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Everything posted by GeoPat

  1. http://www.veoh.com/watch/v20695884nRyYKTCw just sayin... If you are under 40y old and can't gleam the meaning with all the nuance and subtlety: Best: - Intense fight Worst: - numbers. What can we do? We really need 40 v. 40 going forward. Do something someone!!! Funniest: - P-Fausting tanks at Kuukoosearnakafukeenzaaranabourgenvilla Most hated player: - AchtungOFC. Everytime I killed you an angel got it's wings. So two angels now have wings. Most loved/liked player: - Knockwurst. From arty to SL, saving the day all the way. Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Get these numbers up, seriously. (I go to Iceland in two weeks. My first European country(does that count?))
  2. https://media2.giphy.com/media/WRk4i3SvCRoEo/giphy.gif
  3. I will report him/her to the Committee only if I get to physically spank him/her. Otherwise you are just stirring more public shit than I was 3 days ago. The point is: It needs to be fixed on the map not in the rules.
  4. We were talking about camping spawnpoints. I won't name names. The guilty know their crimes.
  5. The spawnpoints were from the stock map, I guess. They were in little groups. The map team will try to fix that in the future. I guess rules don't work when even admins love to do it
  6. Best: - Finally a clear victory Worst: - Axis get your numbers up Funniest: - Chasing Actungs DT carrier with mine and winning the game of chicken Most hated player: - Anyone who survived my hail of 71 bullets. Most loved/liked player: - Anyone who gave us a T20 Best Battle Photo - My Glorious Troops! https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Things are getting more balanced. Now we just need more numbers.
  7. Best: - Decent numbers, intense fight. I was worried about the pagan holiday. Worst: - Being knocked offline by bad weather. Funniest: - Being acting General Most hated player: - Finnish Sturmflim Most loved/liked player: - Russian Sturmflim Best Battle Photo - "Celebration" pic https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Let's keep up the numbers and intensity!
  8. I seem to remember some flashes when I was driving the universal carrier. I thought it was just me.
  9. We'll be in Teamspeak and on CMP #2 server. Come get some Eastern Front action!
  10. i wouldn't worry about it until the next map.
  11. The latest version of the map was not in the updater. Someone should have given you the download link. If you did use the link and installed it directly but then ran the updater, you over-wrote it with the old version. Maybe we will be more organized next time.
  12. I thing we have a couple of versions of Coral Sea laying about. It would be good to figure out how to sink the carrier.
  13. I think I've played 2 hours. I can no longer tell what is BF2 and what is PR original when I play PR. Someone should tell all those people about FH2 and PR.
  14. I think the victory/division pic round was included. That's when I made a kill with P47. Papillon should get rid of the last round and do it again, if he has time. It would also be nice if some of the Nulls got clarified, M2Carbine, M3A4 calliope, etc.
  15. I played BF42 and most of it's mods(pirates!), and BFVietnam. I bought BF2 just to get FH2. I doubt I played more than a couple of hours of vanilla BF2. I haven't bothered with any of the others. I got a copy of Bad Company 2 sitting here, I never got past setting up an account. The point is Battlefield started sucking immediately after BFVietnam. Since it stopped being mod-able after BF2, there is really no point IMO.
  16. Is that a working TS overlay? @WOLFXL Please share.
  17. Yeah they meant MG34. Maybe you guys should allow the Russians to have MGs too and dont just attack Kowsk and Prozac with them.
  18. GeoPat

    Arma III

    I don't know if anyone is interested or it conflicts with your campaign, but: http://www.bfewaw.com/content.php?r=999-Iron-Front-Event-ARMA-3-mod-mission-BeCTI-by-Benny There is an event 11/11
  19. Best: good overall numbers and good tough infantry fight. Worst: low allied numbers and too many obstacles in the city Funniest: Emptying my thompson at a guy in a small room and still having to finish him with my knife. Thanks ping difference! Most hated player: anyone with a P' faust. Most loved/liked player: All the players that took a turn on the Allied side. Other: Hopefully we will get the teams sorted out and have good 40 v. 40 battles for the rest of the campaign.
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