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Everything posted by Pr0z4c

  1. ahaha while our winning round was when i decided where to land
  2. hehe that last round i played. ''can i shoot them please?'' aand where all dead
  3. You hurt my feelings pap. Im fragile, remember?
  4. i did kill a guy at the prison before dying
  5. yeah ill play a few rounds
  6. i can play on tuesday
  7. I'm a real hipster, read quite a few books of haruki murakami. currently im reading ''the wind up bird chronicle'' this one is also a good read : ''hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world''
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkXxQL-nyQw
  9. aaand now for something completely different
  10. Artist : Klute Title : Splendor Label : Metalheadz -- METH 043 Released : 2001 Artiest: Teebee Album: The Legacy Uitgebracht op: 2004
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