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Everything posted by Tutvys

  1. Thanks, Pepinio!
  2. Thank you very much Quicksliver!
  3. Talking about National Socialism and then changing the topic to Scandinavia has caused some interesting moments
  4. Best: - A lovely and sadly the last evening with some of my favorite people. I will miss you guys, but I hope to see you next campaign! Worst: - The complaining from the select few as usual and after campaign (!) talks... Funniest: - Caeno and Turbo pissed drunk in the last round and during the aftermath Most hated player: - No one! Tis the season of jolly fun! Most loved/liked player: - Easy - my boys and everyone else on Allied Team who have pulled themselves together for the last final push of the campaign. Cheers! Best Battle Last Battle Photo - Photo's not mine, but a lot of love from me went into this Other: - Thank You. Every single one of you for such a great campaign, be it with its own ups and downs but with fair fighting spirit and full servers every battle. I want to thank my regiment and everyone else who reads this for an amazing opportunity during these hard times to connect with people, have a chat and have a fun evening. With this in mind, I would like to congratulate everyone with Merry X-mas and wish you a Happy New Year. And, of course, to see you next time in yet another campaign, be it on the same sides or different! Stay strong and safe, especially our new potential HQs for future @caeno and @BaskaBommi. Thank you once again! Happy Holidays everyone!
  5. @atElmo stinks! Happy Birthday love
  6. I would surely support an idea of having more activity in-between campaigns. A Team Cup could do. But maybe this time people sign-up and admins set up the teams.
  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, indeed! P.S @RAnDOOm I think Quicksilver is missing from that list ^^
  8. I would be up for some EUIV or CKII action, COH2. EUIV could be fun if many people play, alliances, backstabing and so on. But we'd need a guy with DLC's for that.
  9. Happy Birthday my Latvian друг! @Malleus
  10. Hi guys, this year I am having a lot of questions, currently I am about to embark on Politics train in Vilnius University, however I am not sure about it so I really need your help and that you write something about your speciality. Thanks!
  11. I have GTX 960 2gb i5-4460 Have to say, not the best performance. ~30 FPS but quality sucks and many graphic bugs.
  12. Free game - http://store.steampowered.com/app/203770/Crusader_Kings_II/
  13. Hey guys, if you want to join us, keep an eye on discord every evening at 17GMT, we usually start playing at that time
  14. Good day everyone! We've got a Quick update for you guys. Tomorrow we're starting yet another Arma 3 MSO and this Time we're going to Vietnam. If you' re looking forwards to joining us, feel free to join us tomorrow, 19UTC.
  15. I wouldn't be as hyped for Polish forces as you're Imo, it will most likely be tank reskins, russian soldiers and polish voices.
  16. Thank you, Lads!
  17. Tutvys


    Best grammar, thanks Halo
  18. What do you mean You never dropped!
  19. Wonderful trailer @Hawk!
  20. until
    Hello and welcome to another Arma III Coop Campaign hosted by CMP-Gaming and the 517th PRCT Arma III Group! Broken Arrow This time, our experienced and battle-proof group of 517th PRCT veterans get thrown back into time and deep into the humid jungle of south-east asia: That's right! The year is 1968, welcome to fucking 'Nam! Expect some dense fighting in the thick massive jungle and dont fall into one of the nasty punji traps. Spray, and pray that the Vietcong doesnt get you first - but be aware, your M16 only got 20 rounds! Better be safe than sorry and call in one air strike too much than risking your platoon's lives. Follow us like we will follow Charlie on the Ho Chi Minh Trail and join us on our very folksy and funny friday evenings that have become a very precious and dearly held event of week for all of us veterans. Join here and read in the group forum on how to get hooked with the necessary files! Evert Friday, 19:00 UTC We meet up 10 minutes before in Teamspeak. For our Group members: @Tutvys @Shadow Knight @Hawk @atElmo @The_Spine @Yehiel @Reeveli @Ensign_Steel @Humledrik @Abel_Ex @HaLoAL @2FPS_Warrior @Loggieman @Smashmachine @Ronid @MoonFire @truth_hun @King FronXos @Flash @Artileristas @TerranceG @Xeption @Flash @Johonas Here is the newest repository: http://arma.cmp-gaming.com/nam/.a3s/autoconfig Like always, add it to your ArmaSync. Among a list of mods you already possess from former campaigns, you should just need to download the 12 gb Unsung mod.
  21. Would love if FH3 went Italian or Bulge straight away.
  22. Eve of Destruction is very cool for Bf2
  23. As Ensign Steel said, we will play on fridays until our Next FH2 campaign starts, when it starts, somewhere mid february, we will go back to saturdays.
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