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HalcoR-=|RUS|=- last won the day on October 4 2018

HalcoR-=|RUS|=- had the most liked content!


About HalcoR-=|RUS|=-

  • Birthday 10/23/1986

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HalcoR-=|RUS|=-'s Achievements


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HalcoR-=|RUS|=-'s Awards

CMP FH2 #6: Luftwaffe Pilot 1st Class Badge

Awarded , by turbomursu

Awarded for excellent use of Axis air assets during campaign #6. @HalcoR-=|RUS|=- killed more than 100 enemies using airplanes

CMP FH2 #6: Luftwaffe Pilot 1st Class Badge

Awarded , by turbomursu

Awarded for excellent use of Axis air assets during campaign #6. @HalcoR-=|RUS|=- killed more than 100 enemies using airplanes

CMP FH2 #6: Luftwaffe Pilot 1st Class Badge

Awarded , by turbomursu

Awarded for excellent use of Axis air assets during campaign #6. @HalcoR-=|RUS|=- killed more than 100 enemies using airplanes

CMP FH2 #6: Luftwaffe Pilot 2nd Class Badge

Awarded , by AdmiralBG

No reason provided.

CMP FH2 #6: Luftwaffe Pilot 2nd Class Badge

Awarded , by AdmiralBG
No reason provided.

CMP FH2 #6: Luftwaffe Pilot 2nd Class Badge

Awarded , by AdmiralBG
No reason provided.

CMP FH2 #6: Bronze Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by radiosmersh

×За посещение 3 битв

CMP FH2 #6: Bronze Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by radiosmersh

×За посещение 3 битв

CMP FH2 #6: Bronze Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by radiosmersh

×За посещение 3 битв

CMP FH2 #6: Luftwaffe Service Clasp

Awarded , by kutuzovrusss

За безупречное пилотирование, обеспечившее нашим военно-воздушным силам тотальное превосходство на поле боя

CMP FH2 #6: Luftwaffe Service Clasp

Awarded , by kutuzovrusss

За безупречное пилотирование, обеспечившее нашим военно-воздушным силам тотальное превосходство на поле боя

CMP FH2 #6: Luftwaffe Service Clasp

Awarded , by kutuzovrusss

За безупречное пилотирование, обеспечившее нашим военно-воздушным силам тотальное превосходство на поле боя

CMP FH2 #5: Military Cross

Awarded , by GeoPat

For gallantry as infantry and pilot.

CMP FH2 #5: Military Cross

Awarded , by GeoPat

For gallantry as infantry and pilot.

CMP FH2 #5: Military Cross

Awarded , by GeoPat

For gallantry as infantry and pilot.

CMP FH2 #5: Coronation Medal

Awarded , by GeoPat

For service in helping to coordinate the division to produce a victory at Faid Pass that gave hope in our hour of darkness.

Specifically, working together in our communications to out maneuver the enemy.

CMP FH2 #5: Coronation Medal

Awarded , by GeoPat

For service in helping to coordinate the division to produce a victory at Faid Pass that gave hope in our hour of darkness.

Specifically, working together in our communications to out maneuver the enemy.

CMP FH2 #5: Coronation Medal

Awarded , by GeoPat

For service in helping to coordinate the division to produce a victory at Faid Pass that gave hope in our hour of darkness.

Specifically, working together in our communications to out maneuver the enemy.

CMP BF1918 #1: Bavarian Medal For Bravery Silver

Awarded , by Granate

русские вперед!

CMP BF1918 #1: Bavarian Medal For Bravery Silver

Awarded , by Granate

русские вперед!

CMP BF1918 #1: Bavarian Medal For Bravery Silver

Awarded , by Granate

русские вперед!

CMP BF1918 #1: Bavarian Medal For Bravery Gold

Awarded , by Granate

за отличное выступление в субботу

CMP BF1918 #1: Bavarian Medal For Bravery Gold

Awarded , by Granate

за отличное выступление в субботу

CMP BF1918 #1: Bavarian Medal For Bravery Gold

Awarded , by Granate

за отличное выступление в субботу

CMP BF1918 #1: The War Merit Cross

Awarded , by Granate

For throwing the french out of their trenches in Langemarck!

CMP BF1918 #1: The War Merit Cross

Awarded , by Granate

For throwing the french out of their trenches in Langemarck!

CMP BF1918 #1: The War Merit Cross

Awarded , by Granate

For throwing the french out of their trenches in Langemarck!

CMP FH2 #4: Imperial Guards Presentation to the Emperor Badge

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded by HQ to all officers and soldiers who took part in Victory over the allies, securing the Nanjo.

CMP FH2 #4: Imperial Guards Presentation to the Emperor Badge

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded by HQ to all officers and soldiers who took part in Victory over the allies, securing the Nanjo.

CMP FH2 #4: Imperial Guards Presentation to the Emperor Badge

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded by HQ to all officers and soldiers who took part in Victory over the allies, securing the Nanjo.

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