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FH2 Campaign #15: Battle 4 - Foy - Best/Worst/Funniest/Battle Photo Medal

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Best: - Many hours of hard work paid off.

Worst: - Knifed by @Sir_Kowskoskey who stole my sniper rifle

Most hated player: - my ping

Most loved/liked player: - @CptBocquier Always the voice of level headedness on CC.  A spectacular sneak on Noville last round.  Amazing.

Best Battle Photo - Russian ,American & Iranian peacefully coexisting in gaming.  ✌️🇷🇺🇺🇸🇮🇷✌️


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Best: - The map. Brilliant stuff by @Watchtower. Map was dynamic while being big, it had flags everywhere , frontal, backflags, middle...my perfect kind of map. Also the atmosphere. Would love to see this in an event. 

Worst: - playing without him around

Most hated player: -

Most loved/liked player: - the newbies @Camavxz @ThankGod @baffone with excellent behaviour . @Superkalasnikov for showing up on CC 
@BerserK berski was back! 

Best Battle Photo - 

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Best: - Map

Worst: - Not as close battle as last week

Funniest: - I was last alive of our attack on Foy and the admin squad started chasing me around - aftermath in the picture

Most loved/liked player: - Those who got to feel my beloved bags on their faces most in the battle ❤️ 

Best Battle Photo - "Helpless Allied soldier suffering from a gangbang somewhere in a barn near Foy"

Other: - Two flies with one stone


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Worst: - we lost and waiting to join the battle.

Funniest: - That there was a lot of tea bagging that evening and there was a gangbang almost every time. :) 

Most hated player: - no one, even if I was criticized that evening.

Most loved/liked player: - everybody

Best Battle Photo -







On 4/27/2024 at 1:33 AM, Watchtower said:

Best Battle Photo - Russian ,American & Iranian peacefully coexisting in gaming.  ✌️🇷🇺🇺🇸🇮🇷✌️


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