Forums, Teamspeak And Discord Rules
By registering as a member of this forum, Discord and the CMP-Gaming community including the use of the Teamspeak service you agree to comply with the following rules:
1. Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will NOT be tolerated and will lead to a warning and a possible ban.
2. Members are asked to not act as “back seat moderators”. If members note an issue which goes against the forums or Discord rules they are welcome to bring it to the attention of a member of the Admins. Use the 'Report Post' feature for forum posts. Do not respond to such topics yourself. Members who constantly “act” as moderators may be warned.
3. Members should remember this board and Discord are aimed at a general audience. Posting pornographic, adult themed or generally offensive content, racial, sexist, violent, religious or homophobic slurs, images, links, etc. will NOT be tolerated and will lead to a warning and possible ban. Any offensive content should be reportedly to an Admin immediately on Discord or Private Message.
4. Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media, etc. Users linking to or asking for information on warez, crackz, illegal material etc. or re-printing material without permission will receive a warning and their post will be removed.
5. Members are asked to respect the legalities of the countries that where other members live. Do NOT post or link to Nazi, Far Right, Far Left and other extremist content, or content related to known war criminals. Users posting or linking to such content will be warned, have their post removed and possibly banned.
6. Members are asked only to post in English for the common areas, as this is an English speaking community. They are free to post in their own languages within the Languages Forums.
7. Spam is not tolerated here under any circumstance. Users posting spam, memes or other content which does not contribute to the topic conversation will be warned and their post removed. This also includes the use of excessive emoji usage on existing posts. No unsolicited advertisement in any form is allowed.
8. The Admins reserve the right to edit, remove or put on moderation queue any post or Discord message at any time. The determination of what is construed as indecent, vulgar, spam, etc. as noted in these points is up to the Admins and not users.
9. The above rules where applicable also apply to private messaging. Abuse of the private messaging system may lead to warnings (as above) and/or the revocation of private messaging along with a possible ban.
Avatars, Profile Images, Signatures And Usernames
10. Usernames should abide by the general forum etiquette including NO names that may cause offense such such as racial, sexist, violent, religious or homophobic slurs including usernames based on Nazi names and other war criminals.
11. Usernames should be legible to read and pronounce by all users. Do NOT use symbols, emojis or non-English alphanumeric characters (such as Cyrillic) in your username.
12. Content in signatures should be consistent with normal writing and abide by the general forum etiquette including no offensive text, imagery, or links.
13. Remote signature images must have a consistently high availability to ensure page load times are not affected.
14. Avatars, signatures and profile images are NOT allowed to contain any SS imagery, including known war criminals, Far Right, Far Left and other extremist imagery, or imagery that may cause offense such such as racial, sexist, violent, religious or homophobic slurs.
15. Animated images are NOT permitted in signatures, cover photos or as avatars.
Users abusing these rules will be warned or have their signature privileges revoked and may even be banned.
FH2 CMP Public Server
Always Respect other players and Admins. Always Be Civil in chat
You are NOT allowed to Enter or Wait within close proximity of Mainbases with the intention to destroy vehicles or kill infantry as they leave
Do NOT TK on purpose. You will be instantly Banned
Always wait in line for Vehicles
You are NOT allowed to deliberately wait by flag spawn points with the intention of simply killing players who spawn
No Nazi ideology or racist, sexist, homophobic nicknames/squadnames or comments in chat. Do Not use too much swear words in chat
AFK for more then 10min when the server is almost full = Kick
Admins Always have the final decision on all matters and may interpret the rules anyway they see fit