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turbomursu last won the day on June 16 2024

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About turbomursu

  • Birthday 03/23/1876

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  1. Me and @Pr0z4c will volunteer for allied HQ
  2. ROUND OF 16 - 1st Leg Tuesday 15 February 2022 PSG Real Madrid | 1 - 3 | +0 points Sporting CP Man. City | 0 - 2 | +1 points Wednesday 16 February 2022 Inter Liverpool | 0 - 4 | +1 points Salzburg Bayern | 0 - 2 | +0 points Tuesday 22 February 2022 Villarreal Juventus | 0 - 1 | +0 points Chelsea LOSC | 1 - 0 | +1 points Wednesday 23 February 2022 Atlético Man. United | 2 - 2 | +1 points Benfica Ajax | 1 - 2 |+0 points
  3. "I kinda like the idea of national socialism" - @Tutvys He meant to say democratic socialism, but it's close enough....
  4. CMP.mp3 Squad comms from the Campaign #6 - Battle #1 - St. Marie-du-Mont - Operation Pitchfork with funky beat, Snoop Dogg mumble rapping and the choir of the 82nd.
  5. Camp #8, Operation Greif: -Let's take the victory picture at Castle -Let's all march out of the gate -Let's make a human pyramid against the castle wall -Let's make a human centipede around the castle
  6. Best: - Tight fights all around, the minesweepers' dance in the end. Satcheling few tanks is always nice. Just plain awesome battle again. Worst: - Terrible lag in the mid rounds. Funniest: - maybe this little happening in the village Most hated player: - @FadusTM, you were always in the way. Most loved/liked player: - @Otto, saved me from certain teabagging at inn. Best Battle Photo - "Hello Mr. Schneemann" Other: - Fixed an empty burning Sherman north of North and drove it to the flag assisting in capping it. Who leaves a perfectly good tank just standing around?
  7. Best: - Some nail biting rounds, full server, very good game overall and victory as the cherry on top. Also capping Merkstein alone. And the Parade. I love parades. Worst: - nothing. some minor mishaps, but would not call them worst Funniest: - Some funny moments every round. Killing @CptBocquier's Hezer and teabagging it. Also this: And a romantic moment with maybe @Pr0z4c in Merkstein Most hated player: - Maybe @Awisko. That damn Tiger was always camping me Most loved/liked player: - Our pilots. Awesome job! Best Battle Photo : "Can you give me a hand? And a pair of legs, maybe?" Other: -
  8. BIA weekend in Steam. nice discounts for ArmA and others https://store.steampowered.com/sale/BohemiaInteractive
  9. Such a great song. Too bad they made only 2 records.
  10. Best: Very good numbers throughout the campaign, hunting the tanks, almost everything. This was a good campaign. Thank you people! Worst: Not having enough time for strats and practices. Losing is never nice, even to a very good opponent. Funniest: Midsummer party with @Sir_Kowskoskey. Also making the song was quite fun. Even thought about rapping myself, but the TS clips sound better.... Oh, and bagging them tanks and AT guns took the whole hobby to a new level. Other: Thanks to @Ronid and Kowskey for doing most of the HQ duties, our squad leaders and our players. Also thanks the Axis HQ and Axis team for being a worthy opponent. If you were even a little bit less good, we would have won. Well done! One would think this is a sure hit. Well guess what, the train swerved. @Ombustman is practically dead meat. Well, no. He decides to drive forward. When teabagging is your second nature....
  11. turbomursu

    GTA V Online

    Can we get a crew together for GTA V Online? I'll create one if we have even a few people interested in joining. Just having fun and hanging out in TS occasionally. Post your Social Club name below if interested. My name is KingOksamo over there.
  12. Best: -sometimes intense action within the city Worst: -guard duty at hill Funniest: -TS chatter Most hated player: -none Most loved/liked player: -no one in particular. of course i love allied more than the filthy axis. Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ -Look boys, I'm diving! Other: -a lot of good things happend but we still lost. but it was a close fight actually, so just that little prod needed to push us over the edge
  13. youtube recommendations
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