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Tropic Thunder - MVPs


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Well...lot of good players. Al Sahad, Vlasov and Hawk were just insane on the ground. Best infantry players EVER. The guys on the air with the axis...caeno, steel...Also Boo, Colonel and Wolf on the ships/ submarines. All guys on the arty too.  I forget a lot of players and I'm sorry, but those deserves something for sure. 

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18 minutes ago, michaelau999 said:

oh no! I have two record from 5:USMC and 7:USMC. I am the top player in medium armor if I mix the score.


Is any one using the armor car to kill. In my opinion, that's a war machine. I farm so much. ha ha ha !

hmmmmm What is Chevy 30CWT , GMC and Daimler Mk.I ? Why I am the top? I cannot even remember I use it before.

proz4c I think we both like to use the transports. You are also a professional grenadier AL-SAHAD you must teach me how to use a rifle well.

At all I have a wonderful time in this campaign. I made some new friends and improve my English. I am expecting the next campaign. I hope it will be happen soon.

Thank for everyone, the organizers especially proz4c.

I am sorry I post to continuum post. Can someone teach me how to edit the post. thank you.

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5 hours ago, michaelau999 said:


Is any one using the armor car to kill. In my opinion, that's a war machine. I farm so much. ha ha ha !

hmmmmm What is Chevy 30CWT , GMC and Daimler Mk.I ? Why I am the top? I cannot even remember I use it before.

proz4c I think we both like to use the transports. You are also a professional grenadier AL-SAHAD you must teach me how to use a rifle well.

At all I have a wonderful time in this campaign. I made some new friends and improve my English. I am expecting the next campaign. I hope it will be happen soon.

Thank for everyone, the organizers especially proz4c.

I am sorry I post to continuum post. Can someone teach me how to edit the post. thank you.

Daimler Mk.I


Chevy 30CWT




5 hours ago, michaelau999 said:

oh no! I have two record from 5:USMC and 7:USMC. I am the top player in medium armor if I mix the score.

This has happened to me too, as I used several usernames at the beginning of the campaign. I've used 4 different usernames xD


You only have few minutes for editing your replies. After those minutes, you can't.

Edited by Smashmachine
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2 hours ago, Papillon said:

ah yeah. So guys with multiple names, could you post here which ones you used? I promised to fix that, and I will :-)

2IG|18 Smashmachine (That's the correct one)

18th Smashmachine

18th [2IG]PvtSmashmachi

And I can't find another username I used similar to the other usernames. Maybe you already started the job, because I told you weeks ago on the other community.

(4 usernames in total)

Thank you @Papillon

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On 8/4/2017 at 4:01 PM, Papillon said:

I wanna hand out some meldals :-)

Medals for everyone!
I could name +/- 40 frequent-players which have driven this campaign making it interesting in many ways. Many ppls had important roles as infantry, in air-ground-sea forces, some more strategics and other more ...Banzaiiii :ph34r: . It's time to give candies and bottle caps to all those players and organizers (which we have had the pleasure to see in-game :)) as souvenir of the good-times which we had. This new CMP-site is interesting and intuitive - I like it. The time of honors has come. Do not wait for the next campaigns. 

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