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Blander last won the day on April 7 2023

Blander had the most liked content!


About Blander

  • Birthday 08/16/1990

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Private (104/183)



  1. I can do HQ or regiment officer though I can't commit to trainings.
  2. You often make me smile with your YouTube thumbnails :lol: Keep it up, your channel is growing. Greetings.

    1. Blander


      Hi Pepinio! I am not very proud of my gameplay but I am very proud of my thumbnails haha. See you on the battlefield soon!

  3. Captain Blander, I may be absent from training this week, I just gotta find out how big of a work day I'm looking at, if it's a ten hour day I can't start my day at 4am, I'll let you know asap, sir.

  4. Thank you!
  5. https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpartialVainButterflyJebaited https://clips.twitch.tv/BitterBusySandpiperUWot
  6. Share your opinions about the battle. Replies are ok but no flaming, keep it clean! Copy and paste below: Best: - Worst: - Funniest: - Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
  7. Best: - Still full server from start to end of the battle! - Fun map! I had a blast - The one round I flew the bomber I saw 3 enemy tanks very close together. I managed to kill 2 of them in one bombing run. Worst: - a couple of CTD but none in mid-battle Funniest: - @turbomursu sneaked behind me and tried to knife me but I turned around and shot him and then teabagged him - @Tore bombing the enemy bomber mid-air - Shooting down the Wellington with a stolen .50 cal Most hated player: - Nobody Most loved/liked player: - Everybody Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
  8. HE rounds of both 88 and 75 mm tanks kill bombers in 1 shot
  9. Los nombres de las banderas en mi opinion no deberian cambiarse, incluso nombres genericos, para poder coordinar con otros jugadores que tienen el juego en ingles. No hay tiempo para ponerse a adivinar o traducir en una partida.
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