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Everything posted by Druidix

  1. Druidix

    New PC

    Ryzen ryzen ryzen ! It depends of your budget, for 300-350e you can get a 1600+mb For example: https://www.amazon.fr/AMD-Ryzen-1600-Processeur-Ventilateur/dp/B06XNRQHG4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1500977485&sr=8-2&keywords=1600 + https://www.amazon.fr/MSI-B350-TOMAHAWK-Carte-Socket/dp/B06WWPDJ95/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500977509&sr=8-1&keywords=B350
  2. Beautiful version
  3. I've reinstalled the game, problem is solved now. I will reinstall mappack and see if all is still ok, i will tell you
  4. do some of you are interested by a FH1 campaign, French vs germans ? We need players
  5. Ca me manque quand meme le "bon vieux temps" avec vous tous. Pourquoi pas @RayderPSG, surtout qu'en ce moment j'ai du mal à m'amuser sur fh sans avoir une bonne escouade
  6. Fallait bien que ca arrive un jour, c'est moche de vieillir
  7. Bien dommage Une petite campagne sur fh1 ca te tente ? Français vs Bosch, comme au bon vieux temps (et en plus c'est moi qui commande)
  8. In all cases all goes wrong with this computer thoses times. I have sometimes freezes when playing. As i've said, the hdd led isnot lighting at this moment, so at the beginning i throught there was no links. But yeserday i got one freeze in battlefield, and after few seconds, led was lighting and computer reboot. Windows mentions an error caused by msi command center Here the screens: https://www.noelshack.com/2017-27-1-1499110190-erreur-2.png https://www.noelshack.com/2017-27-1-1499110190-erreur-2.png I'm asking if this is not the cause of other freezes. I will try to reinstalle again, and also update command center. Complicated.. Thx for the help
  9. I give up. Nothing works, I always get this fucking problem
  10. i5 6500 and 8gb, but i didn't have the problem before, even with the 470. I've reset all wattman settings except undervolt, i will try again tomorrow. i'm confused...
  11. As i said, without aa applicated by amd software it's ok (but i got tearing). Didin't have this problem when i was with nvidia, never mind it don't change a lot of things graphically
  12. The problem is caused by antialiasing in wattman, if i remove it it's ok (but i got tearing instead)
  13. Well still not fluid will try without undervolt Edit: i was without undervolt in fact. Do you know why wattman reset my settings randomly?
  14. Seems better after reinstall, but i've to test it more for be sure. Spieler, even if i locked at 100 it was not fluid. Sometimes also, in demanding games, i got freezes, not du to hdd (the hdd led is not lighting at this moment). Generally the sound continu, do you think it can be caused by the undervolt (not stable)?
  15. Again ? Will try it. i've made some tests. If i remove fps limit, its ok. And in fact i play 4 games, and get this problem with 2 of them. In both, fps are locked. The games where i dont get pb have v-sync on. so it seems the problem is caused by fps limiter. I will tell if reinstalling drivers solves the pb
  16. hi guys, since i've changed my gpu, my game seems to be not fluid, whereas it always runs at 60 fps. At the beginning, when i get my 470, all was ok. somedays ago i've installed new optionnal driver (using ddu), and since i get this problem. i've reinstalled the old driver but same problem. This is really disturbing. i'm not sure, but sometime i feel like the picture was cut in 2, with the top and the bottom not running on the same way, top seems lagging (this is not just tearring). Do you have an idea of what's the problem?
  17. Druidix


    Well not too bad i think
  18. Don't know why it remembers me good memories (it should not haha)
  19. Bof, les français qui jouent ils sont pas très nombreux donc je les connais a peu près tous ^^ Ca serait bien de revoir bocquier, garfield et compagnie
  20. khaine tu vas dans campaign, tu choisi ta divison, après ton unité et tu clic sur active members et là t'as tout le monde.
  21. On a @SputnikFighter qui nous a rejoins et que je connais un peu, et aussi 2 autres joueurs mais pas de nouvelles ^^ C'est sur qu'un régiment français comme au bon vieux temps serait bien, mais sans etre pessimiste ca part relativement mal ^^
  22. Druidix


    hi I've seen polaris can be undervolted easyli, so I would like to do it. The xfx is a little bit noisy ^^ Here are the values for the moment: http://www.noelshack.com/2017-23-6-1497116402-wattman.png first, which states should I touch? Only the last or 5-6-7? and how much should I undervolt each time (-10 then test or -20 then test...)?
  23. Still not beat FX https://valid.x86.fr/records.html
  24. Especially the end
  25. It seems slow compare to bf, a little bit difficult
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