Best: Even campaign decided at the last battle
Worst: Missing my last shot of my Ha-Go on the side of a flaming Stuart and getting destroyed by it. Luckily it was nuked 1 second after that
Funniest: Landing boat war at Bay ft. @CptBocquier, in the end we just destroyed each other landing boat ignoring each other.
Funniest 2: This was too fun not to post it: i was on Bay shooting with the mg on the landing boat, while trying to get close to the shore. Suddenly a destroyer appeared and opened fire, instead of hitting me, he nuke his own guys that were trying to reach me on foot.
Most hated player: @Bzdziuchanson had like a radar for my head.
Most loved/liked player: No bitching @Pr0z4c
Most loved/liked player 2: @HaLoAL nuking the shit with his Betty bomber.