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FH2 Campaign #15: Battle 7 - La Hardt- Best/Worst/Funniest/Battle Photo Medal

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Best: -
La hardt atmosphere. Great map! 
The skins made by @CptBocquier

Worst: -
Axis numbers...

Funniest: -
@DonbasCossack and me with the B1 against that Somua tank. I still regret not recording that . We spent half an hour shooting at each other until we finally got  it
also B1 stuff with @lemminglemon...spending 5 minutes to get to the frontline and get killed...sorry! 

bayonet time!



Most hated player: -
no one

Most loved/liked player: -
everyone who joined, but special thanks to @CptBocquier for the toug job and for having to deal with numbers...Also to the admins @Hawk @Sir_Kowskoskey @RAnDOOm whose work is often not enough appreciated! 
and the volunteers!

Best Battle Photo - turns out B1 is the best to take pics, nothing disturbs your screen hha

@DyNoMyTe give them hell! 


Other: -


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Funniest:  After we lost our best and most important player after false accusations, I didn't care at all!

Other:  Only when the Spanish regiment is divided into two squads of equal strength and assigned accordingly on both sides will there be exciting campaigns again.


and hey: Even if I can no longer send you a message I wish you all the best for your Birthday, my dear Rayder. Let yourself be celebrated :drinkingcheers:

Edited by eXHaLe
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