pics from me from last battle:
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