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Everything posted by Pr0z4c

  1. i'm jealous, damn what a view This is pretty much the view we have here in the lovely province of Groningen (Netherlands)
  2. I'm in for playing another round this evening!
  3. ''psishion'''
  4. Best: winning the battle / campaign, it was very balanced and we had some close rounds! Best: blowing up a panther and a stug with one satchel charge. Worst: enemy pilots, shooting me out of my hellcat numerous times Funniest: @AL-SAHAD shouting ''i killed kowskosky'', me replying, Bag him! and i succeeded numerous times to give the old general the bags. Funniest: our new 121th regiments slogan ''may the greasy chicken be with us'' (our players ate alot of chicken during the campaign) or ''eat chicken or die'' Most loved/liked player: 121th regiment, overall we had a good atmosphere in our regiment. lots of fun! Other: numbers, i hope we can get the numbers up again next campaign
  5. Best: close rounds, intense fighting. troling the axis tanks with my bazooka and annoying axis players around abandoned village Worst: broken headset, playing with crappy sound and not able to hear from which direction the enemy is shooting. Funniest: attacking abanoned village. the attack failed but i stayed alive and trolled the enemy. And Kowskosky always managed to find me to teabag my corps. aargh! Most hated player: nobody Most loved/liked player: 121 regiment kicked ass
  6. hahahaha
  7. Pr0z4c

    Arma III

    time for a pc upgrade!
  8. Best: hard fought battles everywhere. Worst: getting destroyed the last round Funniest: zooking incoming tanks, and jeeps. missed one full jeep, axis got out and started shooting. panic fight with my pistol Most hated player: vlasov playing on the lowest settings possible. Other:
  9. Best: killing the enemy with the m13 aa halftrack, great infantry action around the flags and winning the battle sneaking into Manfrria and Gela, capping the flags Worst: i made too much teamkills Funniest: teabagging the Finnish dude and the teamkilling after the battle Most hated player: nope Most loved/liked player: 121 regiment did a good job, good teamplay
  10. much better
  11. La la la la La la la la La la la la La la la la La la la la La la la la La la la la LA LA LA LA LAAAA
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt2IcK78NOw
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