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Everything posted by Yehiel

  1. ok, good news is i can definitely keep the cpu/motherboard. bad news is the low-tdp 750ti won't handle post scriptum (and other future games) so that a 1060 is indeed the next guess, meaning 300 bucks atm, maybe a little less with good timing. (and what is going on with those wavering prices?!) so no PS for now. maybe i'll join you in a few months/years.
  2. i was so excited about this game to be released somewhen soon! but now i'm really wondering if this would be fun at all considering the hardware requirements. sadly i had to find out there's at least (!) one bottleneck with my system: the graphics card. but also my i5, the only 8GB of ram and a normal (slow) hardrive quite scares me that on a populated server i'd never be able to run it with some playable frames per second (20+ at least /30+ to have fun), even in low settings (which you'd never plan to set when buying a new game). so my specs are: i5 4670 CPU at 3.4GHz MSI GTX 750 Ti 8 GB RAM (9) 1600MHz what do you think, is there a chance PS runs 'okay' with a 750 Ti or, if i'd get a more powerful graphics card, will my CPU at least be able to handle it somewhat smoothly? i'm planning to get another cpu-fan soon, still having the standard one on it and it's getting really hot/noisy by the time. getting another RAM stick wouldn't be a problem. but if the CPU is a real second bottleneck i'd need a new motherboard and all ... so the 'dream' of playing PS would be over. it's a pity time goes by so fast and modern games are often barely playable with midrange-setups only few years old. thanks in advance in case somebody will have an idea / answer to this!
  3. Yehiel

    Arma III

  4. could the dream of playing a game like Forgotten Hope 2 with a modern engine come true? we'll see!
  5. Best: 8[25]/Inf squadmates Worst: scoped HE shells and MG fire / no cover at all Funniest: nothing. Other: sadly again a battle that wasn't fun to play.
  6. hmm ... seems like my paypal account needs some money. - definitely getting harder to resist.
  7. Yehiel

    Arma III

  8. Best: it's over. Worst: my performance + the map itself. Funniest: axis won. Most hated player: Matsku. Most loved/liked player: our HQ.
  9. okay then, i'm for it.
  10. don't wanna exclude any non-german-speaking people, generally the 'music video' i find worth watching. lyrics are figurative anyway. 'ich verblühe' translates to 'i am withering / fading'
  11. Yehiel

    Arma III

  12. Best: getting in late but straight into action Worst: aim? Funniest: * i miss him, he looks around - misses me, me wanting 'having a chance' mode BUT fp 8-1 * ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Most loved/liked player: everyone
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