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Ombustman last won the day on January 11 2022

Ombustman had the most liked content!


About Ombustman

  • Birthday 06/18/1997

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Member (1/183)



  1. Best: - Capturing 5 enemy jeeps Worst: - Not being able to capture all 6 Funniest: - Jeeps Best Battle Photo - Captured enemy jeeps
  2. Best: - Winning Worst: - Dolphin divers coupled with shitty hit detection being bullet sponges, G41 with 20 second reload, S-mines and fps drops Funniest: - I was bagging kowskey and then I get killed and get bagged by bocqiuer, admiral kills bocqiuer and bags him before someone kills him too Most hated player: - People who use S-mines, artillery and dolphin divers Most loved/liked player: - Vince Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Pineapple pizza
  3. Funniest: 2 guys getting run over by a jeep next to me Best Battle Photo - Capping municipali in 10 seconds with 6 guys in a single room. Other: -
  4. EIG
  5. don't mind the stupid thumbnail lol
  6. Best: - Shotgun gang Worst: - puma vs sherman Funniest: - 1- @GeoPat crashing into my puma at airfield and I got a jumpscare. 2- Driving over @Sir_Kowskoskey's AT mine with AT gun 3- Driving into @AdmiralBG's bf109 with pzIV at the beginning of the round Most hated player: - Sherman Most loved/liked player: - 288
  7. Insurgency: Sandstorm free weekend from June 20th to June 24th https://steamcommunity.com/games/581320/announcements/detail/1603759333268193323 https://store.steampowered.com/app/581320/Insurgency_Sandstorm/
  8. Best: - Nice, action packed map. Most fun in the last 2 campaigns. Worst: - Bad spawn points and spammer Funniest: - Was about to kill a bren carrier and the round ended Most hated player: - Marmon Most loved/liked player: - 288
  9. Best: - no bamboos Worst: - sand Funniest: - amphibious sahairana and truck Most hated player: - allied planes Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1928-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - @Pepinio y u hate me? :C
  10. 6 genres in one music, amazing : D in order 1-Instrumental 2-Celtic 3-Rock 4-Techno 5-Epic Vocal 6-Metal
  11. You can say whatever you want about the game, but the soundtrack is awesome : D
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