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Posted (edited)

Best: Close combat in trenches

I think this map was a good tournament map, i think Halen and Mons are also nice tournament maps, but you must study these maps well before the match. But there are a lot Bf1918 maps which are more suitable for a tournament i think (lutte de honneur, la grande bataille, monte piana, ... ), these maps are like Langemarck with identical starting conditions for both teams.

You will see, on these maps there is nothing that has to be changed by a CMP-mapper (as on Langemarck i think)

There are nearly 100 Bf1918 maps i think, a good choice of 10 maps can generate a fair tournament.


Most loved/liked player: [KA1] who played on Entente-side



I am sorry about insultings by Hanos, some russians do not take such words that serious and just say it to others, we have such words in our teamspeak too sometimes ; )


Edited by Granate
  • Like 7
Posted (edited)

It was a good trench map, and a lot of fun! sometimes the advantage for a team is part of the game, and the battles fought ... but this map was well balanced ... both teams were in the same situation.

Amazing photo, I wanted to be there to celebrate! is being a magnificent campaign. sometimes even a problem arises, we are doing well and we are going to end it in the best possible way! having fun! With this campaign I'm feeling like a real soldier of the entente fighting in ww1! xD :salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute:

Edited by Born-1942
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Posted (edited)

Best: - DALIDA

Worst: -во время 7-го битвы я получил пинок с сервера.
причина пинка (часто ложился на землю).
я находился в небольшой воронке от взрыва в положении лежа вставал на колено производил выстрел и ложился на землю.
где тут нарушения правил?
с пинком с сервера я категорически не согласен.
складывается такое впечатление , что от осознания скорого проигрыша в компании вы просто не знаете как еще ослабить наш полк.


during the 7th battle I got a kick from the server.
cause of a kick (often lay on the ground).
I was in a small crater from an explosion in a prone position, got up on my knee, fired a shot and lay down on the ground.
where is the rule violation?
with a kick from the server, I strongly disagree.
one gets the impression that from realizing the imminent loss in the company you simply do not know how else to weaken our regiment.

Funniest: - застрял в текстурах камней пытался выбраться получил предупреждение за кроличии прыжки))) 4 раз проваливался под землю и сам себя убивал минометом

Most hated player: -- нет ненависти , злобы и расовых предрассудков

Most loved/liked player: - все

Best Battle Photo   я не делал фото


if you don't understand something, go here     https://translate.google.com/?hl=ru


Edited by HalcoR-=|RUS|=-
  • Like 1

Best: - BF1918 best battle of the campaign so far

Worst: -losing some close rounds and the teamkills

Funniest: -the close rounds

Most hated player: - me for not killing more

Most loved/liked player: - @eXHaLe @Pepinio @HochuDeutschmeister my best german frankfurt sausages ( no offense! you know me now, I m always joking) and of course my prefered omelettes @Druidix @CptBocquier @SputnikFighter . And I don't forget my cheesy hamburguer @Firecrafter and my gulasz @TomTom39. Was SO funny playing with you all guys really. Sorry for food names I 'm hungry (not drunk)

Hawk for doing admin job 

Best Battle Photo -

Other: -je soupe et j arrive

  • Like 2
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Best: - One of the best battle ! Entente guys were great, germans too !

Worst: - We could have played more and more rounds !

Funniest: - Taxi driving to the front line, also being the only one to understand the chauchat

Most hated player: - The guy i saw who passed by a german who then capped our backflag on the last round. He was nearly 10 meters away of a flag going white and didn't turned back. Please guys, watch your map...

Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG & @eXHaLe for taking some tasks to make us win some rounds, as using the 75mm or the mg bunker. Thanks too to @SputnikFighter for the lead

Other: - Had so much fun, can't wait until next battle

  • Like 5
On 5/12/2019 at 2:15 PM, HalcoR-=|RUS|=- said:

Best: - DALIDA

Worst: -во время 7-го битвы я получил пинок с сервера.
причина пинка (часто ложился на землю).
я находился в небольшой воронке от взрыва в положении лежа вставал на колено производил выстрел и ложился на землю.
где тут нарушения правил?
с пинком с сервера я категорически не согласен.
складывается такое впечатление , что от осознания скорого проигрыша в компании вы просто не знаете как еще ослабить наш полк.


during the 7th battle I got a kick from the server.
cause of a kick (often lay on the ground).
I was in a small crater from an explosion in a prone position, got up on my knee, fired a shot and lay down on the ground.
where is the rule violation?
with a kick from the server, I strongly disagree.
one gets the impression that from realizing the imminent loss in the company you simply do not know how else to weaken our regiment.

Funniest: - застрял в текстурах камней пытался выбраться получил предупреждение за кроличии прыжки))) 4 раз проваливался под землю и сам себя убивал минометом

Most hated player: -- нет ненависти , злобы и расовых предрассудков

Most loved/liked player: - все

Best Battle Photo   я не делал фото


if you don't understand something, go here     https://translate.google.com/?hl=ru


Yes, i just checked the logs again, that was a mistake, i think - Sorry about that. I received a report. But it was StephanMih, not you.
Next time, i will purely oversee the battle as admin, and wont count as active player during battle. Just purely stick to admin duty. It's simply too stressful to take care and play at the same time with so many violations going on on so many different spots.

Also, please, only write in english in the common area. Foreign Language is only allowed in the Language Forums and Language Regiment Forums of the campaigns. Here, you have the obligation to provide a translation and not let us translate your text if we want to understand it.

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Posted (edited)

Best: : Great late 1914 battle with intense trench fighting. The rounds were very closed, this is the greatest battle of the campaign so far  

Worst: I wanted that the fight never stop ! loosing 2 very closed  rounds even if the french managed to dominate the battlefield all along. What a shame....

Funniest: watching some red pants soldiers and spiked helmets germans flying everywhere  

Most hated player:  DALIDA, this is RoboCop himself

Most loved/liked player: @CptBocquier for making a good use of the chauchat by defending hard the right flank on our first flag, @RayderPSG for using bunker MG with efficiency @eXHaLe for his deadly pricise 75 mm gun shots @Pepinio for his tenacity in combat. 

Best Battle Photo -

Other: Red pants again, VIVE LA FRANCE !

Edited by SputnikFighter
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  • Haha 1

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