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GeoPat last won the day on February 14

GeoPat had the most liked content!

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Community Answers

  1. I can lead a squad and be on CC as always, for the Allies
  2. There's a button in the "options" of the FH2 launcher to install the community updater and another one to run it. You'll want to keep the check boxes checked because we will have updates for trainings and battles
  3. I agree this is despicable, but it is a one hop, which is technically not against the rules. I've seen some very senior people use the one hop flagrantly. Dont forget this:
  4. I always liked this one but maybe I'm a softy
  5. Best: - Being in a unit of no-nonsense vets who shut up and got the job done. Worst: - Missing a round to help my mother reset her login credentials and security questions. We'll probably be talking friendly to eachother tomorrow. maybe Funniest: - Being the ghost sniper in that round village north of Stoumont. Took out some HQs and SLs with the crap Springer. They never looked up. The funniest was when an enemy held halftrack was below me and I took out the driver then won a duel with Erwin who was on the .50 by playing peekaboo. All with that crap Springfield. Most hated player: - The guys I put half a Thompson clip into but the killed me and brushed it off anyway. Ping difference I guess. Most loved/liked player: - everyone in Easy 1 Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3141-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - It was a close fought battle. I hope both teams keep it up and keep improving.
  6. If we are going to have lengthy breaks between campaigns then this is a good. idea. We have had a team cup competition in the past between campaigns. However, not everyone likes that format and it involves eliminating teams so you cant play every Friday if your team loses early.
  7. So, a lot of SH|1CA became RC|1CA
  8. Is there anyway to merge the stats for the guys who changed tags halfway through the campaign? My squad was both SH and RC.
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