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We have a number of campaigns and events planned for the new year, with more happening in the coming months. Highlights include:



Arma III Campaign: "Vlad's Wolves" - Starting 5th January

Answer the call and join the rebel group of "Vlad's Wolves" fighting a guerilla style war
against the Russian and Pro-Russian occupation of Chernarus.

You can sign up for the Arma III campaign at https://cmp-gaming.com/gc/cat/26-arma-iii/




Forgotten Hope 2 Campaign #3 - Coming In March

The next campaign will take place in the "Continuation War" between Finland and Russia.
Expect a mixture of public and custom made maps focusing on this area of Europe during 1941 - 1944

Look out for more information in the FH2 Announcements thread at https://cmp-gaming.com/forum/95-fh2-announcements/




Star Citizen: Antarus Corporation

Interested in Star Citizen or already own the game and looking to join an Organisation?
Come and join the Antarus Corporation at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/ANTCORP

With the release of Alpha PU 3.0, CMP's Star Citizen group will be frequently conducting events ranging from
cargo runs to combat missions, exploration of areas of interest (such as wrecks) to simply driving around the moons of Crusader.

Check out the Star Citizen area to chat more about the game and info on events

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@The Jancoegers as it looks like there will be a new FH2 update coming out soon, hopefully in March time, we will be waiting until this has been released and everyone has it installed as we can test everything works.

In the past we have had problems where we were mid-campaign and an update was released for FH2 that prevented some people from playing (there were running the older version), or we had some map / campaign add-on issues and it forced a break for a number of weeks.

It is better to wait for the FH2 update, get all players updated and then push on with the new campaign.

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