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Everything posted by Pr0z4c

  1. installed pubg yesterday, damn i need a new cpu
  2. https://9gag.com/gag/aAD0XbE
  3. Pr0z4c

    Comedy Central

    I forgot that i made this post on 9gag years ago. Have Fun https://9gag.com/gag/5372263?ref=w.upvotenoti
  4. ''I killed Kowskosky!!!'' ''Bag him!!!''
  5. nah where going to play with Finnish forces in north africa
  6. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3766376/ Good serie, Danny Mcbride takes uncomfortable to the next level http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2306299/ Vikings. Cant wait for season 5
  7. My old hometown. The white building on the right is a youthcentre. I have been drunk there many times.
  8. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/nezx8q/who-needs-aliens-when-prehistoric-anus-faced-worms-already-existed?utm_source=mbfb
  9. A-team intro, search it
  10. There is only the A-team. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-team.
  11. I'm spamming too much music here lol. Cmon people, post what you like!
  12. Pr0z4c

    New PC

    thanks for the tips!
  13. Pr0z4c

    New PC

    im not familiar with these new systems. my pc is now about 8yrs old My budget is around 600 / 700 euro I already have a good casing and powersupply.
  14. Pr0z4c

    New PC

    smt like a intel I5 or I7
  15. Pr0z4c

    New PC

    Im looking to buy a new pc. I want to build it myself. What is a good motherboard / processor that i should get?
  16. Kick back and relax
  17. lets do this, with phisision and dishipline
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