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Everything posted by Tutvys

  1. Company of heroes 2 for free https://www.humblebundle.com/store/company-of-heroes-2
  2. Tutvys

    Arma III

    Arma III Faces of War mod just recently got an update. Looks pretty dang neat if you ask me! Can't wait untill we do WW2 camp!
  3. Tutvys

    Arma III

    Hey, Ronid! Glad you joined us. Now our first "Campaign" has ended, so we're preparing for next one, which should come up in a week or two. Everyone who's in regiment (including you ) will be noticed via PM. Don't worry, people here are kind and will surely help you to learn, if you need anything in particular feel free to msg me, I'll try to help you as much as I can!
  4. Tutvys

    Arma III IFA3

    Hmm...Mission files might not be up do tade with mod itself. Or maybe it requires I44 terrains and CUP?
  5. Tutvys

    Arma III IFA3

    Do you run CBA together with these mods? You most likely need CBA too.
  6. Tutvys

    Arma III IFA3

    Look up steam workshop Files from there should work. Also, as Pap said, take a look at FoW, recently it got airborne update.
  7. Tutvys

    Arma III

    Sadly we have events every saturday, including 11/11
  8. Best: The fight axis gave. It was a real honor to play against them. Best 2 : 200+ kills, enemies felt like they were running into my bullets. Worst: Nothing, maybe ammount of stupid trees around main Funniest: Us trying to leave main and bumping into every damn tree in a way. Most hated player: All Russian and German regiment players who fought at Caminno Most loved/liked player: All Russian and German regiment players who fought at Caminno Other: God damn guys, this was a good map.
  9. Tutvys

    Arma III

    By downtimes you mean?
  10. Best: By far one of the most fun map I have ever played in FH2. Lots of action, allied put a really decent fight. Worst: Axis had an upperhand it felt, but not only map balance issues caused loss for allied. Funniest: Banter with 4[25]. Most hated player: Randoom , for dishonoring my knife battle suggestion, but still dying. ☺ Most loved/liked player: All 4th regiment. Other: Suggestion for this map- make 2 western flags gray and increase tickets by at least 100.
  11. until
    Martyrs of the Sun.
  12. Or you can wait a bit until winter sale on steam and get it for 10 euros
  13. Tutvys

    Arma III

    Arma III Campaign is open, join up! https://cmp-gaming.com/gc/
  14. You can alway check that by trying download mods, preparing yourself for saturdays. But we will use more mods - a modpack.
  15. Tutvys

    Arma III

    I hope we can get similiar nights when our campaign starts, just as fun and as many people
  16. Not a TV Show, nor a movie but who haven't seen yet should go watch these TV series: Band Of Brothers, War and Peace (BBC), Generation Kills, Generation War, Czas Honoru, Game Of Thrones. All of these - 10/10
  17. Kows: Duck Duck Duck! Tutvys: Chicken!
  18. That would make me suffer till 2am, not even talking about people further east.
  19. Not whole campaign
  20. Hello, I was wondering do we have anyone who like and plays games such as Crusader Kings II, Europa Universalis IV, Hearts Of Irons IV? Please share
  21. Will check. Battle time again?
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