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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays And A Happy New Year From CMP!

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From all of the Committee, Admins and Moderators we want to wish
every member of the CMP community a wonderful holiday.


This year we have seen our member count rise to over 1,500 and we hope that these new members have found the CMP community to be warm, friendly and welcoming.

We want to thank you all for participating in our campaigns and events and supporting members and the community in general.

A big thank you goes to those members that go above and beyond for the community in helping with FH2 campaigns, running various groups and the almost daily tasks that are needed to keep the community running including:

  • Papillon
  • kummitus
  • Erwin
  • Sir_Kowskoskey
  • RAnDOOm
  • Hawk
  • RayderPSG
  • Wualy
  • Harmonikater
  • Stubbfan
  • Geopat
  • Watchtower
  • Pr0z4c
  • Blander
  • theanh

There are undoubtedly many others in the community that aren't on this list and we thank them all for their help.

A huge thank you to those that have donated throughout 2019 and continue to donate monthly to keep the forums, Teamspeak, Discord channels and game server up and running. Without your generous donations we would not be able to continue the expansion of the CMP community and to look forward to supporting more games and events during 2020.

You can see the list of donators and information on how you can donate by going here.


CMP 2019 Recap
Over the past 12 months we have:

  • Hosted our North Africa and Italian FH2 campaigns featuring British and Canadian forces against German and Italian forces. Well done to the Axis forces for coming out on top in both campaigns! Maybe next time Allied!

    We want to thank the HQ's, Officers and Squad Leaders for taking the time to lead and help players in the campaign, attending trainings, meetings and battles. Without you, this campaign would not have been possible!
  • Participated in a number of competitive Post Scriptum scrimmages playing alongside [RIP] and [7AD] as infantry and logistics squads, with the CMP sections usually scoring the highest in kills at each of these events - great job everyone!
  • Opened new groups for:

Come and join them if you play these games!

  • Set up public servers for FH2 including a server dedicated to players in Asia
  • Hosted community events for Star Citizen.


Christmas Holiday Break
So, with our 6th FH2 now over, we'll be taking a long break over Christmas and the New Year, but do not worry! We are already planning the next FH2 campaign to start sometime in March 2020!

This time we will be heading to the Allied invasion on the Western front of Europe as we battle through Normandy! Keep checking the forums and CMP emails to find out when the new campaign will start and to get signed up!

We welcome all new players to join us in upcoming FH2 campaigns, and if you have played in at least one of our campaigns and would like to volunteer for a role as a Squad Leader, Regimental Commanding Officer or even as HQ then please let one of the @Quicksilver or @RayderPSG know by Private Message in the forums.


CMP In 2020
We are looking to increase support for existing gaming groups and the number of games we support over the next year:

  • Continuing our FH2 campaigns;
  • More Dirt Rally events (join us for our current Dirt Rally event!);
  • More Project Cars 2 events;
  • As Star Citizen increases in scope and activities we will be hosting more events - come and join us at ANTCORP!;
  • To continue arranging scrims with other communities and clans playing Post Scriptum;
  • We'll be keeping an eye on Hell Let Loose to see if they decide to support self hosted servers.

Are there other multiplayer and co-operative games you are interested in that you think the CMP community would enjoy too? If you do, then please post here and also vote in our poll!


Donating To CMP
In 2019 we continued our donations drive to help keep the forums, Discord, Teamspeak and game servers running for our members, allowing them to meet, talk and play together in their own groups or as part of larger teams for events such as our FH2 campaigns. Without your donations, we cannot continue to run CMP, those are the simple facts.

We were very close to meeting our target goal for 2019 and fortunately we can still keep everything running with the reserves we have now.

In 2020 we will again need members to step up and donate whatever they can afford to help cover the monthly community costs - even a few Euros will help. This will allow us to continue to create and host FH2 campaigns, support new games when possible; as well as run the forums, Teamspeak and Discord channels.

You can use the button below to make a single or monthly donation to CMP, or use the buttons on the side bar of the Home page.



We look forward to seeing you all in 2020!

  • Like 10
  • Thanks 8

Thank you guys from CMP, as well as all those people from the community who personally work, material support or otherwise support CMP in general and FH2 in particular. 

I congratulate everyone with Happy New Year, and i wish you a great new year's holiday, with friends and/or family, and have good luck and success in the year 2020!
Ura, ura, ur-r-ra-a-a! 😀🍻

  • Like 3
  • Thanks 2

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