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Everything posted by Pr0z4c

  1. haha, brick. just a song for you
  2. more Spoon I know it from the movie ''Stranger Than Fiction''
  3. great song, i dont understand why this should be banned.
  4. i was in the croud
  5. well i can live without hitmarkers, but the way this new ''rule'' was applied to all the servers is not democratic
  6. id like to have those hitmarkers back in the game and aswell the 3th cam option for vehicles. I dont know who decided to take it out, but that was a bad move imo
  7. Best: - Last battle and we had great numbers. Worst: - trying to organise this weeks battle as balanced as i could. I wanted to make sure there where no issues on the battle of crashes. To my view i suceeded in doing that. but it is stressfull at times. (ofcourse all was decided together with the hq's and admins. Goal for next campaign. make sure our maps are done earlier Funniest: - ran into @Sir_Kowskoskey we hit each other with a vehicle, i blew up his jeep with the jap apc. then teabagged the wrecked jeep. Most hated player: - Nobody Most loved/liked player: - everybody! thank you all for joining! And i hope to see you all for the next campaign!
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