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Everything posted by Druidix

  1. Best: - Finally able to play almost a full battle Worst: - Playing with very low resolution Funniest: - Hearing @RayderPSG complaining all the time in a whisper Most hated player: - German arty men Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1928-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
  2. Druidix

    Hell Let Loose

    I think one of the main PS graphic problems is vegetation. And since the first in game pictures HLL has been superior i think And is this closer to FH2 than PS ?
  3. Druidix

    Hell Let Loose

    So what are your impressions ? Also, how is the optimisation atm ?
  4. Hello tout le monde Il y a une campagne sur Battlefield 1918 qui vient d'ouvrir, et on à un régiment francais coté... francais Si vous voulez vous inscrire c'est par ici @Captain DiDou @Arnaud @LoneWolf320 @3rd-para.neige @AgentProvocateur @ALEX3129 @Archer_SRY @BIG_J_06 @_baba2004_ @brk5300 @Cake @CapitaineBarbo @Caractor57 @Chicon @Coldbestau @CptBocquier @Drelid @Druidix @EWkevin @Femisto @[FRA]_Mightoup @Fritz.The.Cat @GABBOTTO(*) @Garfield @Heia Safari! @Helmut Mout @Humledrik(*) @Khaine @kieffer95 @kustom666 @La-Hire @Lolo89 @MajorWanka @Master_of_Pain_25 @Max3400 @Maxr35[fr] @Mlgfrancaiflantier @Minijim @mogami @Nathan4012 @neissman @Pierre @pinpinflex @Pytoney @RayderPSG(*) @Reeorgh Arrgh @romu292 @Sgt.Michael.Wittmann @Snafu_Il2 @soukax @SputnikFighter @squad2242 @Toka @[TTF] Kmikaz @thunder493 @VinVin @ViquelOoste JENKINS (⌐■_■) @pinpinflex @Pytoney @wazza972 @zarbyLeFr @Владимир Польска
  5. La squad hq c'est tout bénef où pas. Soit tu te retrouves a faire les sneak attaques auquel cas c'est génial, soit tu défend les back flags chiants. Mais pour moi c'est aussi le meilleur truc a faire
  6. Haha thx guys (Bon* anniversaire @RayderPSG)
  7. Best: Having fun during the all battle Worst: -Maybe the last round was too much Funniest: Triple bagging with @Sir_Kowskoskey and @thunder493 Most hated player: - @WOLFXL for teabagging me, you disappointed me Most loved/liked player: @Coldbestau for beeing back Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1573-best-battle-photo-medal/ When your dead body wants to know what is happening Other: -
  8. Sry guys, but in real i'm not taking fun in this campaign, so..
  9. The art of putting you deeper yourself Best: - Playing with my love Koswo Worst: - Crashing twice, always when i had something important to do Funniest: - In general, when you hear Kowsko asking "who wants to become a hero" and then you are in this situation, it ends bad. And guess what ? And we were lucky, 5s before we were facing a tank Most hated player: - Japanese ship. Most loved/liked player: - All frenchies, that was cool Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1573-best-battle-photo-medal/ It was at this moment jackson knew Other: -
  10. Chuuut traitor Each time you kill me i feel pain in my little hearth Wolfy
  11. Is this the little bastard who stole the hq jeep at the beggining of the round which is asking? :p
  12. I know that one is Erwin, but not the second one. i wouldn't have to tb a innocent
  13. Best: -Our honnor is saved Worst: -Thoses bad crashes Funniest: - Many little things -crashing in the river with our jeep -this hole, seems to have caused some problems -Japanese guys searching our rp, whereas they were walking on it -At one moment, i asked somebody to follow me to put a rp. I saw that someone was running behind me so said it's ok. And when i tried to put the rp, i figured that it was in fact a japanese, that has lengthened close to me with he's mg Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1573-best-battle-photo-medal/ This lack of respect. I will find you and kill you guys, be sure of it Other: -
  14. Best: Numbers. 70 people is really great Worst: - Loosing everything Funniest: - I heard someone incoming, and when i saw it was friendly i said "ok 'im safe, i will not kill me". Seems i was wrong Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1573-best-battle-photo-medal/ Seems @Heia Safari! is not really sure about how to drive a boat Other: -
  15. Funniest: @HaLoAL who get out of his tank after killed me, teabagged me and then jumped back in the tank
  16. @3rd-para.neige@zarbyLeFr @Toka @romu292@BIG_J_06@AgentProvocateur @Archer_SRY @CapitaineBarbo9Yatta@238-06@Coldbestau@ViquelOoste JENKINS (⌐■_■)@SputnikFighter@neissman@Reeorgh Arrgh@Minijim@Max3400@kustom666@Khaine@Helmut Mout@Heia Safari!@Garfield@EWkevin@Chicon@brk5300@[FRA]_Mightoup @Fritz.The.Cat @Sgt.Michael.Wittmann @La-Hire @Snafu_Il2 @!300!legoulloix@BIG_J_06 @Mlgfrancaiflantier @mogami @VinVin @wazza972 @Владимир Польска @La-Hire @_baba2004_ @Drelid @Captain DiDou Oubliez pas qu'une nouvelle campagne va commencer, et qu'il y a une escouade FR du coté américain. Un petit lien discord utile: https://discord.gg/NHQxUxy
  17. Mais whaaaaaat ?
  18. For you @Heia Safari!
  19. Best: - Was really a good night. But maybe we lost a bit too much :p Worst: - That was last battle Funniest: - Think almost all was funny. The best was probably the last round with @SturmFlim, @Erwin and @Papillon in our squad Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - @CaproGreene, for saving my life. Was on the point to be killed by Prozac, saw him aiming at me, and suddently ... exploding Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ "Come on spawn, we have a safe rallypoint" ... Other: - One day i will make the difference between @Hawk and @Quicksilver voices. One day.
  20. Best: - The round before the last one, did well, that was fun Worst: - Putting and rp during a sneak attack with @SputnikFighter and @Sir_Kowskoskey. But it disapeared whereas we were attacking. When i saw that, PANIC We never finished our assault Funniest: - The sdkfz thief, that was riduculous Most hated player: - For once nobody Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Give me my photo medals :p
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