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BF1918 Campaign #1: Battle 9 Battle of the Nete - Best/Worst/Funniest

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Best: great infantry battles, a great Battlefield 1918 map with canalisation, stationary machine guns, mortars and nice city,

one of my favorites


Funniest:  Brazil declared peace with germany

Most hated player: 

Most loved/liked player: Titanium for showing us the route to win the last 3 rounds



I hope we can have a great final match next saturday,

i will also try to get some more russians to the front line 😎

Edited by Granate
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Best: - I was so tired in the run-up to getting through the battle the day before and getting up early the next morning and then working without a siesta afternoon again. I was not sure in advance whether I would be through at the end of the battle. But the battle was good and was fun and exciting.

Worst: - The total number of players have not appeared and those who were there even before the end are gone.

Funniest: - Nothing Special. the battle was fun.

Most hated player: - nobody 

Most loved/liked player: - All Battlefield veterans

Best Battle Photo - unfortunately not on this notebook

Other: - This time we had a small advantage as we started as defenders. But the Germans have pretty much challenged us. We lost rounds without a single flag or were often just ahead. That was very exciting. I think I got 10 years older yesterday.Would have wished that we had reached a player count of 20 against 20. Unfortunately did not work yesterday. I think it would have been good for this map and the scenario and mission planning.Even so, it was still a good match.Since we had an FH2 battle the day before, you have a direct comparison. The communication could be a little better in the next battles. That would be great. Report enemy notification and similar.Otherwise, I would like to thank everyone for the organization of the evening and all participating players for this battle.


Edit : @Granate, do you life on the Server O.o


Good preparation is half the rent @Granate:thumbupright:

Edited by Pepinio
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2 hours ago, Pepinio said:

Best: - I was so tired in the run-up to getting through the battle the day before and getting up early the next morning and then working without a siesta afternoon again. I was not sure in advance whether I would be through at the end of the battle. But the battle was good and was fun and exciting.

Worst: - The total number of players have not appeared and those who were there even before the end are gone.

Funniest: - Nothing Special. the battle was fun.

Most hated player: - nobody 

Most loved/liked player: - All Battlefield veterans

Best Battle Photo - unfortunately not on this notebook

Other: - This time we had a small advantage as we started as defenders. But the Germans have pretty much challenged us. We lost rounds without a single flag or were often just ahead. That was very exciting. I think I got 10 years older yesterday.Would have wished that we had reached a player count of 20 against 20. Unfortunately did not work yesterday. I think it would have been good for this map and the scenario and mission planning.Even so, it was still a good match.Since we had an FH2 battle the day before, you have a direct comparison. The communication could be a little better in the next battles. That would be great. Report enemy notification and similar.Otherwise, I would like to thank everyone for the organization of the evening and all participating players for this battle.


Edit : @Granate, do you life on the Server O.o


Good preparation is half the rent @Granate:thumbupright:

I do not play in other campaigns ; )

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Best: - Leading a great team. German team for putting up a good fight and not being reluctant to send us some players to fill our ranks. Making pistols duels with @TARAN. Using the chauchat to the best. Managing to capture a flag while being the last one twice. Watching @Hawk trying to survive against mgs with his ruby !

Worst: - Numbers on Entente side, also Brasilians watching Eurovision one week late

Funniest: - Saying to @Druidix that we were winning 4-1 when he joined. By joining he turned the tide and we won only with the tickets. Coincidence ? I THINK NOT ! ahah

Most hated player: - No one this time !

Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG, @Druidix, @HochuDeutschmeister, @Incognito, @OpaHoppenstedt, @Dagoth, @Albert.K-101, @Pepinio, @Capivara for showing up and making Entente proud. All the germans soldiers and of course the admins for making this battle possible and really fun

Best Battle Photo -

Other: - To the guy who took the battle picture, don't forget to post it ;)

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Best: - bf1918 going onnn

Best: I quit for a good reason, my team won a title after 11 years. 

Worst: - numbers, where is Brazil, and me having to leave too early

Worst2: as my team won, I got drunk while monday I had 2 exams. GG rayder 

Funniest: - sneaky sneaky getting killed by me! 

Most hated player: - those who didn't come, and me for leaving. I only  pardon @eXHaLe 

Most loved/liked player: - @CptBocquier for taking charge of the team, admins for admins, guys who swtiched for the good of the battle, @Pepinio because he's pepi 

Best Battle Photo -

Other: - do it for @SputnikFighter and la patrie! 

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