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Everything posted by Smashmachine

  1. Assetto Corsa -50% on Steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/244210/ Saints Row 2, free for a limited time on Steam. (And discounts on all the franchise). Arma franchise, discounts on Steam.
  2. Yo depende del dia de entreno. A lo mejor la temporada que viene no tengo entreno los viernes. De momento llegaré a las partidas como hasta ahora. Me conectaré a media partida.
  3. @RayderPSG on the storm
  4. 2IG|18 Smashmachine (That's the correct one) 18th Smashmachine 18th [2IG]PvtSmashmachi And I can't find another username I used similar to the other usernames. Maybe you already started the job, because I told you weeks ago on the other community. (4 usernames in total) Thank you @Papillon
  5. Daimler Mk.I https://www.google.es/search?q=daimler+mk1&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&imgil=QnHhPx1R49dcyM%3A%3B_tvw7BDs9RjqwM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fmoderndrawings.jexiste.be%252FWW2Drawings%252FFiles%252F1-Vehicles%252FAllies%252F3-UK%252F09-ArmoredCars%252FDaimler%252FDaimler-Mk1.htm&source=iu&pf=m&fir=QnHhPx1R49dcyM%3A%2C_tvw7BDs9RjqwM%2C_&usg=__TvgNgByHLQ9zF0mwglo0cVFx_EQ%3D&biw=1366&bih=696&ved=0ahUKEwit7tXv_pvTAhXBXhQKHbe7CQAQyjcINQ&ei=kZTsWO3hD8G9Ubf3Jg#imgrc=QnHhPx1R49dcyM: Chevy 30CWT https://www.google.es/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjSxK--_5vTAhXFChoKHUKKDAUQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wardrawings.be%2FWW2%2FFiles%2F1-Vehicles%2FAllies%2F3-UK%2F10-LightVehicles%2FLRDG%2FChevyWB-30cwt.htm&bvm=bv.152180690,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNF10ElUtVZ1oPAxOUHSxibnr5vVRg&ust=1491986087499240 GMC https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/GMC_CCKW This has happened to me too, as I used several usernames at the beginning of the campaign. I've used 4 different usernames You only have few minutes for editing your replies. After those minutes, you can't.
  6. Excellent job @Papillon I'm the Te-Ke Master!!!
  7. Parece que Himmler dice: "Que os den!" Y se da la vuelta.
  8. Parece que Himmler dice: "Que os den!" Y se da la vuelta.
  9. I want my "Te-ke kills" medal, hahahaha
  10. Correcto, justicia en forma de plomo.
  11. Aquí Smashmachine, que el honor nos una en la batalla, y que repartamos justicia entre nuestros enemigos. Currahee!!!
  12. Client: Steam / Origin / Blizzard / PS4 ID: melon_1986 / Smashmachine1986 / Smashmachine#2837 / Smashmachine Steam ID Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Smashmachine/ Games I have: Steam: Age of Empires, Company of Heroes, L4D2, RUSE, MOW, Zombie Army(Sniper Elite Zombie mode), and more... Origin: Bf1942, Star Wars Battlefront 2. Blizzard: Diablo 2 and 3, Overwatch. PS4: FIFA, Star Wars Battlefront, Rocket League, Helldivers, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Alienation, Need for Speed, Project Cars, GTA V, Bf4, RDR2, WWZ, and more free games... I do have a lot of games but as the majority of them are CO-OP Games and I don't find people to play with, I rarely play them. I do social gaming, I don't like to play alone or against the CPU. If someone wants to play to one of those games, let me know!
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