536 -
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Everything posted by Smashmachine
Must watch...
Vengo a decir que, La última campaña ha hecho que haya un salto tanto cuantitativo como cualitativo, tanto es así que como yo no juego en ranked (o muy rara vez lo hago), encontré ciertas situaciones inexplicables con las que no me había encontrado antes. Quizás teniendo más bagaje en el ranked, hubiera pensado que algún tipo es bueno "a secas"(...no chitero). Pero bueno, olvidado está ya. Dicen que No hay mal que por bien no venga. Que me viera forzado por las circunstancias a rendir con otros kits/roles, ha hecho que sienta una mejora al respecto. Desde que fui SL en un tramo de una campañan anterior, en las siguientes, siempre me he debatido entre ser tanquista u optar a SL. Me siento cómodo (por lo general) en CC, ya que así me hago una idea de como rinden otros regimientos y como siento que se decanta la batalla. Pero ser tanquista no es compatible con SL, así que era un imposible. Ahora mismo, no tengo como prioridad ser tanquista. Dicho esto, quiero optar a SL, u oficial ayudando al SL. Vamos a rusos, no??...
Thanks for sharing. Believe it or not, this can inspire others. This is place where nobody is going to be judged. Sometimes you only want to be listened("read" :D). That's all. My girlfriend's family say "compartir és estimar" (it's catalan). It means, "Sharing is caring". This not only implies caring for ohters, but self-caring too.
Best: As @caeno says, the map wasn't as traumatic as on the Scrim. I performed really well with the Sherman. Worst: Trying to do some damage to a Tiger when we found each other face to face. I shot but I knew I was lost Funniest: When I killed @-Bombarik- who was spotting me hiding in the forest. And @-Bombarik- appeared a couple of times more in a short period of time between the bushes. I was like: "How many Bombarik(s) are there?!?!, Wtf? xD". Then I realised there was an enemy RP near there... Most hated player: No hated player this time. Urge to kill gooooneee... Most loved/liked player: Everyone. Nice battle. Best Battle Photo - "Johnny, la gente está muy loca!" (loca picture) @johnnymzq taking care of us... the prisoner @Kalashnekov wanted to blow all us up while we wanted to take a picture.
Best: Being able to get a Sherman76 and deal with a "sandwich pressure" of a Jagdpanther and Hetzer. Could kill them both. Worst: Crashing into the trees while you drive through the forest and then being spotted... Funniest: The enemy was heavily attacking south and I got hurt, but healed myself. At the same time I saw @Nightwing and told him: "Dude, i'm not running because i'm hurt"(I was like going slow-mo). He left behind his duty and tried to come and save me. He turned around and stepped in a "glitchy" hole... His destiny was sealed, to die in that hole... But suddenly @SpetsBomb saw the situation and went to rescue Nightwing. SpetsBomb went in and crouch so Nightwing could jump on him and then jump out the hole. What a band of brothers... It's a saving private ryan story... Nightwing gave his life for rescueing me, and SpetsBomb did the same for Nightwing... Well, the truth is that SpetsBomb committed suicide with an own grenade... Most hated player: People using Panzerschreck and killing my tanks.... Most loved/liked player: The guys of the saving private ryan story...
I'm in too. Didn't see the post until now!
Best: - Killing an enemy plane with the MG42. @Papillon Worst: - Firefly Funniest: - Running over @gerul (I think it was him) going backwards with the Panzer IV and killing him by chance. Most hated player: - Firefly, whoever took it. Most loved/liked player: - @DarthTemoc for repairing my PanzerIV and @Nightwing for enjoying the ride on my PanzerIV. Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ "Here comes the süjük cavalry!" Other: -
"Total war: Shogun 2" and "PAC-MAN™ CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2" Free on steam and "for the king" FREE on EPIC GAMES launcher. Only this week I think. For the king only 'till 30th April