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Watchtower last won the day on April 27

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  • Country
    United States of America

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Watchtower's Achievements


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Watchtower's Awards

CMP FH2 #12: Silver Star

Awarded , by Zabstone

Awarded to Gunnery Sergeant Watchtower for his valiant actions and being an example of what a combat leaders is all about, cool, calculated, organized and effective. His tactics won as many battles across the Pacific Theater


CMP FH2 #12: Silver Star

Awarded , by Zabstone

Awarded to Gunnery Sergeant Watchtower for his valiant actions and being an example of what a combat leaders is all about, cool, calculated, organized and effective. His tactics won as many battles across the Pacific Theater


CMP FH2 #12: Silver Star

Awarded , by Zabstone

Awarded to Gunnery Sergeant Watchtower for his valiant actions and being an example of what a combat leaders is all about, cool, calculated, organized and effective. His tactics won as many battles across the Pacific Theater


CMP FH2 #12: Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal

Awarded , by Zabstone

Awarded to Gunnery Sergeant Watchtower for his utter dedication and constant effort to organize International raiding squad as an effective force both in defensive and offensive operations across several battles on Pacific theater.


CMP FH2 #12: Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal

Awarded , by Zabstone

Awarded to Gunnery Sergeant Watchtower for his utter dedication and constant effort to organize International raiding squad as an effective force both in defensive and offensive operations across several battles on Pacific theater.


CMP FH2 #12: Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal

Awarded , by Zabstone

Awarded to Gunnery Sergeant Watchtower for his utter dedication and constant effort to organize International raiding squad as an effective force both in defensive and offensive operations across several battles on Pacific theater.


CMP FH2 #12: Navy Distinguished Service Cross

Awarded , by Zabstone

Awarded to Gunnery Sergeant Watchtower for his utter dedication and constant effort to organize International raiding squad as an effective force both in defensive and offensive operations across all battles on Pacific theater. Being a trustworthy NCO, outstanding tactician and strategist, who helped HQ significantly in times of doubt.


CMP FH2 #12: Navy Distinguished Service Cross

Awarded , by Zabstone

Awarded to Gunnery Sergeant Watchtower for his utter dedication and constant effort to organize International raiding squad as an effective force both in defensive and offensive operations across all battles on Pacific theater. Being a trustworthy NCO, outstanding tactician and strategist, who helped HQ significantly in times of doubt.


CMP FH2 #12: Navy Distinguished Service Cross

Awarded , by Zabstone

Awarded to Gunnery Sergeant Watchtower for his utter dedication and constant effort to organize International raiding squad as an effective force both in defensive and offensive operations across all battles on Pacific theater. Being a trustworthy NCO, outstanding tactician and strategist, who helped HQ significantly in times of doubt.


CMP FH2 #12: Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal

Awarded , by Blander

Awarded for good performance as infantryman in the battle of Sittang Bridge.

CMP FH2 #12: Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal

Awarded , by Blander

Awarded for good performance as infantryman in the battle of Sittang Bridge.

CMP FH2 #12: Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal

Awarded , by Blander

Awarded for good performance as infantryman in the battle of Sittang Bridge.

CMP FH2 #12: Navy and Marine Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Blander

Awarded for good leadership of the second international squad.

CMP FH2 #12: Navy and Marine Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Blander

Awarded for good leadership of the second international squad.

CMP FH2 #12: Navy and Marine Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Blander

Awarded for good leadership of the second international squad.

CMP FH2 #4: Imperial Guards Presentation to the Emperor Badge

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded by HQ to all officers and soldiers who took part in Victory over the allies, securing the Nanjo.

CMP FH2 #4: Imperial Guards Presentation to the Emperor Badge

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded by HQ to all officers and soldiers who took part in Victory over the allies, securing the Nanjo.

CMP FH2 #4: Imperial Guards Presentation to the Emperor Badge

Awarded , by SturmFlim

Awarded by HQ to all officers and soldiers who took part in Victory over the allies, securing the Nanjo.

CMP FH2 #4: Shin Gunto

Awarded , by SturmFlim

For giving the whole Imperial Guards Division the change to win one round in Peleliu with your landing crafts

CMP FH2 #4: Shin Gunto

Awarded , by SturmFlim

For giving the whole Imperial Guards Division the change to win one round in Peleliu with your landing crafts

CMP FH2 #4: Shin Gunto

Awarded , by SturmFlim

For giving the whole Imperial Guards Division the change to win one round in Peleliu with your landing crafts

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 3rd

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded by Rentai Command for participating in 3 Battles.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 3rd

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded by Rentai Command for participating in 3 Battles.

CMP FH2 #4: Military Medal of Honor 3rd

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded by Rentai Command for participating in 3 Battles.

CMP FH2 #3: Order of Alexander Nevsky

Awarded , by GeoPat

For excellent squad-leading.

CMP FH2 #3: Order of Alexander Nevsky

Awarded , by GeoPat

For excellent squad-leading.

CMP FH2 #3: Order of Alexander Nevsky

Awarded , by GeoPat

For excellent squad-leading.

CMP FH2 #3: Glory 1st Class

Awarded , by Pr0z4c

Awarded for attending at least 9 battles

CMP FH2 #3: Glory 1st Class

Awarded , by Pr0z4c

Awarded for attending at least 9 battles

CMP FH2 #3: Glory 1st Class

Awarded , by Pr0z4c

Awarded for attending at least 9 battles

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