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Everything posted by Pr0z4c

  1. Best: - nothing rly Worst: - whole evening, player balance is shit, equipment is not balanced at all! Funniest: - what fun?! Most hated player: - ------------------------ Most loved/liked player: - @AL-SAHAD
  2. Uruguay vs Portugal / 1-2 France vs Argentina / 3-1 Spain vs Russia / 2-0 Croatia vs Danemark / 3-1 Brasil vs Mexico/ 1-3 Belgium Vs Japan /3-0 Sweden Vs Switzerland / 2-1 Colombia vs England / 1-2
  3. Panama Vs Tunisia / 0-2 England Vs Belgium / 1-2 Japan Vs Poland / 3-1 Senegal Vs Colombia / 2-1
  4. Serbia vs Brazil / 1-2 Switzerland vs Costa Rica / 2-1 Mexico vs Sweden / 2-1 Korea vs Germany / 1-3
  5. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Star wars jedi knight ii: Jedi outcast
  6. Denmark vs France /1-3 Australia vs Peru / 1-2 Nigeria vs Argentina / 3-1 Iceland vs Croatia / 0-2
  7. Uruguay vs Russia / 1-2 Saudi Arabia vs Egypt / 1-2 Iran vs Portugal / 0-2 Spain vs Morocco / 3-0 
  8. England vs panama / 3-0 Japan vs Senegal / 1-2 Poland vs Colombia / 1-3
  9. Belgium vs Tunisia 2-1 South Korea vs Mexico 0-2 Germany vs Sweden 2-0
  10. Best: - start of the campaign. Having 2 full squads in my regiment for the entire battle and fighting for the village during the last round. That was intense! Worst: - frustrating small map at times Funniest: - driving over kowsky with my dt-carrier Most hated player: - nobody Most loved/liked player: - everybody, thanks for playing! and @michaelau999for playing untill 6 in the morning! big respect!
  11. Nigeria vs Iceland / 0-1 Brasil vs Costa Rica / 3-1 Serbia vs Switzerland / 1-2
  12. Denmark vs Australia / 0-1 France vs Peru / 2-0 Croatia vs Argnetina / 1-2
  13. Uruguay vs Saudi Arabia / 4-0 Portugal Vs Morocco / 3-1 Iran Vs Spain / 0-3
  14. Colombia vs Japan 1-1 Poland vs Senegal 2-1 Russia vs Egypt 2-0
  15. Sweden vs South Korea 1-2 Panama vs Belgium 1-2 Tunesia vs England 0-2
  16. Germany vs Mexico 3-1 Brazil vs Switzerland 3-0
  17. France vs Australia / 1-1 Peru vs Denmark / 0-2 Argentina vs Iceland 2-1 Croatia vs Nigeria 3-1
  18. Morocco vs Iran / 3-1 Portugal vs Spain / 1-2
  19. Freedom of speech cant be absolute. no way should extremist be allowed to preach their intolerant ideas. The same goes for extreme leftism and extreme right. if you dont agree with far left views you are a ''fascist''. if you dont agree with extreme right ideas you are a traitor. Intolerance should always be untolerated. I dont know where you get your news @Buddydogplease explain yourself.
  20. Happy birthday @Erwin & @RayderPSG
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