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Everything posted by Druidix
Best: -Good fh2 night was all i needed yesterday. Even if it was only one round, playing with @Heia Safari! was so great, as in good old times. Worst: - Not beeing able to take the first flag during almost a full round Funniest: killing hawky after he tbged kowsko, and tg him and get killed during this moment of lack of respect xD Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: Thunderman, for cleaning the sky from @HaLoAL Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - no picture this week, i give other players their chance to win it. But give me my previous medals :p
Best: - So many things, great map, great battle. And no lags. Everything was almost perfect for a good night Worst: - During the last round, when we lost studienka. All was my fault. With Kowsko we said that we will never been attacked. So i get afk 10s and @Pr0z4c come and killed me. Then we lost the flag. So the all team had to attack Studienka cause i was afk 10s Also, understanding after more than one hour that there was Hawk AND Quick in the channel, that that voice i heard was in fact 2 differents people And no Wolfy (and no frenchies) Funniest: - Ombust, stealing our jeep and flipping it on the way Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - @Ombustman Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ FH2 olympic games, 100m freestyle event Other: -
Best: - @Heia Safari! is back ! Heeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! -Spotting for @Quicksilver, great cooperation Worst: - the lags Funniest: - The all battle, that was a nice evening. + Safari complaining about his team in ts Most hated player: - All the guys who killed me 0.1s before i launch my nades or their rp Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ I have a terrible revelation about Kowsko. You always thought your HQ was a couageous man, give is life for you ? Well absolutely not Other: -
My god this is riduculous..
Best: - Stealing the russian mortar and use it for destroying rp Worst: - I don't know. Is this having 2 headphones, one for the sound and the other for the mic? Or having a ventilator andcan't use it cause it makes wind sound? Or having a keyboard and mousse which disconnect every 5 seconds? So many questions without answers... Or maybe to have almost no news about my frenchies. Funniest: - Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ @Sir_Kowskoskey you are ugly and you smell bad... Other: -...but you have beautiful eyes
Hey @Granate ! i will give you acces to the bf42 planning forum, but as we use discord there isnot a lot of things on it.
Those trumpets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jlnvv5up0u4
Come on people, pls vote ! Even if it's for saying no
Hi everybody As you know, with some other guys we would like to bring back BF42 and his mods alive, mostly BF1918. At the beginning, our idea was to continue what we were preparing on old FHT website. But due to some problems, we think we will focus on the beginning of the war, and use the vanilla maps. Before we start, we would like to know how many players would be interested? We know that campaign can be seen as investment, so this is why we had an option "No, but I would like to play it again from time to time". Please give us your opinion, it's very important for us to have a first idea of how many players we could have
Best: Playing on a great map with my frenchies Worst: Beeing a bad commander Funniest: Killing @HaLoAL twice with mg (he was in trouble both time, i'm an opportunist). Btw, what happened? I saw multiple time your plane stopping in the sky then falling like a rock on the ground. Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: @SputnikFighter and @Coldbestau Best Battle Photo - I was thirsty, so i get out in the garden, to take some water in the well. So I turned the crank to raise de water bucket, and i felt it was hard. And look what i found. A dead @SputnikFighter, hanged in my well. Life was to hard for him, he prefered suicide instead of suffer https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Having a ride with @Coldbestau, didn't remember that kubel was in fact a submarine HE DID IT ! THERE STILL HOPE !
Best: - Kowsko speach about keeping calm ect ruined by Quick Worst: - Too much PPSH all the time + lag, we could do nothing. Also those spawnkills, some prefere stay close to a rally and spawnkilling instead of destroy it I've never like Sammatus, yesterday you give me one more reason to hate it Funniest: - Most hated player: - @SturmFlim Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Need more people ! Where are our glorious 50 vs 50 where people couldn't join cause server was full? The deal was: the one who tb you and prozac the more wins a medal And we have a better one for the all campaign
D'ac, du coup est ce que tu veux qu'on te change d'équipe ?
Nop Even if money is not an issue, are you sure you need a 8700K ? As said above, an i5 8400 or a r5 2600(X) would be very great. In addition, if you "just" take a 1060 with it, you will see almost 0 differences with a less powerfull cpu than 8700K. 6 cores should be ok for long time now, personnaly i would go for a r5 2600. For 60hz it's perfect, as the 8400, but as both are at the same price and the amd one as more thread, i would go for 2600. Same for NMVe, is tthe invesment worth than a sata ssd for your utilisation?
De la bonne chaire a canon bien fraîche
Best: - Playing with french players ! More than 2 years that i'm waiting for this Worst: - Too much people talking in the same time x) Funniest: - Seeing an AT gun in front of our t21 with @zarbyLeFr while attacking niemela. Decided to run into it, killed on guy and then we fall in the water. When i get out, i was killed by the vehicule which falled on me, and then zarby was slackly killed while i was swimming Playing the last round in arty Most hated player: @HaLoAL :p Most loved/liked player:
Remember me a bit this one I heard it in a beautiful documentary about Voyager spacecrafts. Unfortunatly i never find it in english (french version : ) if you can find it watch it, it's very very good
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