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Posts posted by Wraith

  1. Some self-reflection:

    I generally fail to realise your strengths and weaknesses as infantrymen, so I may be erratic in my attempts to plug the holes in the defences and offences. You are free to suggest others who you think are more capable for the job if I am suggesting or ordering you to do a certain thing, such as hiding in the capcircle, mining, taking up the machinegun, hiding in a distance from the capcircle to hunt down the enemy rallies, using the AT gun, using the recon kit for smoke. If you think I am mistaken on giving you an order to take up a smoke grenade with a recon kit mind that I can't think of anyone else for the job. My defense plan is usually very straightforward and it lacks nuances: get as many people to camp the capcircle as possible, with the squadleader and a lieutenant outside to flank the enemy and hunt down the enemy rallies. I will almost never say no if I find your suggestion lines up with my plans. You can ask to spawn on the mainbase with me, you can ask to use a certain weapon, you can ask to be on a certain spot you found, I will do my best to rotate the others to provide you the ability to do what you really want. Don't forget to give me an okay if you acknowledge my order, especially if it's something as direct as go there.

    This is what I believe at heart, however I may also be a giant hypocrite who can't really take no criticism when it comes to the time for battle. Talk some sense into me and come up with a better plan if you think I am going astray when it comes to the squadleader mindset.

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  2. Bleed is 2/3rds of the ticket burn. I will make sure to get the enemy to bleed no matter how many deaths it takes. Which is usually no more than one minute of bleed for each attempt. We will never lose or win a battle because of our suicides or failed attacks. The only goal for a squad is to hold and to keep a flag as fast as possible. And we are getting our gears together so we are getting more and more efficient at it. Numerous times we have beaten the russians, and outplayed the enemy on several fronts, thanks to the individual initiative and superior tactics. Any attack is a success for me if I can get 4 of my men into the cap circle, take down the enemy rally and the possible tank or the static AT that is present. You can do what you will and/or suggest your role to me to achieve these goals.

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll be more careful about using the full potential of our squad rather than relying on one fragger.

  3. I'm back from my 2-week hiatus. I've awarded some of the medals, be on the lookout for more during the week and don't forget to fill your AAR's so I can have an easier time guessing who to give medals next. I'll take care of the promotions alongside that.

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    Medals batch #1

    Congratulations to the soldiers of the 29th infantry division


    Army Commendation Medal


    Awarded to members of the 29th Infantry Division for displaying competency across all areas of warfare and being an important asset of the company.

    pr0z4c, caeno


    Soldiers Medal


    For soldiers who have proven themselves in combat.

    AL-SAHAD, Tutvys, truth_HUN




    Awarded to members for performing selfless acts for the army.

    ShadowNick, Tutvys, Watchtower



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