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Everything posted by Papillon

  1. hehe yeah. Me neither..... The killcam is nice, I really saw the aimbot at work at the guy who killed me..... K98 with scope, really far away, you see him swaying around, zooming in and out, in an instant zeroes in on me and baaaam dead I am...fucktard. Let's try to play squad tonight or morrow with @Grabfunzel and @DanielNL
  2. I watched a vid on youtube from some ekrah guy....that's just plain disgusting, the complete uber mp18 headshot fest is ridiculous....
  3. plus whenever after playing PUGB for a while, it's actually painful how clunky the infantry movement is in FH2, how unnatural it all feels. The lack of turning ones head to look around is really really painful
  4. It's a holy task to buy and play this game.
  5. Ha yeah, I had the Jumbo almost, zeroed in, then I get lags, and *baam* I'm dead.... #epicfail I did the fog
  6. Played some rounds yesterday. Fighting in and around houses is so much better in FPP, the 3PP is really bizarre in retrospect, with the peering-round-corners and outside idiocy that's possible :-) Had a nice fight with a guy in a house. He is in, I'm out. In the end I was waiting, straight up the house wall, looking up to the balcony. he is shuffling around on the first floor, I see him peering out but he cannot see me, in the end he feels safe and hops onto the balcony railing, and I can easily pick him off with a 1sk with the shotgun God, FH2 with that engine would be sooo epic....
  7. Papillon

    Worst Games Ever

    Was not the nefarious E.T. the worst game ever? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_video_game_burial
  8. so @Quicksilver I am now fully into FPP, it's the better mode. there are far less of these out-of-the-blue kills one has so often in 3rd person, and it's far more immersive I regularly reach the last 5, but never won up to now......
  9. Anyone into some FPP duo/squad tomorrow evening? @Quicksilver @Spieler4 @Stubbfan
  10. Papillon

    Name Changes

    consider it done sometime this evening
  11. Papillon

    Name Changes

    sure. what's the new one?
  12. We are right in the middle of Orphan Black https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orphan_Black It's really quite good.
  13. On Friday, the Future of Life Institute—an AI watchdog organization that has made a name for itself through its campaign to stop killer robots—released a nightmarish short film imagining a future where smart drones kill. The short is called ‘Slaughterbots,’ and it channels the near-future dystopias depicted in Black Mirror in an attempt to raise awareness about the dangers of autonomous weapons. The film opens with a Silicon Valley CEO-type delivering a product presentation to a live audience a la Steve Jobs. The presentation seems innocuous enough at first—the presenter seems to be unveiling some new drone technology—but takes a dark turn when he demonstrates how these autonomous drones can slaughter humans like cattle by delivering “a shaped explosive” to the skull. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/9kqmy5/slaughterbots-autonomous-weapons-future-of-life
  14. Papillon

    Arma III

    fucken hell, I need to get into that ARMA stuff. I follow the FOW stuff in their discord, that stuff looks so good
  15. only pickups. haha nice idea. Whole map grey. double paradrop. hmmmm
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