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Everything posted by Pr0z4c

  1. Best: - good fight, i joined later for the last 3 rounds. Worst: - losing another battle Funniest: - Fighting in the control tower at airfield, holding of an entire squad for 5min. they send 6 guys to kill me and failed 3 times. @luacha2000using a katana and easily disguises himself as a Japanese soldier, and running with our squad towards the flag. I found you out though @Erwinand his ''green stuff'' Last but not least, @AL-SAHADkilling @Sir_Kowskoskeyand immediately shouting ''Kowsky i killed kowsky!!!'' double teabags for you my friend! Most hated player: - nobody Most loved/liked player: - everybody, except the allies Best Battle Photo - I believe i can fly!!!
  2. the anime music channel.....
  3. stainless steel, a good choice. no worries for nasty stains
  4. Best: - it was a balanced fight imo. And good teabaggings everywhere Worst: - somehow i screwed up the map it seemed. missing terrain lightmaps. (whole map needs a good overhaul, but i didnt had any time for that) Other than taht, fun map! Funniest: - @RAnDOOmPepperoni!!!!! @AL-SAHADfor jumping off a cliff @Ombustmankilling me and teabagging me. @Erwinwas in front of me and didnt notice, and got bagged aswell. Most hated player: - nobody Most loved/liked player: - 93rd regiment Best Battle Photo - why the long face?
  5. @Hjaldrgudwell i had some help from others. putting in the google map image was @Papillon's idea.
  6. Best: - numbers Worst: - too bad the allied team felt the balance was off. winchesters everywhere. Funniest: - @Erwinenthusiastically teamkilling me with the winchester. Most hated player: - all winchesters Most loved/liked player: - 93rd squad! Next week we will win!
  7. @RAnDOOmread it all wrong, because you bagged me aswell i believe got ya
  8. M1A1 Flamethrower (120) 93[2IG Pr0z4c 43 9|3MD Darkpotato 16 4|3MD knokworst 5 Burn baby burn!
  9. Best: - intense fighting for every flag, and killing enemies with the knee mortar or flamethrower. Worst: - allied numbers. After the 4th round i was afk for a few min, when i came back the battle was over. Funniest: - killing with the knee mortar and the flamethrower Most hated player: - all the allied shotgun players Most loved/liked player: 93rd regiment Best Battle Photo - lets do a victory picture on the submarine they said.....
  10. HAH i saw that! you even tried to bag me while you knew you where going to get killed any second
  11. Best: - numbers and a nice map Worst: - balance between axis and allied team and the map crashing on the 32-layer version Funniest: - @AL-SAHADbagging everybody! and me going after tanks and infantry with the banzai kit. Most hated player: - nobody Most loved/liked player: - 93th hentai regiment Best Battle Photo - For the Emperor, Banzaiiii !!!
  12. @Johonas
  13. and im glad this was one of your last posts here
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