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Everything posted by Druidix

  1. Druidix


    It can if buddydog changes his way of thinking. Without this it will take more time but why not
  2. 100m for something which was 100km higer is still very impressive. I've seen that last week they landed one rocket on the water, that was not completly intentionnal but it seems it works. So maybe with more fuel it could have been save
  3. The core had not enough fuel, so only one engine was working. It touched water at 500km/h, 100m away of the ship. A bit too fast
  4. Last picture of Starman, unbelivable https://t.co/IWSjRyTr8V?amp=1
  5. I'm a bit surprised nobody talk about it, so for those who missed it yesterday, the replay of the Falcon Heavy first flight. I felt a mix of excitation and tension, it was a strange feeling. That was a fantastic moment. And, I don't know, seeing this car flying in space with earth in background... it makes me "think"... Well done Mr Musk !
  6. Druidix


    All was ready, we were just waiting for the russians. Can you have acces to fh website @Buddydog?
  7. Druidix


    I should have, but as i didn't know if you check cmp often i've prefered post here. It could be great to continu the preparation of the bf18 campaign, @SputnikFighter is still ok.
  8. Thx
  9. Druidix


    Why not, i will search for some helpers, and maybe recontact you later. The main issu was the player number, could be great to have at least an idea of how many we could get here.
  10. Druidix


    By the way, any idea of why the game doesn't work. When I clic on the icon, nothing happens. I've search a bit, and found a compatibility patch, but it changes nothing.µ I remember that it was working well on the same computer some years ago
  11. Druidix


    I will, thx guys
  12. Druidix


    Hi, You probably know that now that Forgotten Honor is (almost) dead, du, for me, to a bad gestion. We had a bf1918 campaign planned before they close the website, and it will be probably never played. I would like to know if opening a BF42 branch was in your plans. This is the game which have made me discover Battlefield, as a lot of you I think, but also Forgotten Hope. When I was younger, I was dreaming about playing FH2, it was looking insane to my eyes. So, as I didn't have BF2, I played FH0.7, and spent a lot of great moments on. I would be very sad if this game was completly dead, so I would like to know if we can save it. And I know we could
  13. Ah cool, je t'attends alors
  14. Ok, so i could not, at least until april so. I will take Verdun instead,for the moment
  15. Some of you play verdun?
  16. Will you play only on saturdays? The game is currently at 11e on steam, but if you play only during week-ends i will not tke it, it can run on my old pc
  17. Best: - Small commandos with @Sir_Kowskoskey Worst: - When i discovered that it was the last battle Funniest: - half of the squad shooting the KT with bazookas Most hated player: - @WOLFXL, when he crushed me with his mighty jagdpanther Most loved/liked player: - Other: - Thx admins for the organization of the tournament, and thx to all players who have joined. That were fun evenings with all of you.
  18. It seems that only 1 people can have acces to the bibliotheca at the same time, this is what i've read. But i think i've found a solution, using his accounts but with offline mod on both, i think it will work (i already know i can launch the game, now we need to try to play in the same time).
  19. Hi guys, With a friend we have decided to share our steam accounts, cause he has ac unity and i want play it. What we have done: So we used the family fonction, but he also gave me his steam and uplay passwords. I've checked on his uplay, and i didnt find acu in the list. So i've opened his steam, launch acu, which has opened uplay, saying that it will activitate acu on his uplay account blablabla. The problem is that if i want play acu, i have to open his uplay, launch acu which asks me to connect his steam account. Which means that if i want play acu, he can't acces both accounts. So my question is: Is there a way to launch acu without having to launch steam? Don't know if i'm clear
  20. Well just have a new expérience, play with other people... a bit of new I love a lot fh2, i've played a lot (too much maybe), and now sometimes, especially on public server, it's difficult for me to take good time.
  21. So sad... I'm happy that ea got problems with battlefront 2, after all they've done to bf Which will be our next game now? Hell let lose ?
  22. Best: intense fight, even too much Worst: the map. Looks great during the first round, but after i felt as if i was playng bf1... Also 10 times restart cause aaxis numbers... Funniest: Mini's mines and @Sir_Kowskoskey and his famous "rp up in 2s". Other guys see what i mean Most hated player: As always, @SturmFlim and his mg Most loved/liked player: /
  23. if you have no other choice you have to sacrifice your eyes
  24. Best: - nothing Worst: - All, didnt have fun Funniest: @Sir_Kowskoskey rp, always on bad location and down after 10s Most hated player: - Sturm. Knife him : don't kill him, whereas it kills everybody else. And he's always able to shoot with mg without being on the ground (on my screen of course). There should be a pb between us. Most loved/liked player: - Other: - the map was horrible, you should have seen the ground in low settings. Ps1 was looking better x)
  25. Watch Dogs for free on Uplay https://freetrial.ubisoft.com/promotions/watch-dogs-1/8/
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