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Everything posted by Smashmachine

  1. Civilization III: Complete FREE. Only 1 hour 19 hours left.... https://www.humblebundle.com/store/sid-meiers-civilization-iii-complete
  2. Hi! Im from the spanish regiment. I have that game. You can open a post in GAMES so everybody can see it. ??
  3. Take a look at this video. I've been playing for a while. As I haven't seen the option to create a private server for practising by myself, i've joined a public one. Fortunately, people try to cooperate. COMMUNICATION is VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT. When you start, you have only one pistol(some ammo) and a hammer. If you want a rifle, or a grenade, ammo, etc. you need to go to the town hall to see if a teammate has created the object you want. Everything needs to be crafted and created. So it's important to know how to do/craft things(Know how). Crafters and Support players are essentials. They will be the ones who create and take supplies to the frontline. Without them, the frontline is lost. So it is needed to create a "supply line", from the beggining(crafting resources and creating objects) to the final step(to take needed supplies to the front). Once you are equipped (pistol, rifle, grenade, medical kit and some ammo), you can go to the frontline. If you load you bag/inventory with lots of things, you will run less or you won't be able to run and you will walk. Try not load your bag too much. Only necessary things. Other players needed, Builders. To build defenses. Every captured area/point/flag or the town hall itself, needs to be protected. You can build walls to surround the zone. you can also build foxholes, machinegun nests, etc. Vehicles can be built by everyone. You only need the materials and go to the indicated building for doing this. So a team or regiment can be formed of: Crafters, Suppliers, Builders/Engineers, Soldiers. Soldiers: What else... You know what to do. Like we do on fridays Gameplay: Although player's view is from top camera("from the sky"), you cannot see everything. I mean, you will be able to see things depending on your player's position. You cannot see through a wall, for example. When moving and shooting, nothing to say. Easy. Like other games we play. Right click to aim (You will see a white line to help you aimming. If it gets red, it means you cannot aim to that position). Left click = shot. You can run(there's stamina. so you can't run for ever), crouch and prone. That's all for now.
  4. @Quicksilver I think i'm going to buy it. 15€ it's ok. I have seen some gameplays and it looks really cool.
  5. Day of Infamy , Free this weekend, and -50% on Steam until 16th October. http://store.steampowered.com/app/447820/Day_of_Infamy/
  6. Foxhole, -25% on Steam until 19th October. http://store.steampowered.com/app/505460/Foxhole/ Here's a post about the game by @Quicksilver
  7. @Quicksilver Do you have it?. It seems interesting... By the way, is -25% less on Steam... until 19th October. Buy it?
  8. I have SNES! Haha.
  9. If you have other consoles, share it. You might find players who have it.
  10. In order to know what games can be played in the comunity, What platform do you have?. Thank you for answering.
  11. @DanielNL I also have COH 2
  12. Company of heroes, Man of war, AOE 1 and 2, Ruse, etc
  13. Do I have to buy the game? Or is there another way?
  14. I have it. Aoe 1 and 2. Haha
  15. @Sir_Kowskoskey add me on PS4. "Smashmachine"
  16. Come on! All for the community!!!
  17. Yeeess!!!! Count on me!!! We can start talking about creating a team. I'm in 100%!!!
  18. Feliz cumple @Wualy . Casi casi somos del mismo día!! jaja
  19. End laziness... Everything's possible!!! (English, Spanish, and Arab subtitles.)
  20. "Never the victim"
  21. There are subtitles. Search for your language
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